St Cecilia's News
January 2021
The Spring Term
Just as school life was returning to normality and the children were settling back in, we find ourselves in another national lockdown and the resumption of learning from home. it's certainly a challenging time for all of us.
It has been a frantic few days as we changed plans to make remote learning and school based childcare available for Monday, it was a bit of a shock for all of us after such a quiet Christmas! I do hope that you and the family are well. We can certainly see that there are more infections locally, thank you to all those families who have contacted us about your battle with the virus, I hope that you are recovering well. Three members of staff contracted the virus towards the end of the Christmas holiday and others are shielding, it is most certainly a much more severe situation that the first lockdown.
We have a large number of children in school and there is a considerable demand for the childcare service. We will provide childcare if it is a last resort, please bear that in mind when requesting places, with the virus at such a high level in Sutton, one of the highest areas of infection in London, your child is much safer at home.
It is unclear on how this new variant of the virus is spreading through younger people, if your child is in childcare, please follow good hygiene when your child returns from school, washing clothing, utensils and your child thoroughly.
A few updates in the newsletter this month and news of our approach to home learning as we enter a second lockdown.
Take care and stay well, our thoughts are with you all.
Vince Burke
Head Teacher
Christmas Annual
Moving to more varied lessons online
During the first lockdown we advanced our initial plans for Google Classroom so that it was introduced earlier than we had planned. Teachers have continued to set their homework tasks this way so that skills have been maintained. This week, we also welcomed Year 1 children to the Google learning environment, now known as Google Workspace.
We now need to build on these skills that have been developed. At home we are all using video technology more frequently to keep in touch with family and friends, it is becoming more natural for all of us. In an effort to keep the learning process as close to the school process as possible, I have asked teaching staff to include and extend the use of live/video lessons over the coming weeks. You will notice that class teachers will be inviting the children to Google Meet sessions over the coming days. We will use these first few sessions to develop our own knowledge of managing large class meetings in Google Meet.
We fully understand that there is pressure on technology at home, our current processes were designed to allow flexibility in learning time at home, we understand that many families have several children competing for computer resources. Where a child cannot join the lesson live, the resources from the lesson will be saved in the assignment and classwork areas of the site.
Last term many children will have taken part in class meetings with their class teachers through Google Meet. We were encouraged by the response, however please make sure, during live lessons that:
- your child's camera is on and the microphone is muted
- your home environment is quiet, the tv is turned down, so that when your child joins in a discussion they can be clearly heard.
- family members are careful of conversations that may be taking place in the background, the class of children may be able to hear them.
- children need to be appropriately dressed, school uniform is not necessary
- your child behaves with the same respect and good manners that we always see in school, using correct appropriate language. The live lessons maintain the same formality as in school.
- what is behind your child is suitable for broadcasting over the web, remove confidential items for example, a blank wall often works best.
Whilst many lessons will move to a live format, others will be recorded live and put online through Classroom. Other lessons will continue in digital paper format. Teachers are also investigating how to include their voice and prompts on Google Slides and other work through Vocaroo and other apps.
Please remember that the Google Meet is for your child, it's not for younger ones or other family members. Parents can continue to contact teachers through Class Dojo if they have any queries.
We hope that we can bring the classroom closer to home over the coming weeks as all of our skills develop in these new areas. We are trying to meet the needs of all families and indeed all staff, many of our staff are coping with changing family circumstances too and our systems have to allow sufficient flexibility in our approach so that workload and demands on everyone's time is reasonable.
Correct behaviour online
As a primary school, we have to be careful that the language of communication is appropriate, slang or texting language should not be used with school staff.
Learning labs have launched
The labs will grow in content and style as the school year progresses. To access your child's learning lab please use the link below, parents can also access labs from other year groups.
Each of the labs will be edited by your child's teaching team and therefore over time they will all become a little different in style, to reflect the different phases of the school. They are not part of our main website as we wanted teaching teams to have editing rights for the own learning labs.
We hope that you find the information useful, please pop back to the lab every now and again to see if there is an update. Our new website has a full curriculum section with a lot more information about our curriculum plan, you can also see "Our Curriculum" on our current site.
For ease of use, each learning lab also has a link to each of the other learning labs.
British Science Week - Calling our scientists!
SATS Update
Eco-Schools and RSPB Birdwatch 2021
Mrs Nash
INSET Day Postponed
Communicating with school
St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School
Phone: 020 8337 4566