Justice Family Newsletter
September 2024
Principal Message
Mrs. Rumple's Message
It is hard to believe that we have reached the start of September in the 2024-2025 school year. Our learning this year will continue to focus on student growth and achievement in the classroom and with academics, but we will also be focused on our character as we strive to be GIANTS.
For the safety of our Justice students, all students are to be picked up and dropped off at DOOR 13. Door 13 is on the north side of the building (facing Kendall Elementary), and entry to this side of the building is off of Kem Road (between Kendall and the apartment building). Students who walk home from school are not released until after the buses leave, and these students cannot cross the street in front of the school. Also, if you need to make adjustments to after school plans, all calls must be made by 3:00 pm. We cannot guarantee message delivery if calls are made after this time.
Reading is a crucial skill for your student to practice each day. Reading at home each day for 20 minutes can have a profound impact on students and their success. Daily reading promotes critical thinking skills, social/emotional development, and helps spark lifelong learning. Ask your student about their reading. Have them give you predictions about the characters/plot and follow up with them to see if their predictions came true. Do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions or want other strategies to support reading skills at home.
I thank you for your continued support and partnership in the education of all of our students. This is our time to BEE GIANTS, and we continue to dedicate our time and energy to this task. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
6th Grade Students of the Month
Jennifer Gallagos Ayala
She not only comes in the classroom with a positive attitude, but she does everything that is asked of her with the most respect possible. She comes to school with a smile on her face and always treats others the best way possible.
Submitted by 6th Grade ELA Teacher Trey Eskridge
Steffen Cobb
Steffen Cobb is an amazing student.He is kind and always willing to help. He works quietly and is so very focused. We are so lucky to call him a Justice Giant.
Submitted by 6th Grade ELA Teacher Erin Vermilion
5th Grade Students of the Month
Rose Smith
Rose is a positive person who is a self-starter. Rose smiles and brings a good attitude daily. She participates in class. Rose is a conscientious worker. She even voluntarily takes notes in class to better learn! Rose leads by example and makes other people feel good.
Submitted by 5th Grade Math Teacher Matt Stout
Benjamin Akers
Benjamin has been showing all the qualities of a GIANT. He is kind and respectful. He's also cheerful anytime that I see him and ready to learn.
Submitted by 5th Grade Math Teacher Sadie Nagella
Library News with Mrs. Persinger
Let’s Celebrate Reading!
Our library’s goal this year is to celebrate reading, and it truly is something to celebrate! We’ve been working hard to make our school library a vibrant place of discovery and joy. With over 14,000 incredible books to choose from, our collection has something for everyone.
We’ve recently enhanced the library with exciting features like bookmarks, a book tasting event, and “celebrity” readers who bring stories to life. Additionally, our new “Little Free Library” is open for families and the community to enjoy, expanding access to even more great reads.
We invite you to join us in this celebration of reading. Choose a book, dive into its pages, and experience the magic of reading today!
Happy Reading!
A Moment with Mrs. Siders
Jolly Good Giants
Each week we celebrate our students making GIANT choices in and out of the classroom. Jolly Good Giant tickets are handed out to students by a staff member who has caught them displaying one of the following:
G - Good Citizenship
I - I Own My Learning
A - Accept Responsibility
N - Never Give Up
T - Treat Yourself and Others with Respect
S - Safety Is our Priority
On Fridays in the cafeteria, students are drawn and receive prizes for their excellent work. Keep it up Justice Giants!
Upcoming Dates
September Events
September 5: Picture Day
September 6: First Friday Dress Up Day (Are You Ready for Some Football?)
September 19: District ELL Family Night 5:30pm
September 23-27: Homecoming Week (Dress Up Days TBD)
September 27: eLearning Day