Bourchier Mail
School Newsletter - 5th Edition - 18th April 2024

Dear Families,
Welcome to Term Two at Bourchier! We hope everyone is feeling refreshed and ready for an important term ahead filled with learning and growth.
Our Year Four students have kicked off their term with a sensational start at the Melbourne City Camp. I am fortunate enough to join them on this adventure, and it’s been an exciting journey so far. We've already experienced so much, and everyone is thoroughly enjoying the vibrant city activities.
This term, we are delighted to welcome pre-service teachers into our school community. These future educators are joining us for two-week placements, honing their teaching skills in real classroom settings. A warm welcome to Tilly, who is working with Year One, and Kim, who is with Year Three. We are excited to see the fresh perspectives they bring to our classrooms.
We also extend a hearty welcome to our newest staff member, Kivelli Naylor, who has joined our Year Five team. As we prepare to bid farewell to Kayla McMullan, who will soon be starting her family leave, we wish her all the best. Similarly, we send our best wishes to Carly McMullan, who has already commenced her family leave. We are thrilled for Carly and Paddy as they anticipate the arrival of their new family member.
Looking ahead, we are excited about the upcoming Fun Run in week three of this term. Thank you to everyone who has been actively raising funds. Your efforts are invaluable as we aim to enhance our playground facilities. Our Year Six students, fresh from their Canberra trip at the end of last term, are eagerly back in the classroom. We will be holding parent-teacher conferences for Year Six next week. Please remember to book your conference times using Compass.
I hope everyone has enjoyed their first week back. Please remember, my door is always open, and do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything.
Warm regards,
Gary D'Arma
At the end of last term, our Year Six students ventured off to Canberra Camp for four days to tour the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage, and democracy. Some places we visited included the Royal Australian Mint, Parliament House, Museum of Australian Democracy and the Australian War Memorial.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the camp the Australian Government is contributing funding to our school in the amount of $67.50 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.
During their time in Canberra, our Year Six students also participated in other activities including visiting and feeding animals at the National Zoo & Aquarium, exploring science concepts at Questicon, indoor rock climbing and swimming and touring the Australian Institute of Sport. It was a jam packed camp with plenty of fun!
Last term we had an amazing Grandparent and Special Person morning! It was wonderful having our Grandparents and Special People in our classroom to listen to us read and then complete various activities such as self-portraits, bead making, handprints inside a love heart, fridge magnets and so much more.
It was also wonderful seeing the students interact with their grandparents and special people in the classroom as well as tell and show them all the different things we have been learning in the classroom.
We topped off the morning with a morning tea for the grandparents and special people.
On behalf of all the Foundation team we would like to thank all the grandparents and special people for coming for the morning and all the families for organising the grandparents and special people to attend.
Check out some of the wonderful photos from the morning.
Thanks to Ditto for visiting our junior school on Monday!
We learnt about our safe adults to talk to, saying no & warning signs and feelings.
Dittos 3 rules’ are:
- We all have the right to feel safe with people.
- It’s okay to say no if you feel unsafe or unsure
- Nothing is so yucky that you can’t tell someone about it.
Free School Dental Service
Australian Dental Health NSW is visiting our school in Term 2. The initiative provides Dental Health Screens, checkups, cleans, and preventative and restorative care (fillings) at school.
The Dental Service is self-funded by Australian Dental Health NSW and the Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS). Our students can therefore receive dental coverage by Medicare and Free Dental Health Checks.
Every student will be handed a dental form, please complete and return it to school. Our front office will also have spare forms if yours has been misplaced.
Join us in taking a proactive approach to our student's health and well-being.
If you would like your child to have dental check up please complete the form that was sent home earlier this week.
We will be holding the School Fun Run as a major fundraising event this year on FRIDAY 3rd MAY!
Parents welcome down at Victoria Park Lake from 1pm to 2.30pm!
The money raised will go towards a new structure over our basketball courts to provide shade and shelter for our students.
Click on the picture to go straight to website & register and create a profile!
Parent payment can be made via QKR
Parent payment $220 per student
Excursion Levy $80 per student
If you have a Health Care Card and claimed CSEF, you will receive $150 credit which can be used for camps and excursions only.
Have you recently obtained a Health Care Card?
If you have a NEW Health Care Card, please complete CSEF application form attached below.
Families who have a Health Care Card are eligible to claim $150 PER STUDENT for Camps, Excursions and swimming, and money is paid directly to the school.
Picking your child up early from school?
If you wish to collect your child(ren) early from school you must contact our front office prior on 5821 3488 to advise what time.
The office staff will arrange for your child(ren) to be waiting at the front office at the required time.
Having notice avoids any disruption to our students learning time in the classroom.
Please try to arrange any appointments outside of school hours (8.45am-3.15pm)
Your child’s attendance at school is critical for their learning and development.
All children are expected to wear full school uniform
The wearing of school uniform helps children develop a sense of identity with the school community.
The school uniform helps promote a positive image of both students and the school to the general community. The wearing of school uniform promotes equality.
The school uniform is to be worn during school hours, while traveling to and from school, and when the students are on school excursions.
All school uniform must be clearly named so that lost items can be identified.
Jackets and hats can be purchased from the school. Shepparton retail shops stock the entire uniform. The school endeavors to provide pre-loved items at the cheapest possible cost.
Please refer to our Student Dress Code Policy
Please ensure that your child’s, clothes, lunch box, drink bottle and property are CLEARLY named. All named property will be returned to the student in the classroom. Unnamed items will be sent to lost property in the hall foyer.
Bourchier Street Playgroup
Student Absence Using Compass
When your child is absent from school, please log onto the parent portal, COMPASS and enter the absence along with the reason.
You need a username and password which has been distributed to families, but we can easily resend you the logon details by phoning or emailing the front office Bourchier.ps@education.vic.edu.au
Refer to the instructions below
Our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program allows devices to be brought into the school, and connected to our secure network
Our school has an online BYOD portal organised by JB-Hifi where you can access discounted rates on approved devices. THE PASSWORD IS BSPS24
If you would like more information on the program, please visit the BYOD page on our website or open the attached BYOD toolkit for parents.
Often Bourchier Street communicates to our families via the Compass app, important information of what is happening within the school. Sometimes you are prompted through your email to open important news items. Please make sure your email is up to date, so you do not miss valuable information. Please phone front office 58 213 488 if your email address needs updating. If your child is absent from School, please logon to Compass to document this.
Every family needs to download the Qkr! app which will enable you to pay school payments, purchase hats/jackets, order lunch through the canteen and purchase tickets for special productions etc.
Simply download on your phone and you will see how easy it is to manage!
The season starts 20th April 2024.
We are looking to field mixed teams in the following age groups : Registrations close 24th March
Age Groups are Under 12, 10, 8, 6, 5 Kinderoos
There is a Girls Only Competition, let us know if you prefer this option
For your child to play soccer with Bourchier St Soccer Club we require you to complete the registration form.
Checkout our Facebook Page for the link to the Online Registration Form or use the QR Code below.
Credit Card payment is available through the online Registration Form (preferred method)
The school office will have a paper Registration form available, Fill it out and return it.
Email bourchierstsoccerclub@gmail.com and we’ll send you the Online
Registration Form link
Registration Fees : $150 per player
Playing Shirt will be supplied by the club.
Shorts, socks, shin guards and boots are at the players expense
Do not complete the Playfootball registration until you have been contacted by the Club to do so.
Jarrod Thorp : Club Delegate
Bourchier Street Soccer Club Email contact only: bourchierstsoccerclub@gmail.com
Before/After school care at BSPS 0447 010 696
Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools "Privacy Collection Notice below.
Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy below, describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn.
Child Safe Policy
Bourchier Street Primary School has a zero tolerance of any form of child abuse. The school is committed to acting in children’s best interests. The safety and wellbeing of children at this school is our highest priority. We want children to be safe, happy and empowered.
About Us
Email: bourchier.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Website: bourchierps.vic.edu.au
Location: 1-19 Bourchier Street, Shepparton VIC, Australia
Phone: (03) 5821 3488
Facebook: facebook.com/bourchierps
Twitter: @bourchierps