Kendallvue Community Newsletter
September 6 - September 12
All Students Are Curious, Creative, and Confident Learners!
Welcome back Coyotes!
Dear Kendallvue Families,
It was nice to have a little taste of fall this week! It has been a great start to the year and now that we are in September, we have hit our full stride. Next week is the real test with our first five day week!
I would like to stress the importance of attendance this week. September is Attendance Awareness Month. Woody Allen once said, “90% of my success is simply showing up.” I know I have used this quote in the past, but it always rings true when discussing attendance. Kendallvue is dedicated to providing extraordinary student experiences by making student attendance a priority. This also includes arriving to school on time. Our bell rings at 8:00 and students are expected to be in the classroom and ready to learn at 8:05am. Please help us create a comfortable start to their day by arriving on time. We appreciate your help in this matter.
We have a lot going on at Kendallvue next week. Our School Accountability Committee (SAC) and PTA meet on Tuesday. School pictures are on Wednesday, and Field Day is on Friday. If you are curious about exploring more details regarding our test scores and day to day instructional focus (i.e. our improvement plan) or our budget process, please come to the SAC meeting at 5:00pm. This is a great way to see more of how the school runs on a day to day basis. Getting our community feedback on our structures within school is incredibly important for our success and accountability. The PTA meeting will follow the SAC meeting at 6:00pm. This meeting we will discuss our upcoming fundraiser on October 4, 2024 and other important school wide and community events. These are great ways to get involved and help steer the direction of our school.
There is more information about these topics in this weekly newsletter. Also, make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for your support of our school! We truly value our partnership in helping make Kendallvue the best school in Jeffco!
Have a great weekend!
Bruce Lindsey
September 10
SAC Meeting - 5pm -6pm
PTA Meeting - 6pm-7:30pm
September 11
Proofs will be sent home 2 weeks after picture day.
You will order online.
September 14
Lair-O-Bear Hike
Upcoming Events
September 10 - SAC 5- 6pm & PTA - 6-7:30pm
September 11- Picture Day
September 13 - Field Day
September 14 - School Hike at Lair-O-Bear - 10am
September 20- Teacher work day- No school for students
September 30 - October 4 - Coyote Crawl Fundraiser Week
October 4- Coyote Crawl Fundraiser Event
October 7 - Vision/Hearing screening
October 9 - SEL Virtual Night at Home @ 5pm
October 11- Lunch with a loved one
October 11-16 Fall Book Fair
October 15-16- Fall Conferences
October 17-18- No school for students
Office Updates
Field Day will be held on September 13th this year!
8:15 - 10:00 am - 4th /5th
10:00 - 11:45 am - 2nd /3rd
1:30 - 2:30 pm - K - 1
Please sign up to help: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050B4BA8A729A64-50872383-field#/
- I am still looking for 2-3 volunteers to help with Picture Day on Sept. 11 from 8-12. Please email me if you'd like to help: amy.stephens@jeffco.k12.co.us
- The Campus Parent Absence Request tool is a function within Infinite Campus that parents can use to report same day or upcoming absences with ease. You are also welcome to call the attendance line at 303-982- 7989. For any early release appointments, we prefer that you call the school at 303 982 7990 so that we can easily send a pass for your student.
Bak Pak Program
For those who are experiencing food insecurity, we have the Bak Pak program - BakPak Program Sign up.
SEL Nights
Supporting Social-Emotional Learning at Home
October 9th 5-6pm Virtual
Looking to engage parents and caregivers in supporting students’ social and emotional well-being at home? Participants in this workshop explore a variety of strategies they can integrate into their households with learners of all ages. We review a bank of valuable resources parents and caregivers can access for additional information about supporting students’ SEL in intentional ways to build empathy, kindness, and an inclusion mindset.
GT Info Night
GT Info Night
Content available: 9/13 – 9/17
Q&A Session: September 17, 2024 (4-6pm)
Topics covered within this session will focus heavily on GT Center Schools, application processes, deadlines, and the qualifying data required. ALPs, programming, and district support for gifted learners will also be discussed. Content will be posted on our GT website HERE by 9/13/24.
IMPORTANT: All our Parent Learning Seminars this year will feature content posted the GT website for multiple days for you to view at your convenience. September 17th will be the follow up opportunity for you to speak directly with our presenters and members of our GT department to talk through any unanswered questions that you have after watching our recorded sessions.
After School Enrichment Programs
Karate - Mondays (September 16 - October 7)
Imagine Arts - Mondays (September 9-October 28)
Kidstage - Tuesdays (September 24-November 12)
The Knight School Chess - Wednesdays (August 28-May 14)
Sticky Fingers Cooking - Thursdays (September 12-October 24)
Soccer Shots - Thursdays (September 5-November 21)
New lower price offered for Crayola World of Design!
Soccer Shots- For children 6-8 years old!
Our classes are on Thursdays at 3:15pm and our season will run from September 5th to November 21st.
We encourage you to watch our video- there is no better representation of why we do what we do at Soccer Shots.
Enroll now at den.soccershots.com! We hope to see all our friends out there on Soccer Island!
SAC/PTA/Watch Dogs
Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of every month!
SAC- 5:00--6:00pm
PTA- 6:00-7:30 * childcare and refreshments provided
Watch Dogs