Snail Mail
An e-newsletter from Snail Lake Kindergarten Center
May 31, 2024
Yearbook Distribution
If your child ordered a yearbook they will be distributed on Monday June 3rd. If you missed ordering a yearbook and are still interested in one we will have a very limited number for purchase in the front office. They are on sale first come, first serve until they are gone.
Nutrition Labels for End-of-Year Activities
s we enter the final week of school, we are excited to celebrate with our students in a variety of ways! Students have enjoyed snack socials & a visit to the elementary school, and next week will experience extra recess, "Dance Party with the Dean", "Popsicles with the Principal" and other fun!
During the "Popsicle with the Principal" event each student will be offered a freezie. Please see the nutrition label below. If you have a concern about this food item, please notify ryan.lang@moundsviewschools.org.
End of Year Grades
As we near the end of the year, we want to thank you for your partnership! We value ongoing communication between home and school about each child’s progress. Teachers have chosen a variety of ways to communicate progress through artifacts sent home, emails, phone calls, and virtual meetings. As we end this year, we celebrate the growth and progress of all our students! Your child’s teacher knows your child so well!
On the last day of school (Thursday, June 6, 2024), your child will have summative grades visible in ParentVUE. Grades for literacy, math, and specialist areas are either a 1 (beginning), 2 (developing), or 3 (secure). Each student’s progress is a summary of many data points collected throughout the year, some which may be found in ParentVUE.
If you have any technical questions about logging into your ParentVUE account, please feel free to reach out to the Snail Lake front office at 651-621-8000.
Fall Bus Help Needed at Turtle Lake Sept 3 & 4
Turtle Lake is seeking volunteers to help our 1st graders and other new students get from their buses to their classrooms on the first two days of school. If you are available from approximately 9:00 to 9:20 a.m. on either or both days, please contact Kerry Forsberg at kerry.forsberg@moundsviewschools.org. Thank you in advance for helping us create a calm and welcoming environment for our students.
Free Summer Meals for Students
Thanks to a federal program, free lunch meals for all students 18 years and under will be available July 8 through August 1, Mondays through Thursdays, at the following locations. Meal needs to be consumed on-site.
Edgewood Middle School, 11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Pinewood Elementary School, 12:45 -1:15 p.m.
Pike Lake Education Center, 12:00-12:30 p.m.
Are you in need of food resources this summer?
Visit the Ralph Reeder Food Shelf.
Use the food maps provided by Ramsey County
Call the Minnesota Food Helpline at 888-711-1151
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Mental health is all around us - it affects how we think, feel and act every day. However, mental health is often misunderstood. Mental Health Awareness Month provides a dedicated time to help demystify what is meant by “mental health,” how to talk about it and why mental health matters. Supporting mental health is always in season in Mounds View Public Schools and there are ongoing efforts year round to lift up student mental health across the District. Please reach out to the dean at your student’s school or a member of the district student support and engagement team to learn more. Check out this month’s blog for more support and resources!
Request for refund of meal account money
If your student is graduating, leaving the school district, or you would like a refund for the funds in your students meal account, Please fill out this Meal Account Request form by June 14, 2024
Please indicate on the form if you would like a refund check
mailed to you, the funds transferred to a sibling or donated to the Angel Fund.If your student's fund balance is less than $5 and you would like a refund, please email nutritionservices@mvpschools.org
Turn off Auto-Pay in your LINQ Connect account if you set-up Auto-Pay for your students meal account.
Bus Registration
If your child is entering kindergarten through 12th grade next year and will be a bus rider, you should have received an email about busing for the 2024-25 school year. Please read the email(s) carefully, as you will receive a personalized email for each student in your family with specific instructions. Detailed instructions for registration are also available at mvpschools.org/transportation.
If you did not receive an email or have any questions, contact the Transportation Department at 651-621-6027 or transportation@mvpschools.org.
Summer Reading Program Kickoff Celebration
The Ramsey County Library is promoting a summer reading program. The program will run June 1st - August 10th -- families can start anytime after June 1st. Kids will get to choose a free book to keep as well as be entered into the prize drawing when they complete the program. The booklet with all of the programs and events will be available to pickup at the library some time later this month, but many of the programs are already up on the library's website.
Saturday, June 15 will be a Kickoff Celebration at the Ramsey County Library.
Summer Funds for Groceries
Beginning this summer, the state of Minnesota will provide grocery benefits to help families with eligible school-age children buy groceries during the summer. Learn more about this new Summer EBT program.
Library News
Our library has closed for the summer. All library books must be returned next week. Your child’s library record will follow them to first grade, so please take care of all overdue books now.
Questions? Contact the library at krispen.lam@mvpschools.org
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Yog xa tau kev pab thiab hais ua lus Hmoob thov hu rau Bao Thao: 651-272-0972. Haddi aad ubaahantahay faahfaahin dheerad-ah ama turjamaad, fadlan kala soo xidid Zeynah Abdulrazak lambaraka 651-262-4577. Para asistencia o preguntas en Español por favor contacte a Angel Toro: 651-724-2854 o Carmen Bender: 612-494-3895.