Talon Talk
November 2024
At Summitt ES, we ensure high levels of learning for each student, engaging both heart & mind.
A Message from Ms. Greco
Happy November Summitt Community,
Happy Fall Everyone! I hope you all had a great October! October rounded our our first nine weeks, our first nine week House Winners, Parent/Teacher Conferences and so much more! We have a fun filled November ahead filled with a lot of campus activities and campus community happenings.
Here are some items included in this month's Talon Talk:
- Veterans Day Assembly
- Human Sexuality and Responsibility Parent Chat-Please note the date and time change
- Track and Field Days
- Save the Dates
- Book Fair Week
- Grandparents Lunch
- Priority Registration for next year
- Middle School Transition Information: https://secure.smore.com/n/7zryp
For those of you new to Summitt, this is the Talon Talk, a monthly newsletter that is sent out to the campus and community sharing happenings for the upcoming month. Please feel free to join my Principal Greco Facebook Page at this LINK: HERE This where I like to post photos of what is happening on our amazing campus and other campus highlights.
Thank you for sharing our amazing students' with us! We are the lucky ones!
IF you are on Twitter, please follow us @SummittEagles to get a peek inside our classrooms and all of the amazing learning that is taking place!
Your Proud Principal,
Ms. Greco
Be sure to scroll half way down the page to input absence information.
Student /Staff Holiday
No school for students or staff, November 1st
Student Holiday
November 5th-Election Day
November 13th-Wednesday
Principal Chat-Human Sexuality and Responsibility -11:30am-on Google Meets (link below)
Track and Field Days
Kinder-2nd November 14
3rd-5th November 15
PTA Sponsored Book Fair
November 18-22
Grandparents Lunch
November 21st
Fall Break
November 25-29th
Murchison Middle School Parent Chat
December 12th-Thursday at 8:00am
Winter Break
December 23-January 6 (Students Return on January 7th)
Priority Registration -November 6th
Enroll Austin Priority Registration!
Wednesday, November 6
November 6th is the first day of Enroll Austin Priority Registration! You will notice that many enhancements have been made to streamline the registration process — the district has been listening! We want you to know that Priority Registration is for all incoming K-12 students, whether attending their home campus or applying for a transfer. Pre-K registration will open in the spring.
Veteran's Day Assembly
Our annual Veterans Day Assembly will take place on Monday, November 11. We invite any Veterans in our community to join us on stage so we can honor you. Please sign into the front office and be seated on stage by 7:30am. The assembly will begin promptly at 7:40am.
You may attend in your service uniform, fatigues, or a t-shirt that depicts your branch of service.
Thank you for your service! We look forward to honoring you!
This assembly is not open for the community to attend. Veterans and their families are invited to attend.
Track and Field Day
Kinder, 1st, and 2nd grades will have their Field Day on November 14.
On Friday, November 15th, our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will have their Field Day. This will be an all day event where students rotate through a total of 17 stations. We will need the most parent support on this day to help run stations for the students. Please see the sign up below:
Report Cards
November 6
Report Cards will be available to be viewed and accessed on November 6th through the parent portal. You will receive an email on directions on how to access your child's report card.
Here is a link to the AISD website and Parent Portal directions: https://www.austinisd.org/technology/parent-portal/parent-self-serve
November 6
January 17
April 9
June 18
Yearbook Order
Yearbook early bird discount
Order your hard cover books (that's right, hard cover!) for $25 until the end of 2024. Prices will increase to $30 in 2025.
Order here
Book Fair Coming November 18th
Book Fair Week! Monday-Friday, November 18-22
Get excited to celebrate the joy of reading at our Literati Book Fair! This week will be a time for sparking imaginations, strengthening literacy skills, and bringing excitement to our Eagle readers.
Students can wear their pajamas on Wednesday, November 20th leading up to our PJ Bookfair Night!
Principal Chat Dates
Please join us for our Fall Principal Chats on the various topics:
Wednesday, November 13-: 11:30 am on Google Meets-DATE CHANGE
Topics: Human Sexuality and Responsibility (HSR) Education
Thursday, December 12: 8:00 am in the library
Topic: Murchison Middle School Choice Sheets
Join me and my team to learn about Human Sexuality and Responsibility Curriculum
Each year we are required to hold an information session before sending home permission slips. There are no changes to the curriculum or requirements this year. You can see all of the lessons and information at the link above. Permission slips will be going home the week before Fall Break. We will ask that all students return a permission slip indicating participation or opt out preferences.
For specific questions regarding HSR-feel free to contact Ms. Lisa Adams and Ms. Katie Sieber our campus counselors.
Principal Chat-Lunch and Learn on Human Sexuality and Responsibility Curriculum
HSR Principal Chat
Wednesday, November 13
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/wsx-ssdx-pje
Or dial: (US) +1 316-500-7952 PIN: 823 875 210#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/wsx-ssdx-pje?pin=1486244980776
Wednesday, Nov 13, 2024, 11:30 AM
Grandparent's Lunch
RSVP Today Grandparent's lunch Thursday, November 21
Calling all grandparents! Come join your little ones for lunch on Grandparents Day on Thursday, November 21 during all lunches. After lunch, take a stroll through our book fair in the library. Please RSVP for this event before November 8.
Important reminders for our Grandparents' lunch:
- All grandparent visitors MUST arrive 15 minutes before lunch time (see schedule here) and bring their physical driver's license to obtain a name badge for entry.
- Cafeteria lunches cost $5 and will be CASH ONLY - please bring exact change. No credit cards or checks; no charging student lunch accounts.
- Grandparents Day participants will be seated outside at the picnic tables, weather permitting. Inside accommodations will be made for those unable to sit outside.
- Please note that all regular visitation and dismissal procedures apply. Please contact the office with any questions.
Counselor's Corner
Lunch Visitation
Visiting your child for Lunch
- You will need to bring your driver's license and sign into the front office.
- You will wait for your child in the front office.
- You and your child will go out to the blue picnic tables towards our Blacktop/Playground and eat at "Eagle's Landing" under the trees. If it is raining then tables will be set up in the counselors hallways outside of the cafeteria.
- We will have tables set up inside until the hot temperatures decrease.
- You will need to come sign out of the office at the end of your child's lunch time. Students can meet their class outside of the front office and rejoin their class at the conclusion of their lunch time.
- Please do not walk your child back to class.
Every Day Counts!
Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school—and themselves. Absences and tardiness impact the whole classroom. Parents: Making sure your student is in school and on time every day is the law.
AISD Student Code of Conduct Linked Below
News from Prior Talon Talks:
Information about Technology Devices for Students
Through the Everyone:1 initiative all AISD students in grades 1-5 are able to receive an assigned device for use at school and home from Austin ISD.
- Students in grades PK-k grades will receive class sets of Chromebooks and chargers that will be individually assigned, but kept in classrooms.
- 1st-5th students will receive Chromebooks and chargers. This is a change from last year. All students will use Chromebooks and not Ipads.
More information, including a handbook about AISD’s Acceptable Use Policies, device care and tips, and replacement fees can be found at https://www.austinisd.org/technology/everyone
Each campus has a campus student device manager. Summitt’s device manager (DM) is Denise G. Richey. She can be reached at denise.richey@austinisd.org. Teachers and other campus staff can also support and know how to direct students when assistance is needed.
Please note that AISD has updated the guidelines for replacement of lost chargers and accidental damaged/lost devices for consistency across all campuses. An overview of the updates can be found below, and more information is available in the Everyone:1 handbook and website.
First lost charger is replaced from campus stock.
Second and beyond are charged $15/per charger (subject to updates) OR student replaces it.
First incidental damage or lost device is replaced from campus stock.
Second and beyond are charged $50/per device (subject to updates).
Additionally, students and families can check out AISD’s Family Technology Resources website for additional tips, including Technology Use Tutorials for Students. https://www.austinisd.org/technology/digital-resources/devices
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Front doors open at 7:15 am.
Students will enter through the front doors of the campus if they are a walker, bike rider or parent drop off
PK and Kinder students will enter through the left front door (follow the sign above the door)
1st and 2nd grade students will enter through the middle front door (follow the sign above the door)
3rd-5th grade students will enter through the right front door (follow the sign above the door)
Students can have Breakfast in the cafeteria from 7:15-7:45am
Morning Assembly will begin at 7:30 am.
Morning Assembly will end by 7:40am
Any student that arrives after 7:40am will walk straight to class or after the conclusion of Morning Assembly
Parents will give a confident hug goodbye to their child at the front doors of the school-like the previous years.
Our school hours are from 7:40-3:10pm.
Dismissal Procedures
- Dismissal will begin at 3:10pm
- Your child will either be classified as a parent walk up (PK-2nd), an independent walker (3rd-5th), bike rider, bus rider, After School Care, or Car Rider
We have made some minor changes to our dismissal locations for Parent Walk Up locations.
Your Family will receive a Family Number. Family Numbers may have changed since last school year. You must have this Family Number visible on a sign provided by your child's teacher for Parent Walk Up or Parent Pick Up/Car Rider. Please do not add your child's name to the template due to safety.
Please note-If you are a Parent Walk Up (parking. your car, walking up to the school to pick up your child) and have multiple Eagles to pick up, you may want to designate your oldest Eagle as a walker and have your child meet you and your youngest Eagle at the younger Eagle's Parent Walk Up Location.
Please reference the Arrival/Dismissal Procedures/Locations/MAPS link below for specific pick up locations and procedures.
***IF you have an Eagle in PK-2nd grade and would like to be a parent walk up, and get to campus prior to 3:05 please wait at the front of the campus. You can go to your designated pick up location at 3:05pm for a 3:10pm. Due to the safety of our students and staff, visitors need to stay at the front of the building at all times.
^^We would like to encourage our families to use the car pick up line.
Also, cell phones are NOT permitted in a school zone. Please do not be on your cell phone while in the car pick up line.
Dogs are also not permitted on school property due to safety. Thank you for honoring this.
Campus Advisory Council Participation
Campus Advisory Councils are committees of parents, students, business and community representatives, teachers, principals, and other campus staff. The formation of CACs is required by state law (Texas Education Code, §11.251). Specific functions of CACs include providing review and comment on:
- Campus Educational Program
- Campus Performance
- Campus Improvement Plan
- Campus Staff Development Plan
- Campus-Level Waiver Requests to the State
- Campus Budget
Breakfast and Lunch
***UPDATED*** Food Services: Breakfast and Lunch
- All students will not automatically receive free breakfast and lunch.
Students may be determined eligible for free or reduced-price meals through a variety of ways.
Free Meal Eligibility:
Students at your school may receive free meals by meeting one of the following criteria:
Directly certified through state-funded benefits such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
Directly certified through foster care; migrant, homeless, or runaway programs; Head Start, or state-sponsored pre-K programs.
Determined eligible by completing a free or reduced-price meal benefits application.
- School Cafe: https://www.schoolcafe.com/
Students may add funds to their account by bringing cash to the cafeteria or caregivers may make online payments through their SchoolCafé account. Online payments are subject to a processing fee.
If students exhaust their meal accounts, they may charge meals at any meal service as follows:
Students in elementary and middle school may charge up to three meals.
Meal Prices
- Elementary School - Paid: $1.75
- Middle & High School - Paid: $2.00
- All Levels - Reduced-Price: FREE
- Adult/Guest: $3.50
- Elementary School - Paid: $3.25
- Middle & High School - Paid: $3.50
- All Levels - Reduced-Price: $0.40
- Adult/Guest: $5.00
Food Allergies and Special Diets
Our cafeteria can accommodate food allergies and special dietary needs with a completed Request for Dietary Accommodation Form. Food Service also offers reasonable accommodations within federal guidelines for dietary preference, i.e. milk alternatives, gluten free bread, and vegan accommodations. Caregivers may submit dietary preference requests in writing to our cafeteria manager, in advance, to allow time to review and order any alternative products.
Help Your Family and Your School with SNAP
Need help buying food for your family? Apply today for the state-funded Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) at www.yourtexasbenefits.com. SNAP not only helps your family, but it also benefits your school. The more students who receive SNAP benefits, the more funds available to schools for education, meal programs, and more.
Use this Protecting Immigrant Families guide, “What Should I Know When Enrolling My Children in Public Benefits?” to help answer commonly asked questions about how to make good decisions for your family and their health.
School Meal Resources
SchoolCafé - One app for all your school meal needs.
View daily breakfast and lunch menus for our school.
View nutritional information, ingredients, and allergens for each menu item.
Make prepayments for additional servings of food or healthy a la carte snacks.
Set a la carte restrictions.
Apply for free or reduced-price meals.
AISD Wellness Policy FFA (Local) (Regulation)
Includes District guidelines surrounding food in the classroom, celebrations involving food, food fundraisers, and rewarding with food.
AISD Wellness Policy Overview & Celebrations, Rewards, Fundraising Alternatives: ENGLISH / SPANISH
Connect with Austin ISD Food Service on Social Media:
Questions? Contact AISD Food Service through Let’s Talk by sending a text to 512-229-9110 or submitting a message online.
- All students will not automatically receive free breakfast and lunch.
A Message From Our Health Team!
The order must include:
- The patient name
- medication name
- strength
- dose
- delivery route
- frequency
- date from June 2022 or later
- signature by practitioner
The only medications students may carry and self treat are for anaphylaxis, asthma or diabetes-and these all require the full packet from the physician and be provided to the health room as well.
We will not be able to accept any medications on campus until all required paperwork is received. We apologize for the late notice, but this policy was recently finalized and shared with us this week. Please call the health room at 512-414-4246 if you have any questions or concerns.
Summitt Health Team
Essential Areas This Year and FLEX Program
Students will go to recess daily and have a thirty minute lunch time.
Cell Phone/Smart Watch Usage
If a student brings a cell phone or a smart watch/device to school, it must remain in the students’ backpack and be turned off during the school day. If a student needs to make a personal phone call home or contact a guardian, students can use the school phone upon request.
Smart Watches ARE NOT to be worn when at school.
Personal Pets/Dogs
Morning Assembly
Each morning our school day will begin with a school wide Morning Assembly in the cafeteria and gym. Our campus leadership team, counselors, librarian, teacher and student leaders take turns facilitating Morning Assembly each day.
Students will sit by grade level during Morning Assembly.
Every Assembly includes a morning message, the Pledge of Allegiance, the Texas Pledge, a Moment of Silence, and our Eagle Pledge. On Friday's we sing our school song and recognize our Summitt Strong Award Winners beginning our third week of school.
BUS Information
Bus information
Families whose students are eligible for transportation will receive their bus information by email or letter. The district’s “Bus Stop Finder'' can be used to identify the nearest bus stop to your home. Families whose students have special services will receive their information in person from their bus teams.
“Where'sTheBus” App for Families
AISD’s transportation team offers families the “WheresTheBus” app, which provides timely information about the location of their student’s assigned bus only, including when it will arrive at their stop.
The free app is available on any device with internet access (smartphone, tablet, personal computer, iPad)—and takes less than five minutes to install. Instructions are available at https://www.austinisd.org/transportation.
How to get involved
How can I get involved this year?
Ways for you to get involved:
- Join our Summitt PTA! Visit https://summitteagles.org/ for more information! (serve on committees, write grants, volunteer in the work room, support campus fundraisers, etc..)
- Summitt WATCH DOGS Attention all Fathers/Father-figures of Summitt students: Are you interested in spending a day at school, interacting with the students, being a positive role model, and providing an extra set of eyes & ears on campus? Sign up with the Watch D.O.G.S. Program & be your student’s “Hallway Hero” for the day!
contact: summittwatchdogs@gmail.com for more information
- Become a Room Parent
- CAC (Campus Advisory Council)-meets the last Monday of each month at 3:30 pm
- Parent Advisory Council with our counselors
Summitt House System
Summitt Houses were created for all students and staff to feel a sense of connection, collaboration and care.
CONNECTION: At Summitt Elementary we have five houses. All students in grades Pre-K through 5th grade, are vertically assigned to a house at the beginning of the school year. Each school year begins with students learning the qualities and characteristics of each house’s trait which then leads to a school wide house reveal.
COLLABORATION: Each Tuesday students participate in a House Meeting with their fellow house members. Students get to collaborate by participating in various activities and energizers. Students recite their motto and build connections during this time. Your child is encouraged to wear their house color on Tuesdays.
CARING: A house system helps to build a caring, supportive environment. Each student will be a valued member of a smaller group within the whole school. The purpose is to create an enjoyable atmosphere in which deep learning and effective teaching can flourish; a school with rigor and relevance.
Summitt Houses:
The House of Kindness (red, heart)
The House of Courageous (gold, lion)
The House of Collaboration (blue, wolf)
The House of Innovation (purple, racoon)
The House of Tenacity (green, turtle)
Summitt House System allows for:
Inclusive community of staff and students
Buddy class pairings
Reading buddies
Multi age grouping opportunities
Vertical teaming and alignment
Student leadership/ownership
What will my child be learning this year?
Meet Your Summitt Leaders
Meet Ms. Ariel Greco
I have been a part of Austin ISD for the last 17 years. I was a former teacher, and then Assistant Principal prior to becoming a Principal.
I grew up in Spring, TX, outside of Houston and moved to Austin to attend St. Edward's University where I obtained my bachelor's degree in Education. Several years later, while I continued to teach, I decided to complete my masters in Educational Administration from Tarleton State University.
I am happily married to my husband Greg, and have three amazing children, two boys and one baby girl; Beckett who is 6 and Jett who is 3 years old and June who is 16 months old! We have a miniature labradoodle named Brodie and a miniature long haired dachshund named Axl.
I come from a family of teachers and very much believe in being the change I wish to see in this world. We aren't just teaching students how to read, write and think, but we are preparing our young scholars to be successful, well rounded, and kind humans who are going to grow up and impact this ever changing world we live in. This job is a gift and real privilege that I never take for granted.
Our Eagles continue to teach me every single day and there is nothing more rewarding than getting to be surrounded by this extraordinary community of teachers, staff, students and families that make Summitt the amazing place it is!
Thank you for partnering and teaming with me to make Summitt the very best place it can be for all of our students!
Meet Ms. Lucie Cantrell
We are so grateful to have Ms. Cantrell join our team. She is coming to us from St. Johns County Florida, where she served as an Assistant Principal for the last three years. She will be supporting grade levels, PK, Kinder, 2nd and 4th grade this year.
Meet Mr. Matthew Bradley
Mr. Bradley is back for his third year at Summitt. He is very excited to kick off another year! He will be supporting Kinder, 1st, 3rd and 5th grades this year.