Gage County Extension
March 2024
In this Issue
- Tall Tree Program
- UNL Virtual Open House
Ag Profitability- Anastasia Meyer
- WIA - Emergency Preparedness
Horticulture-Nicole Stoner
- Planning for Spring Color
- Helping Pollinators Thrive
- GroBigRed
4-H & Youth Development- Jacie Milius
- 4-H Enrollment
- Clover Kids
Water & Integrated Cropping Systems-Nathan Mueller
- Upcoming Programs- March 5
Tall Tree Program
- Thursday, March 21st at 6:00 p.m. at the Tall Tree Tasting
- Topic is tree pruning and drone uses for the gardener
- Learn how you can use a drone to assess your tree condition up at the top of the canopy and how to properly prune trees to avoid and alleviate branch issues
UNL Virtual Open House- Partner with UNL
UNL is having a Virtual Open House:
- March 25, 10:00 CST/9:30 MST
- March 28, 9:00 CST/8:00 MST
Many professors at UNL plan student class projects that need organizations to partner with them to give students real-word experience while simultaneously providing service to Nebraska communities. NE Extension has organized a Virtual Open House with some of these professors so communities and organizations can meet with professors and learn more about potential partnerships.
Learn more about it here:
Register on the website or here: https://unleducation.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7TIqrIpquGnrXeK
Women In Ag - Emergency Preparedness
An upcoming four-part extension workshop for Women In Agriculture will focus on emergency preparedness for rural families.
The program will be a 4-part series, held at numerous locations across Nebraska and Indiana. The series will focus on farm and ranch emergency management, first aid, fire protection, and hazardous materials. Workshops will be held at Beatrice Fire and Rescue (300 S. 6th St) from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. March 5, 7, 12 and 14.
The program is a collaboration between Extension Women in Agriculture programs at Purdue University and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
There is a registration fee of $50 per person before Feb. 20. The fee increases to $60 per person after Feb. 20. Participants should plan to attend each session. A virtual option is available for those unable to attend a workshop site, although in-person attendance is highly encouraged to better network with other attendees and interact with speakers. The virtual registration fee is $75 before Feb. 20 and $80 after Feb. 20. Registration can be made by calling the Gage County Extension Office at 402-223-1384 or may also be completed on the Nebraska Women in Agriculture website, https://wia.unl.edu/prep
This project was supported by a grant from NCRCRD through funding from USDA NIFA Awards.
Planning for Spring Color
This time of year can become long and full of anticipation for spring flowers. You can plan now for different plants to add to your landscape to help with winter interest next year, even flowers. Continue Reading.
Helping Pollinators Thrive
It is crazy to think that we are now only a little over a month away from the beginning of spring. However, don’t let the warmer weather fool you, even once we get to spring, it may be too soon to do much in your landscape. The photo above of a leafcutter bee is from Jim Kalisch, Extension Emeriti. Continue Reading.
4-H Enrollment Now OPEN
Enrollment is open for the 2023-2024 Gage County 4-H year. The enrollment website is v2.4honline.com. All 4-H youth (ages 8-18), Clover Kids (ages 5-7), and leaders/volunteers are required to enroll online every year. Enrollment deadline is June 15. We encourage all members to enroll using a computer and not your mobile device. Call or email Jacie or Rachel at 402-223-1384 with any enrollment questions.
Please make sure to include or update your child's t-shirt size! This is the sizing guide we use to order the Exmark t-shirts for county fair! It is not a required field so can often be missed.
Updated help guides can be found on our website.
Enrollment fee is $12 for each 4-H youth to be paid online or in the office. There is no fee for Clover Kids or adults. We will not be accepting enrollments until we have received payment.
Gage County 4-H Clover Kids
Clover Kids is a special program for youth ages 5-7 who want to participate in 4-H. The program offers a variety of educational and recreational experiences in non-competitive environments. These opportunities are ideal for developing confidence, creativity, and competence during this stage of youth development.
Clover Kids have special opportunities to participate during the Gage County Fair by exhibiting Clover Kids static exhibits. To be eligible to participate, Clover Kids need to enroll through our 4HOnline system at v2.4honline.com
Upcoming Programs- March 5
The Central Nebraska Soil Health Conference will be held Tuesday, March 5, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. at the Adams County Fairgrounds, 947 S. Baltimore Ave., in Hastings, Nebraska. The program will highlight information about new technics in developing healthier soils and how healthy soil translates into better crops. Continue Reading.
Gage County Extension
Gage County Extension
How to contact us
For Horticulture & Entomology questions:
- E-mail Nicole Stoner at nstoner2@unl.edu
For Food & Nutrition questions:
- Call our office at 402-223-1384
For 4-H & Youth Development questions:
- Email Jacie Milius at jacie.milius@unl.edu
For Water & Cropping Systems questions:
- Email Nathan Mueller at nathan.mueller@unl.edu
For Agriculture Profitability questions:
- Email Anastasia Meyer at ameyer71@unl.edu
For Early Childhood questions:
- Email Ingrid Lindal at ingridchavarria@unl.edu
For Livestock Systems questions:
- Email Wayde Pickinpaugh at wayde.pickinpaugh@unl.edu
Email: gage-county@unl.edu
Website: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/gage/
Location: 1115 West Scott Street, Beatrice, NE, USA
Phone: 402-223-1384
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UNLExtensionGageCo/
Twitter: @GageCoExtension