Curriculum Insights
November 2024

Thank you for visiting our DREAM BIG: CURRICULUM INSIGHTS newsletter. It is our intent to share different learning experiences, programmatic shifts, and classroom happenings offered in the Red Bank Borough Public Schools!
Cheryl Cuddihy, Ed.D.
Director of Curriculum & Instruction
English Language Arts Program Updates
ELA Program Adoption (Grades 3-8)
We are thrilled to announce the introduction of new and innovative curricula in our district, designed to enhance the educational experience for all our students. After extensive review and consideration, we have adopted Expeditionary Learning (EL) Education (Gr. 4-8) and Wit & Wisdom (Gr. 3) as our primary materials for English Language Arts (ELA) in Grades 3-8. Both Expeditionary Learning Education and Wit & Wisdom are fully aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) for English Language Arts and incorporate principles from the science of reading. This means they are designed based on research into how children learn to read and write, ensuring that instruction is effective and evidence-based. We have also reviewed recommendations from the Knowledge Matters Campaign which encourage ELA curricula that "are carefully designed to build background knowledge in science, history, literature, and the arts, alongside sound foundational skills instruction."
Our new curricula tools are also carefully crafted to support the diverse needs of our students. Both programs integrate Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) into their frameworks, promoting skills such as self-awareness, empathy, and relationship-building. This integration helps students develop resilience and emotional intelligence, which are crucial for both academic success and personal growth. The new curricula include strategies and resources to support multilingual learners, ensuring that all students have equitable access to high-quality education.
Wit & Wisdom - Grade 3
Wit & Wisdom is a comprehensive K-8 English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum developed by Great Minds, designed to foster critical thinking, reading comprehension, and writing skills. For Grade 3 students, this curriculum offers a rich, integrated approach to learning that combines reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
For Grade 3 students, Wit & Wisdom’s design is particularly effective in promoting deep reading, comprehension, and critical thinking. Wit & Wisdom improves the reading skills of Grade 3 students through:
- Exposure to Complex, High-Quality Texts
- Building Background Knowledge
- Deep Engagement with Texts (Close Reading)
- Reading Comprehension Strategies
- Focus on Vocabulary Development
- Reading Across Content Areas
- Textual Evidence and Critical Thinking
- Reading for a Purpose
- Scaffolded Instruction
- Engaging with Others (Discussion and Collaboration
When used effectively, Wit & Wisdom can significantly improve students' writing by helping them build foundational skills, organize their thoughts, and express ideas clearly. Here are some of the key benefits of Wit & Wisdom for Grade 3 students and how it can improve their writing:
- Exposure to High-Quality Texts
- Focus on Writing Across Genres
- Text-Based Writing Tasks
- Integrated Writing and Reading Instruction
- Scaffolding and Support
- Emphasis on Revision and Reflection
- Collaboration and Peer Feedback
- Building a Writing Process
- Building Confidence and Ownership
We are excited that Wit & Wisdom also offers opportunities for students to make deeper connections with the material by exploring themes and concepts through different artistic lenses; a perfect complement to our community partnership with the Kennedy Center and the Count Basie Center for the Arts. During the Grade 3 pilot last year, teachers reported increased student engagement, more coherent writing, and opportunities for ALL students to engage in conversations about complex texts.
After reading The Keeping Quilt by Patricia Polacco last spring, students created their own “keeping quilt” to show their favorite moments from third grade. Many students chose to showcase their favorite module!
This fall, students created a timeline of the important events in Jacques Cousteau’s life and his impact on ocean exploration.
Wit & Wisdom - Grades K-2 Pilot
As we continue to update and refine our ELA curricula, we have some K-2 classes piloting Wit & Wisdom, and exploring other curricula such as Expeditionary Learning. We are evaluating the developmental appropriateness of the instructional structures as well as the content. Teachers will visit other districts to see how Wit & Wisdom looks in action and they will also meet with staff developers from Great Minds, the publisher of Wit & Wisdom, to see how we can utilize the resources in our familiar Reading and Writing Workshop model.
While Wit & Wisdom does not have a formal phonics program, our district does! Fundations is in its third full year of implementation and we have seen significant gains in our students' mastery of foundational skills as indicated by our DIBELS-8 beginning of year test in Grade 3. We also added GEODES, a decodable text series that integrates seamlessly with both Wit & Wisdom and Fundations, into our K-2 teaching toolboxes in all classrooms.
Expeditionary Learning Education
EL Education emphasizes project-based learning, where students engage in hands-on projects that connect academic content to real-world experiences. It fosters critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. Expeditionary Learning encourages students to explore their community and environment, making learning more relevant and engaging. Grounded in the ideas of the Knowledge Matters campaign, students are also receiving valuable background knowledge about science and social studies topics while reading and writing.
During the first trimester, students learned about diverse topics ranging from mythology, Latin folklore, human rights, and more! Students read on or above grade level texts together as a class which allows opportunities for shared knowledge building, acquisition of sophisticated vocabulary, and multiple entry points into the content taught further ensuring equity and access for all learners. Each day teachers provide a 60-minute instructional block, carefully structured to balance direct instruction, collaborative learning, and independent work, with a focus on engaging students in deep, meaningful exploration of content through both reading and writing experiences.
Each module features three units. In Unit 1, there is more direct instruction focused on reading the core text to help build consistent background knowledge and vocabulary about a new topic. In Unit 2, teachers provide scaffolds to support students' writing and gradually release those scaffolds in Unit 3. Students also have time to read supplementary texts for each module focusing on complementary topics aligned to the core text, as well as opportunities for reading books of their own interests. In Grades 6-8 there is an additional 20 minute block which allows time for targeted interventions, small group instruction, and independent reading. In Grades 4-5, students are provided with the ALL Block - Additional Language and Literacy - during which they participate in Accountable Independent Reading (AIR), skills practice, and small group work with teachers (guided reading, strategy groups, book clubs, intervention, enrichment, conferenceing, etc.).
All classes have access to the Imagine Learning digital platform to support instruction and student engagement, as well as beautifully curated classroom libraries featuring a wide range of genres and topics. For more information about the modules, visit the district Atlas system which houses all curriculum materials.
Feedback from Grades 5-8 EL Education Pilot Teachers
LinkIt! Leads to Enhanced Data Analysis
Starting this school year, we implemented LinkIt!, a comprehensive assessment and data analysis platform designed to provide actionable insights into student learning and performance. LinkIt! is a state-of-the-art data management system that empowers educators with powerful tools to collect, analyze, and utilize data more effectively. By integrating various assessments and student performance metrics, LinkIt! allows us to gain a holistic view of each student’s academic progress.
How LinkIt! Benefits Our Students
- Data-Driven Insights: LinkIt! offers detailed reports and dashboards that help teachers and administrators understand where students are excelling and where they may need additional support. This data-driven approach ensures that instructional strategies can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each student.
- Personalized Learning: With LinkIt!, we can identify learning patterns and trends more effectively, enabling us to customize educational experiences and interventions. This personalization helps ensure that each student receives the right level of challenge and support to thrive academically.
- Timely Interventions: The platform provides real-time data that can be used to quickly address learning gaps and implement targeted interventions. By acting on this data promptly, we can better support students who may be struggling and celebrate those who are excelling.
- Improved Communication: LinkIt! facilitates better communication between teachers, parents, and students. Regularly updated data allows for more informed discussions about student progress and needs during conferences and meetings.
- Professional Development: Teachers benefit from ongoing professional development opportunities focused on using LinkIt! effectively. We have already visited PLCs and DREAM Team meetings to help teachers become more familiar with the platform and all it has to offer, as well as LinkIt! Reps to meet with various groups in the school (eg. Interventionists, CST members, school counselors, etc.).
Our Commitment to Continuous Improvement
The introduction of LinkIt! aligns with our commitment to continuously improving our educational practices and outcomes. By harnessing the power of data, we aim to enhance the learning experience for every student and ensure that all have the opportunity to succeed.