Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 7th July 2023
A Rockingly Good show
Rock Pool the Musical
Super Sandwiches - Year 3 real project
On Thursday, Year 3 sold their healthy homemade sandwiches to members of the public at Ripon Market for their REAL project. This was the culmination of weeks of research, design and creativity. Not only did they produce some mouth-watering sandwiches, they also raised over £50 to donate to Blue Cross, for whom they have been courageous advocates for all year.
Terrific T-shirts
Terrific t-Shirts real project - Year 5
This week, Year 5 hand printed t-shirt designs as a charity fundraiser. They incorporated images that show how we all need to care and think about the environment. The class are courageous advocates for the environment. Initially, they drew their designs before transferring them to polystyrene printing blocks. They then transferred these designs to their t-shirts. To add to the selling experience, the children created their own ‘market style’ signs to ask for a minimum donation.
Mr. Gold and Mrs. Bartlett-Young helped the children to set up the stall. They really enjoyed the selling experience and sold out of all of the t-shirts. Some of the children seem to have the ability to persuade people to buy! Thank you for everyone who supported Year 5!
Penpal visit from St Peter's
Year 5 hosted the return of their ‘Pen Pals’ from St. Peter’s School, Leeds on Thursday. It was wonderful to see them again and they thoroughly enjoyed their time with them. They loved playing on the field and were keen to play sport, develop their artistic skills and even accompany us to the market.
The children played ‘Treasure’, one of their favourite cricket style games; drew combined Totem Poles with each other and had ice-lollies to finish their time together. A wonderful experience for all involved.
Learning about the past in Year 4
Kingdom Quest - 18th and 19th July
On the evening performances on Tuesday 18th July and Wednesday 19th July we would like children to arrive at school between 6.00pm and 6.15pm ready for the show to start at 6.30pm.
We are sure that you will have a fabulous time!
Thank you Miss Mackenzie
Stars of the Week
Ava for her kindness she shows to others at all times. You are an excellent role model to others.
Year 1
William for his effort and improvement within his handwriting.
Year 2
Grace for always going the extra mile with her work in every subject to challenge herself and produce work of the highest quality.
Miss Mackenzie for being a fabulous Year 2 teacher.
Year 3
Olivia for having a super attitude to her learning, especially representing the school on our market stall this week.
Year 4
Olivia for always contributing to lessons and being an enthusiastic and positive learner
Year 5
Alfie for his amazing t-shirt design and fabulous salesman skills.
With a special mention to Mr Holmes from the Friends of the School for being an absolute star and saving the school disco with his wonderful DJ skills!
Question of the Week - If God created the world who created god?
'God created himself and he revealed himself in the Bible. God was always here.'
'Nobody, because in the Bible it says 'In the beginning there was God' and then it describes how God created the Garden of Eden.'
'I think the Big Bang because if the Big Bang created the world then the Big Bang created God.'
'I believe that God was created by the first atoms in our universe because he is the creator and created living things.'
'I think the universe created God so that he could create us, our world and all the planets in space.'
'I think the stars created God before the world was created.'
'No one created God because God exists over all time with no beginning and end.'
'I think the air around us created God and the stars in space as well because they are beautiful and so is God.'
'I think that God has just always been there for us and no one could have created him because he created us.'
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 11th July and Wednesday 12th July - In School Transition Days Year R - Year 5
Wednesday 12th July - Year 6 Leavers Event 6.30-7.30pm (parents and Y6 child, no siblings please)
Wednesday 12th July - Annual Reports (Year 6 reports on 13th or 14th July due to wait for STA results)
Thursday 13th July - Reception York Castle Museum Visit
Tuesday 18th July - Key Stage 2 Production (Afternoon and Evening)
Wednesday 19th July - Key Stage 2 Production (Evening)
Wednesday 19th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship (9am)
Thursday 20th July - Key Stage 2 Celebration Worship (9am)
Friday 21st July - School Closes for the Summer
Oscar's Summer Holiday Club - booking essential
Tuesday 25th to Thursday 27th July, 9am to 4pm
Wednesday 30th to Thursday 31st August, 9am to 4pm
We endeavour to provide dates with suitable notice, however there may be changes to timings etc, as the term progresses.
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