Hansen Weekly Update
November 17th, 2024
Hansen's "Girls on the Run" Team Rock Their 5K Run!
This year Hansen welcomed back Girls on the Run, an organization that seeks to empower, increase self-worth, and spark joy. The Hansen 'GOTR' Team, led by Assistant Principal Ms. Fahey, and with support from 1st grade teacher Ms. Corrigan and 3rd grade teacher Ms. DeMaggio, held a season-ending 5K run around the Hansen school campus on Thursday. The girls, cheered on by family, friends and Hansen staff, did an amazing job and enjoyed a celebratory pizza party afterward!
GO Hansen GOTR!!!
Hello Hansen Families,
This week we introduced our new report cards, which were emailed home on Thursday. We hope they allow you to celebrate the growth, development and success your students are demonstrating this year, so far. Though we are only a third of the way through the school year, and know that our students will continue to develop and succeed, we're proud of how far they have come!
We also hope this information helps you in preparation for your parent-teacher conference this week, so If you haven't already, please schedule a time with your child's teacher for a conference on the evening of the 19th or the afternoon of the 20th. Thank you!
Indigenous People Heritage Month
Native American Heritage month was officially designated for the month of November in 1990. It is a time to celebrate the achievements of Indigenous people, Alaskan Natives, and Native Hawaiians, and affiliated island communities. We also celebrate the history, tradition, and cultures of these people. We celebrate indigenous greats including Sacagawea, a Shoshone interpreter who guided Lewis and Clark in exploration, John Herrington, from the Chickasaw tribe who was the first Native American to fly in space, award winning chef from the Sioux tribe, James Beard, and Autumn Peltier from the Anishinaabe tribe who became their chief water commissioner at age 14, among many others. The artwork for the display pictured below was created by Mrs. Kohl, a 5th grade teacher.
Thank you,
Paul McKnight
Hansen Elementary School
Coming Soon...
Nov. 19th: Echo Dance Team Assemblies
Nov. 19th: Parent Conferences, evening, 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Nov. 19th: Fall Book Fair during conferences
Nov. 20th: Early Release, 11:50 a.m., Parent Conferences, 12:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Nov. 20th: Fall Book Fair during conferences
Last Week at Hansen...
Ms. Moore's 3rd Grade P.E. Class had fun 'Disco Bowling'!
As the lights went out, the tunes and lit-up lanes came on, and it was time to bowl to the music!
GMS Building Project -- Special Town Meeting Nov. 18
GMS Building Project -- Special Town Meeting Nov. 18
Just a reminder that our Canton community will conduct a key vote regarding the Galvin Middle School Project on Monday, November 18 at the Special Town Meeting at 7 p.m. at Canton High School.
The doors open at 5:30 p.m.
If there is an affirmative vote at STM, there will be a December 10 ballot vote for the final approval of the project.
See you there!
Introducing The Hansen High Five!
In place of last year's Team Hansen Awards, which recognized individual students' positive behaviors, we recently introduced a new school-wide system for recognizing and rewarding classrooms / grade-levels for outstanding student behavior, kind acts and doing the right thing. For more details, click here on the Hansen High Five!
Congratulations to our Hansen Nursing Team!
Canton Public Schools Nurse Leader Lauren Pushard recently received a letter from Eastern Bank recognizing Hansen Health Office's Nurse Bethany and Nurse Denise as part of their Thank a Community Hero program. Congratulations, Nurse Bethany & Nurse Denise!
Lost & Found!
Parents, we have more than two full clothing racks of lost clothes, water bottles and lunch bags in our main lobby. Please ask your child to check for any of their missing items.
When you come in for parent-teacher conferences, Nov. 19th or 20th (scheduled with your child's teacher), please look in our lobby for any items your child may have lost. Any items still in our lobby after conferences will be donated to a local charity on Nov. 22nd. Thank you!
Around Town Events
Around Town Events!
Canton Public Schools has a Community Resources and Information Page on its website titled Around Town. This page lists resources and events taking place in our community. To access the information on this webpage, use this link: About/Around Town.
At a Glance - New Event(s)
- Girl Scouts Food Drive
This webpage will be updated periodically.
Support the Girl Scout Food Drive!
CAPT Corner
In-School Programming
In-school assemblies are funded by the Hansen CAPT. Here's a look at some that are upcoming:
Echo Dance Troop - This high intense dance group with an anti-bullying message will be in school on November 19.
Ms. Money - This financial literary presenter will be in school for some classes on April 2.
Upcoming Events
Fall Book Fair - Parents and Guardians can purchase books for students during parent teacher conferences on
November 19 in the evening or November 20 in the afternoon. (Students will not purchase gifts at this one.)
The main goal of the Scholastic Book Fairs is to get as many books in the hands of our students as possible. We use the rewards from the Fall Book Fair to fund new books for the Hansen school library.
We are running three promotions this year!
1. Library Donation Raffle
For every book bought at the Fall Book Fair and donated to the Lt. Peter M. Hansen library your student will receive one (1) raffle ticket for a chance to win $50 to spend at the Spring Book Fair.
There will be six (6) winners, one from each grade for this raffle.
2. E-Wallet Raffle
For every parent who buys a book with their e-wallet at the Fall Book Fair will receive one (1) raffle ticket for a chance to win $50 to spend at the Spring Book Fair.
There will be one (1) winner for this raffle.
3. E-Wallet Teacher Contest
The teacher with the highest percentage of students in their class that sign up for an E-Wallet will win $100 to spend at the Spring Book Fair.
e-Wallet Link: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/ltpeterhansenschool
The Hansen Holiday Shop returns December 6th. This beloved tradition allows students to shop for gifts for friends and family during school. It requires a lot of helpers to make the holiday magic happen. Volunteer sign up: https://evite.me/HCmUWq9VRT. Volunteers must complete a CORI check and submit it by November 26. Only volunteers who are on our final list of CORI-confirmed individuals will be allowed to help at the Holiday Fair on Dec. 6th
Amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2MVX9SNG0270N.
GMS Building Project - There are two upcoming voting periods to move the new GMS Building project forward. The first is Monday, November 18. This is a Special Town Meeting at 7pm at Canton High School. The project requires a 2/3 vote at this meeting to put the GMS Building Project on the December 10 ballot. Childcare for the November 18 meeting is being provided and can be booked HERE. More information on the project is here: https://galvinmsproject.com/
Pizza during Parent Teacher Conferences!
NEW 5th Grade Pizza Fundraiser During Parent Teacher Conferences (see below flier) - The 5th Grade is offering pizza pickups for families during parent teacher conference night November 19. Order here: https://forms.gle/eRziPNH6h9dopVBJ6
CAPT Corner, Continued
Save the Dates
- Monday, November 18: Special Town Meeting at 7pm at Canton High School (Requires a 2/3 vote to put the GMS Building Project on the December 10 ballot). Childcare can be booked HERE.
- Tuesday, December 10: Hansen CAPT Meeting 7pm in Hansen LIbrary or via Zoom
- Tuesday, December 10: Ballot Vote (Requires a simple majority vote for the GMS Building Project to pass and move forward)
- NEW Friday, December 13: Family Movie Night. More details to come.
- NEW Special Someone Dance - February 7, 2025
Champions of Wellness 5K Race / Walk
The second annual Champions of Wellness 5K race/walk is officially open for sign-ups! The race will take place on Sunday, November 24th at 9am starting at the Canton High School track. Registration is $25 and all money raised goes towards Canton Public Schools mental health education for students and scholarships for seniors.
Please be sure to register using the link below. Same day registration closes at 8:15am. Start your training!
Also For Parents:
This is our second year using our new SEL curriculum, Wayfinder. For access to a visual outlining Wayfinder's 'Core Skills + Competencies' which the instructional curriculum is based upon, click here. Thank you!
Need Family Assistance?
Family Resources
The Canton Farmers Market also accepts SNAP and HIP
How to Get Help | The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Boston
More support:
Chat online or call 800-273-8255
Support For LGBTQ+ Youth
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Text NAMI to 741741