The Gilbert School E-News
June 2024
The Return On Our Investment
Dear Gilbert Students & Families,
As the end of the school year approaches in the coming days, it's also a time to reflect on the hard work of our students - but also, the hard work of our Gilbert parents, faculty, staff, and W.L. Gilbert School Corporation members throughout the year. The education of our children is a partnership where everyone is invested.
We approach the task as a true collaboration, with the common goal of developing knowledge for our Winsted/Winchester children. Regardless of our role - parent, teacher, or school board member, we want to see them succeed and grow. It's never more evident than at this time of year. Truly, June is our favorite time of the year - but not for the reasons that most people would think.
Of course, everyone looks forward to summer - barbeques, a swim in the lake, and hopefully a few days off to enjoy the warm weather. But May and June celebrate everything the students have accomplished throughout the year - scholarship and awards nights, athletic banquets, promotion ceremonies, and graduations. This Friday, June 7th we come together as a learning community to celebrate the achievements of our graduates - because we all want to see the smiles when the seniors are handed their diplomas and send them off to begin their lives as young adults. Like you, we're proud of your children. It's those smiles, and their joy, that are the return on our investment. Congratulations to all, and have a safe and happy summer!
Greg Shugrue, Head of School
Grades 9-12: Final Exam Schedule
Below you will find the schedule for all students for Final Exam week. Questions about exams for a particular class should be directed to that teacher. Lunch will not be served on the Early Dismissal days, but Breakfast will be served during exams.
Class of 2024 Graduation is 6/7
Graduation is Friday, June 7th at 7pm. All seating is on a first-come/first-serve basis. For family members who will not be able to attend, we will be live-streaming the event the night of graduation and it will also be posted after the event for your convenience! Click HERE to watch commencement via livestream, and/or the recording online.
Grade 8 Promotion Ceremony is 6/10
Grade 8 Promotion is taking place on June 10th at 9:00 am. Students should arrive at the school for 9:00 that morning dressed to impress. Families are welcome to join in on the celebration. All of the teachers and staff want to wish them all the best of luck for the next chapter of their lives! CONGRATULATIONS!
May Highlights At TGS
Mrs. Daige Named Teacher of the Year
On 5/30 we had a very special ceremony highlighting our Yearbook Dedication and our Teacher of the Year! Congratulations to Mr. Penn - who had the 2024 Yearbook dedicated to him. Our yearbook class, and advisor, Mrs. Daniele surprised him with the honor, and invited his family to attend this special ceremony.
Our new Teacher of the Year for this year is Mrs. Daige, our 8th grade English teacher. Thanks to a brief intro from our outgoing TOY Mrs. Zaprzalka and a SURPRISE video and in person appearance from NBC 30’s own Bob Maxon, Stephanie was thrilled to be chosen by her peers to represent us this year. She is a HUGE fan of Bob’s and the morning team. A bonus to Bob Maxon’s visit included the infamous Snow Monster who parked here at 200 Williams Avenue for a special appearance and photo op for the students and our new TOY!
Specialty Award & W.L. Gilbert Trust Scholarship Night
On 5/23, junior and senior students gathered with family and friends for the Academic/Specialty Awards and The WL Gilbert Trust Scholarship Night. Juniors and seniors received various book awards, University of Rochester awards, Seal of Biliteracy Awards, The Gilbert Awards, and other awards. The W.L. Gilbert Trust also awarded over $122,000 in scholarships to 27 seniors and Gilbert alumni.
Thank you to our generous donors who make this night possible and who continue the rich tradition of civic service and generosity that our founder was so known for. Our seniors and alumni were fortunate enough to receive this financial support to help with their academic pursuits post-Gilbert.
Lastly, our Valedictorian and Salutatorian were also recognized by our State Representative Jay Case (a Gilbert alumnus) and Senator Stephen Harding! It means so much to our school that they came to spend some time and celebrate with us! Congratulations to all of the recipients!
Photo credits: Holly Marchand Cassaday
Hats Off To Our TGS Award Recipients
On May 15 the W.L. Gilbert School Corporation recognized and celebrated our winners of various awards. Many of the awards were presented at an earlier celebration ceremony, but the board still wanted to recognize and celebrate our wonderful students and their achievements this year.
- CAS/CIAC Scholar-Athlete - Ivy Davis
- CAS/CIAC Scholar-Athlete - Zackary Richardson
- CAS Arts Award for Art - Mariah Lee Walker
- CAS Arts Award for Music - Colton Zawisza
- CABE Student Leadership Award (High School) - Danica Poirier
- CABE Student Leadership Award (High School) - Thatcher Rupert
CABE Student Leadership Award (Middle School) - Wilnerys Ortiz-Reyes
CABE Student Leadership Award (Middle School) - Cameron Picard
- LCSA Student Recognition Award (High School) - Madison Arthur
- LCSA Student Recognition Award (High School) - Zackary Richardson
LCSA Student Recognition Award (Middle School) - Wilnerys Ortiz Reyes
LCSA Student Recognition Award (Middle School) - Robert Tanis
- Class of 2024 Valedictorian - Angelina Morales
- Class of 2024 Salutatorian - Ivy Davis
Congratulations to all of our award winners!
Tort Law Museum Fun
Ms. Sultaire's Law class had a great time at Winsted's American Museum of Tort Law on a field trip on May 16th. The museum first opened in 2015 and was developed by Gilbert alumnus Ralph Nader. Forbes Magazine explains, "This nonprofit, educational institution aims to make people aware of tort law’s pivotal role in the protection of personal freedom and safety, and celebrates the historical and contemporary achievements of the civil justice system." A BIG thank you to Steve Barone for chaperoning, and a huge shout out to Josh Penn for driving us in the van that took 2 separate trips to accommodate all of the students!
Summer Counseling Program Available for Students
Parents of Gilbert students should contact Principal Lewis for more information.
2 Week Musical Theater Studio Experience at AMP
American Mural Project (AMP) is offering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for teens to perform the musical Working in front of AMP's colossal mural about workers. The ultimate stage!
Working, the Musical
July 8-19, 9am-3:00pm
Created by Stephen Schwartz with songs by such luminaries as Lin Manuel Miranda and James Taylor makes this story driven experience both compelling and exquisite. There will also be opportunities to write and perform monologues about the working people celebrated in the epic mural.
For more information and a registration link, click here. Or, to check out our Teen Music Jam click here. Please direct any questions to Michelle Begley, michelle@americanmuralproject.org.
A Musicial Month of May at TGS
TGS-Fest 2024
On May 24th students from the Rock/Pop Ensemble class presented their hard work at the annual TGS-Fest concert! Three student bands (Get a Clue, Backroads, & Utopia) performed, and the Gilbert staff band, Partial Kredit opened up the show. To add to the authentic atmosphere, Mrs. Poirier's business students ran a concession stand and "merch" table. It was a packed house and a great time. See you at the Fest next year!
Middle School Band Performs in Parade
On May 18, the Middle School "Junior Jackets" Marching Band performed at the Pet Parade!
In addition, the High School Spring Concert was on May 21st featuring the Jazz Ensemble, Concert Choir, and the Symphonic Band. Our last performance of the year is June 4th where the Middle School Band and Chorus will perform their Spring Concert.
Marching Band Fundraiser
Great news...now that the Yellowjacket Marching Band has new duds, you have an opportunity to own some very cool TGS memorabilia! Proceeds will support ancilliary costs for future marching band field shows! See the flyer below for more information.
Middle School Counseling News
Students in grades 7-12 participated in a whole school Wingman and CT National Guard sponsored activity day
Pearson’s 6th graders visited TGS on May 16th
The incoming 7th grade learned about what to expect in middle school and toured the building
Select 7th and 8th graders served as tour group captains as they explored the building
8th Grade Field Trip May 23rd
8th graders went on a class trip to High Meadow
National Junior Honor Society Induction May 22nd
7th and 8th grade students in the NJHS had their induction ceremony
Summer School
Counselor and Administrators are reviewing grades and considering those that are recommended for the summer school program
If deemed eligible, parents have received an email and mailed letter by Mrs. Thompson
Please respond to the request by June 3rd
8th grade Social Balance Lessons
Students in grade 8 received lessons on safe social media usage during their advisory periods.
Topics covered included:
Positive/negative consequences of using social media too frequently
The relationship between constant social media use and how it impacts brain development
Setting boundaries for social media use
Taking a digital break from social media
GESPYS Awards Banquet Celebrates Gilbert Student-Athletes
On 5/30, The Gilbert School held our first-ever GESPYS (Gilbert Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly) Awards. Both Varsity and JV letters were awarded, along with new awards for individual student-athletes. Players from Fall, Winter, and Spring sports were invited to attend this celebration of their accomplishments.
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Josh Penn and the Athletic Department for hosting this first annual sports celebration. The atmosphere was infectious with enthusiasm and Gilbert pride, creating a truly memorable event. To host an event like this takes a monumental effort, and we are incredibly fortunate to have such a dedicated and supportive Athletic Department. Check out a few terrific pictures from the incredible evening below. Congratulations Yellow Jackets!
SAVE THE DATE: The Blue & Gold Golf Tournament is 8/12
The Gilbert Blue & Gold Annual Golf Fundraiser has officially set a date. The tournament will be held on August 12th at Edgewood Golf Course in Southwick, MA. More information to come!
More TGS Athletics Information:
Contact Josh Penn, Gilbert Director of Athletics 7-12 at: pennj@gilbertschool.org or call 860 379-3721 with any questions regarding Athletics. If you have specific questions regarding practices and games please contact the coach directly.
International Student-Athletes Honored
By Lauren Orr and Magdalena Kruk, International Program
This month six international students were honored at the first annual GESPYS ceremony, celebrating Gilbert student-athletes from the 2023-24 school year. Eric (Cao Ba Loc) Nguyen and Steven (Jiho) Shin started the year off dedicated to our small but mighty Yellow Jackets boys soccer team. Many games Steven served as the team's goalie. Rafael Marmolejo Gonzalez proved to be a strong member of the eSports team, helping to lead the group to victory in the games he acted as team leader. Austin (Jaesang) Jung showed dedication as he trained for the basketball team both on and off season. Sophia Peixoto played on our fierce Yellow Jackets girls volleyball team. Lars Dobashi Nunes ended the year strong on the cross country team. We are so proud of our international student athletes Sophia and Lars. Both these students maintained a high honors academic average while being members of a Gilbert sports team. Congratulations to you all!
High School Counseling News From Mr. Brintle & Ms. Fiducia
Students in grades 7-12 participated in a whole school Wingman and CT National Guard sponsored activity day
Advanced Placement Exams Conclude
A total of 119 exams were completed in nine different subject areas.
Prospective 2024-25 AP students will need to complete and return the AP expectations letter before June 12th
High School Juniors Can Get A Head Start on the College Search/Application Process During Summer:
Explore post-secondary options, including visiting colleges
Create an account and begin completing the Common App (if planning to apply to college) commonapp.org starting August 1st.
Search and register for scholarships:
https://www.collegeboard.org/ (check out Big Future)
Raise.Me micro scholarships
Course Scheduling for 2024-25
Counselors are continuing to review class schedules for next year. It is anticipated that students will be able to access their schedules before leaving for summer break
Summer School
Counselors and Administrators are reviewing student final grades
If a student is recommended and eligible for credit recovery (as determined after grades have closed), the Summer School Administrator will contact parents/guardians by email and/or phone.
In Partnership with EdAdvance, School Social Workers May Be Available for Appointments During Summer Break
- Parents should contact Mr. Cerbone (cerbonej@gilbertschool.org), Ms. Michaela (cutarellim@gilbertschool.org) or Ms. Shannon (mcgranes@gilbertschool.org) directly to schedule appointments.
GRADES 9-11: Get FREE Customized Online SAT Prep
Khan Academy, in conjunction with College Board, offers free customized SAT prep based on a student's performance on the PSAT/SAT. Generated SAT practice is tailored specifically to focus on those areas in which the student requires the most practice. Click on the button below to find out more information!
GRADES 9-11: Additional SAT & ACT Test Dates
In spring 2024, all junior students will participate in the Connecticut SAT School Day here at The Gilbert School. However, any student (not just juniors!) can register online to take the SAT and/or to take the ACT throughout the year - as many times as you choose. Like anything else, the more you practice, the better you'll get!
*Please note that The Gilbert School is no longer a testing site and will not be hosting SAT testing on alternate dates.
Physicals Required for Students
Physicals for Students in Grade 9
Students are required to have a physical exam during ninth grade. It can be done during the summer before ninth grade. Blue physical forms will be mailed out in report cards at the end of the year. Physicals are also required every 13 months for students who are trying out for sports. Don’t forget to make your doctor’s appointment for your child as times book up quickly!
Sports Physicals
Does your child play a sport? Don’t forget to book your sports physical for this summer! Students need a current physical on file in the nurse’s office to try out for a fall sport. Physicals should be dated within 13 months.
Join Our Team!!!
- Would you like a part time job with summers off?
- Are you available to work during school hours?
- If you answered yes, School Food Service may be the place for you!
Opening for cafeteria workers, daily, or on a substitute basis. The work schedule follows the school calendar, approximately 5.25 hours/day, on an as needed basis. Applicants must be flexible with times, as school lunch schedules occasionally change. No experience needed, will train. Application, resume, letter of intent and 2 letters of reference are requested. Interested individuals should click HERE to apply online.
Important Dates to Remember
Graduation Practice
6/6 & 6/7 - 9:30am to 12:30pm
8th Grade Promotion Practice
6/6 & 6/7 - 8am to 9am
8th Grade Promotion
Last Day of School
Early Dismissal
6/12 (12:16 pm)