Equipping the Domestic Church/ISSUE 144/9.15.24
This series from a parish in Colorado gives a great overview of the Mass for many things you may not have known before. Watch in parts or watch the whole 30 minutes. We'll share a different episode each issue! This first episode, that goes from :48 to 4:41 touches on the Historical context of the Mass. Feel free to watch only until 4:41 or tune into the whole video in one setting!
Today is Catechetical Sunday. This year's theme prompts us to look for Christ among us. The PDF below gives families a great starting point for talking about when we see Jesus in our midst and are asked to respond with kindness to our neighbors!
Sr. Mary Kenneth Keller, B.V.M
Sr. Mary Kenneth, a Sister of the Sister of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, held a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics, a Master of Science degree in Mathematics and Physics, and a Ph.D in Computer Science. She was the first woman in the United States to receive a Ph.D in computer Science and received it on the same day as Irving Tang, the first man to receive a Ph.D in that field! Her work as a scientist in the 1950s and 60s helped pave the way for the wide use of computers today. Sr. Mary Kenneth's dissertation focused on algorithms. She went on to found the computer science department at Clarke College (a Catholic women's college in Iowa). She wrote four books about computer language and was an advocate for computer use in education as she helped develop a computer language known as BASIC.
As the church celebrates Catechetical Sunday, the weekend during which we honor those who teach the faith, we celebrate YOU, mom and dad, first teachers of your children. Thank you for continuing to carry out the promise you made at your child's baptism. Your role in your children's faith journey is irreplaceable!
Prayer for Parents as Primary Catechists of their Children
Good and Gracious God.
Thank you for the gift of my child/children and the noble vocation of parenthood.
Help me to be a faithful catechist of our faith.
Let me always be a witness of your love and give me the words to teach my child/children to follow you.
I ask this through your son, Jesus Christ.
Give Drink to the Thirsty
Think about the ways in which water can be a true gift. Is there a charity that provides clean water? A local marathon with water stations? A care facility at which water can be given lovingly as ice chips to someone very ill? Can you offer a water or hot coffee to a person in need who is too warm on a hot day? There are so many ways we can love our neighbor by sharing a simple cup of water.
Chopped Pasta Salad
This is a quick weeknight meal when you have to run to after school activities!
1 rotisserie Chicken, skin removed and chicken diced
1 Package pre-cooked bacon, microwaved for about 10 seconds and chopped
1 three pack of romaine lettuce, chopped
1 bag of mixed coleslaw
1 cup of dry ditalini or elbow pasta, boiled to al dente and cooled.
2 tomatoes, pulp and seeds removed, diced
1 cucumber, peeled and diced
Shredded cheese of your choosing
Bottled dressing of your choosing. Honey mustard, balsamic or Italian work best!
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl, adding the amount of dressing that suits your tastes. Enjoy!
Back to School Campfire or Screen-Free Night
With all the craziness of September, families might find they are caught up in the busyness with little conversation from day to day. Carving out time for a backyard campfire, or just an evening by candlelight in the family room can invite some real sharing about the new school year, teachers and students. Even just an hour of screen-free, conversation time can be a great way to reset and let go of some of the anxiety that comes with the shift from summer laziness to full speed ahead!
Office of Evangelization and Catechesis
Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester
Editor: Leslie Barkin leslie.barkin@dor.org
Debtor in PossessionEmail: oec@dor.org
Website: oec.dor.org
Location: Diocese of Rochester, Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: 585-328-3210