Friday Highlights
November 15, 2024
Mark your Calendar:
November 15: Fall Play - Twelve Angry Jurors, OHS Auditorium, 7:00 p.m.
November 16: Fall Play - Twelve Angry Jurors, OHS Auditorium, 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
November 27: Early Dismissal, 11:00 a.m.
November 28/29: Thanksgiving Break - No School for Staff/Students
Next Week's Schedule at OHS:
Tuesday: Periods 1 - 4, A Day
Wednesday: Periods 1 - 4, B Day
Thursday: Periods 1 - 4, A Day
Friday: Periods 1 - 4, B Day
Twelve Angry Jurors:
Oxford High School Drama presents Twelve Angry Jurors. Performances will be held at OHS in the auditorium on Friday, November 15 at 7:00 p.m., Saturday, November 16 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tickets are now on sale and can be purchased here for $10 or at the door for $12. A signed Taylor Swift CD will be raffled off at each show!
OHS Athletics:
A reminder that OHS winter sports begins soon! In order to try-out, students must be registered on Final Forms, all parent forms and athlete forms must be completed and an updated physical (within 13 months) must be on file with our school nurse. Winter sport registration will close on Monday, November 25th to allow our athletic department enough time to medically clear athletes prior to the first day of try-outs. Please use the following link to register if you haven't already done so: https://oxford-ct.finalforms.com/
To view the list of athletic schedules, go to the OHS Website and select the tab for Athletics. Use the drop-down arrow and you will find schedules for each sport that is offered.
Jersey Mike’s Players of the Week: Congratulations to the following athletes for being selected as players of the week for their sport:
Football: Luke Kvasnak
Powder Puff Game:
Kiley Harding
Hailey Schwartz
Zamayaih Stiven
Varsity Jackets:
Varsity jackets are available to purchase through Hot Tops located in Shelton. Sample jackets are in the main office for students to try on for sizing. The online store deadline is Sunday, November 17 (11:59 p.m.) with delivery the week of December 9. You can use the following link to place your order: https://oxfordvarsityjackets2024.itemorder.com
Please be aware that this is the only time during the year to order varsity jackets, so do not miss the deadline date of November 17.
Note: If you have been awarded your varsity letter and wish to have it added to your jacket, mark your order YES for Varsity Letter and bring your letter to the main office by November 18. Please be sure your name is clearly marked on the outside envelope.
OHS Health Office
As a reminder from Nurse Dani, students are NOT allowed to carry medication with them. Please fill out forms on PowerSchool if you would like your student to have Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen or Tums in school. When you log on to PowerSchool, go to forms and check off the boxes if you would like your child to receive any of these medications when in need.
Please be aware that these medications may only be administered if the forms are completed on PowerSchool. Verbal permission is not accepted.
CT State law requires that all students in 10th grade have a physical assessment. This assessment serves to document adequate immunizations and any health issues that may impact your child while they attend school. The physical exam must be dated after January 01, 2024. The front of the HAR form must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian. The second page must have all *asterisks areas completed.
As a friendly reminder your child must be fever free (without medication) and has not vomited within 24 hours before returning to school.
Early Dismissal Procedure:
As we start the new school year, we want to remind you of the procedure for early dismissals:
1 - Early Dismissal Note: If your student needs to leave school early, please send them in with an early dismissal note. This allows us to give your student a dismissal pass, enabling them to sign out on their own. There is no need for you to come into the school.
2 - In-Person Pick-Up: If you need to pick up your student in person, please bring your driver’s license. You will need to complete the dismissal process through Securly Visitor for security purposes.
3 - Contact Information: Ensure that your contact information is up-to-date, including who is permitted to pick up your child.
We appreciate your cooperation in making the early dismissal process smooth and secure.
School Counseling
College Applications:
Q1 Grades Report: Counselors posted a sign-up sheet in the Class of 2025 Google Classroom if students would like their counselor to submit/include first quarter grades to their selected Colleges/Universities. Mid-year reports will automatically be shared with schools in January.
Fall PSAT Scores: October 2024 PSAT Scores are now accessible through student’s College Board accounts.
Career Speaker Spotlight: We are thrilled to launch our Career Speaker Spotlight, where professionals from a variety of fields will share insights about their careers with our students during FLEX period. Students interested in attending can sign up via Google forms, which will be accessible in their grade-level Google Classrooms. Our first guest speaker will introduce the diverse and exciting opportunities available in Connecticut’s manufacturing sector on December 5th.
College Panel: The school counseling department will host OHS alumni for a college panel on Wednesday, November 27 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. They will answer student questions and share their first year experiences with current 11th and 12th grade students.
Counseling Caseloads
Grade 9: A - C
Grade 10: A - C
Grade 11: A - C
Grade 12: A - C
Grade 9: D - L
Grade 10: D - M
Grade 11: D - M
Grade 12: D - L
Grade 9: M - Z
Grade 10: N - Z
Grade 11: N - Z
Grade 12 M - Z
Mancinone - https://appt.link/mancinonea
Angeley - https://appt.link/sarah-angeley
McRae - https://appt.link/mcraea
Social Work Spotlight:
The Thanksgiving season can serve as a reminder to give thanks. As we enter this year’s hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it can be difficult to keep this mindset. During this time, practicing gratitude can help us cope with life’s challenges or stressors. Gratitude is more than saying “thank you”, it is the practice of pausing and acknowledging the goodness we experience, no matter how small. Practicing gratitude has been shown to have long term benefits such as improved mental health and physical health, and improved interpersonal relationships. For teens and kids, building a gratitude mindset allows them to feel positive emotions which eventually leads to more positive actions and choices. Below, please find an article that highlights the practice of gratitude and how we can encourage teens to engage in this process.
Yearbooks are on Sale! Purchase your yearbook now while books are only $75. Prices will increase on December 1st.
Attention Senior Parents: Please remind your senior to check Google Classroom for important yearbook submission deadlines. Senior Quotes are due Friday, November 15th. Quotes appear below their portrait, so please check with your child for completion and appropriateness as this will be published in our yearbook. Senior baby photos, pet photos, and sibling photos are due by December 1st. Detailed information can be found in Google Classroom.
Questions: email campbellb@oxfordpublicschools.org
Attention Senior Parents: Parent ads are available to purchase! The deadline to purchase an ad for the yearbook is January 31, 2025. Prices vary based on the size of the ad. See the links below to place an order:
Yearbooks: https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A01100339
Ads: https://www.jostens.com/apps/jcom/router.mvc?affiliateId=1673572
If you have any questions, please contact our yearbook advisors; Ms. Aldrich or Mrs. Campbell. Their email address is listed below:
Seymour/Oxford Food Bank:
A flyer is attached with information from the Seymour/Oxford Food Bank.
Booster Club
The Booster Club is excited to welcome everyone back for another fantastic school year. Whether you are returning or joining us for the first time, we are thrilled to have you as part of our amazing community.
Who We Are: The Booster Club is a non-profit organization committed to enhancing the experiences of our students, teachers and school programs through a variety of initiatives, events and fundraising efforts. Our mission is to support Oxford High School’s activities, arts and athletic programs that directly benefit the students. We are focused on enriching the school environment and building a strong sense of community among OHS families.
Upcoming Meeting Dates: We invite you to join us at our upcoming Booster Club meetings, where you will have the opportunity to share ideas, get involved and stay informed about what is happening at OHS. Listed below are the meeting dates for this semester:
- Tuesday, December 3, 7:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, January 8, 7:00 p.m.
All meetings will be held in the OHS cafeteria. We encourage all parents, guardians and staff to attend.
Pizza with Santa and Friends: Pizza with Santa and Friends and Cookies and Storytime will be held on Friday, December 13th from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Festival of Trees: The Festival of Trees will be held on Saturday, December 14th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and will include the Holiday Market and holiday entertainment in the auditorium.
Mid-term and Final Goody Bags: Goody Bags are back and are very popular with the students. The bags are a special way to show support for your child during midterm and final exams. Each bag features a personal message from you and contains a variety of items/treats. All bags are gluten free, nut free and braces safe. If your child has any other allergy, please note that on your order. Once your order is received with payment, the Goody Bag committee members will prepare the bags and deliver them to the recipient’s locker the evening before exams. Seniors will receive a special graduation surprise in their final bag.
Please use the following link to place your order: bit.ly/24-25BoosterClubGoodyBag
Babysitting Course: The OHS Booster Club is offering Adventures in Babysitting where you can get certified in first aid and receive CPR training. The classes will be held on Saturday, January 18 and Saturday, January 25, 2025 at Oxford High School from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. The cost of the class is $95. Space is limited to 15 people. You can register for the course by using the following link: https://bit.ly/BCBabysittingCourseJan2025
Get Involved: We are always looking for volunteers and new ideas to help make our school even better. If you are interested in getting involved, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Your participation, no matter how big or small, makes a huge difference. Our next meeting is Tuesday, December 3rd at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. Let’s work together to make this school year the best one yet! Sign up to be a member today at: https://bit.ly/2024OHSBCMembership
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Dance Team Poinsettia Fundraiser: The OHS Dance Team is holding a holiday Poinsettia sale. Please help support the team by purchasing these beautiful plants for the holiday season. An order form is attached with more information.
From the Principal's Office:
Beginning next week, Oxford High School will begin collecting student class dues through MySchoolBucks. Once logged in to PowerSchool’s parent portal, you can pay your student’s dues by clicking on the “Invoice” link. Directions, including screenshots, are linked HERE. A reminder that class dues are $25 per year. If your child owes dues from previous years, that amount will be reflected in your invoice.
A thank you to those who attended parent-teacher conferences earlier this week. Your support and involvement are crucial to your child's success and growth, and we greatly value the opportunity to collaborate with you. By working together, we can continue to create a positive learning experience for your child. Please don't hesitate to reach out to your child’s teachers and/or school counselor if you have questions about their academic performance.
Finally, I am happy to share that the installation of the new PoolPak is progressing smoothly. We hope to have this project completed soon and are eager to reopen the natatorium to our students and community. Thank you for your flexibility with the adjusted traffic patterns while this work is underway.
Enjoy the weekend, Wolverines,