MVS Family News
Blazing our own path to excellence!
Monday, July 29th
Summer Break is almost over!
Below are details about tasks that need to be completed before school starts and about our orientation days for different grade levels. Please read carefully and call if you have any questions!
Enjoy your last week!
:0) Mrs. Bishop
Temporary Front Door
The remodeling of our building is almost complete! We expect to be moving into our new space at the end of August. For now, we have been moved around the side of building and will be sharing a front door with the tech department. To find us, please enter 517 Charles Street into your GPS. Look for the red MVS flags!
Things to Do Now
1. Data Verification- Be sure to login to your PowerSchool Parent Portal account and verify your data for this school year. Find more information here. If you have trouble logging in, please call MVS for support. This must be completed before the laptop can be taken home.
2. Pay School Fees- Pay your $55 school fees. To do so, click here and login or make an account. You will be choosing the MVS School Fees to purchase for your student. You may also pay in cash, check, or credit card on orientation day.
3. Pay for Optional Laptop User Insurance-NEW for 2024-2025- MCS is moving to an OPTIONAL iReach Protection Plan. This purchase protects and covers against damages to student technology devices and is available for all grade levels. The 2024-2025 MCS iReach Protection Plan may be purchased at any time; however, it is best to purchase the plan at the beginning of the school year. Damage claims prior to plan purchase are not eligible for coverage by the iReach Protection Plan. Beginning Labor Day, device inspection is required for all new iReach Protection Plan purchases. Additionally, the annual iReach Protection Plan expires at the end of each school year and must be renewed annually. The cost of the plan is $40 for individual students and $100 for family (3 or more students). To do so, click here and login or make an account.
Orientation Days for 4th-12th Graders
1. All students will receive a video of the orientation presentation for your grade level later this week via parent and student email.
2. All students need to come to MVS with a guardian during one of the following "drop-in" times to have a school picture taken, receive class schedule, pay the school fees ($55), and complete the data verification, if not already completed. Students in grades 9-12 will then be issued a Dell laptop. Students in grades 4-8 will receive their work for the week and will be issued their laptop during the Start Right day. Note that you will receive information form the from the photographer about proof and purchase information. Seniors will be asked to have their pictures taken as well, so we can issue school ID cards.
- Monday, August 5 from 8:30 to 11:30am
- Tuesday, August 6 from 8:30 to 11:30am
4th-8th Graders: "Start Right" Days for Students Only
Students in grades 4-8 will need to attend a Start Right Day session to meet their teacher, meet other students, review classroom procedures, and receive/setup their laptop. This meeting will get the elementary and middle school students in gear to start the school year right! More details about drop off and pick up will be coming from your main teacher soon.
- Friday, August 9th
- Grades 4-5-- 8:30 to 11:00am
- Grades 6-8-- 12:00 to 2:30pm