"Do A Job"
MARCH 7, 2025
The scheduling process is ready to go full speed here soon. New courses in CTE, AG, IGNITE Manufacturing, Nursing, EMT, more Science Electives, and others are coming.
Spring Sports start on Monday 3-10 with new coaches for JV & V Baseball, JV & V Golf. This is always a clear indication to me that the end of the year is just around the corner.
We will be hosting our NHS Induction Ceremony on March 17 at 6:30 in the LGI. I would like to personally invite you to come honor this year’s class. We have a big group of nominees, and all of them are outstanding candidates under consideration.
The return of our Gear Cats Robotics club brought them the Rookie Team Award at the Battle Creek Central competition. They finished right in the middle of 40 teams in our first few months as a club. Proud of the Knoblochs leadership and our kids' teamwork getting ready that quickly and then performing well. Lots of big schools were at that event. More good things to come from our Gear Cats!! See some pictures from the competition and the picture of the freshmen team members who competed and won the Rookie All-Star Award. These guys were there about 4 hours Friday, 13 hours on Saturday, and 9 hours Sunday. They DID A JOB
Check out the photos of the Woodshop 2025 Seniors' latest project. They just finished up building a giant Adirondack chair that will be placed out in Delton for the community to use. The 2025 Senior Woodshop students also made a market stand for the Delton Community Garden and benches for the Rotary Club that will be placed in the William Smith Park and the Community Garden.
The Spring play Larceny & Old Lace has started their production schedule and have performance dates of May 7, 9 & 10. Mark your calendars for another top level production for our talented theatre kids.
3 of our FFA kids went to the State Convention last week in Lansing. We had a recent meeting with MSU Biological Station from Lux Arbor reserve property, as we are working hard to expand our networking connections for our kids.
The official Launch of the Student Wellness Room was this week. It has nicer furniture than I have in my home. Kids have been utilizing the room and it is getting rave reviews from students.
We sent a bus load of students to the Barry County Career Fest where kids got some hands-on exposure to different opportunities and were able to ask questions and interact with business and industry leaders.
We will be hosting a Title 1 Parent meeting for the DK Academy on 3-25 from 5:30-6:30 in the DKAC room at the high school. This will be the same night as EL Literacy Night.
Student Council
The DKHS Student Council will meet Thursday March 13 at 7:30am in Miss Dinda's classroom. We will be finalizing our plans for the Blood Drive.
Monthly Scholarships
Job Opportunities at Bowen's
Spanish Castells
Spanish One students learned about the tradition of the Castells, a human tower building competition in Tarragona, Spain.
This takes place every August, in the region of Cataluña
They got to practice their tower building skills with plastic cups. The record this year was 25 levels.