RAISE THE BAR 2024-2025
District Back to School Newsletter
PARENTS -- please read the District Back to School newsletter. It will have general school information and fun back-to-school event dates. Don't forget to check it out!
Meet our Principal - Dr. Lizar
Dear School Community –
Welcome to the new school year! I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable summer. As we step into this academic year, I am filled with excitement and optimism about the opportunities and experiences that lie ahead, and I am grateful to be spending the 2024-2025 school year with each of you!
For Students:
This is your time to shine. Embrace every challenge with determination and see every obstacle as a chance to grow. Remember, your education is a journey, and every step you take brings you closer to your goals. We are here to support you, guide you, and celebrate your successes. You have a team that will support you each step of the way.
For Families:
Thank you for entrusting us with your children's education. Your involvement and support are crucial to their successes. We look forward to working closely with you to ensure that your child has a productive and enriching school year. Together, we can create a nurturing environment that fosters learning and growth.
We look forward to seeing each of you on Wednesday evening from 5:00 – 7:00 at Back to School Night at Journey School of Choice. This is a great chance to make sure everything is complete for a successful school year. If you need assistance completing the online registration, parent acknowledgements, reviewing your student’s schedule and academic progress, check on bus routes or just want to visit with teachers and other parents, this is a perfect time to come out and get business complete for one “HOOT” of a year!
Thank you!
Dr. Frankie Lizar
Principal/Real World Learning Coordinator
Journey School of Choice/Beyond the Bell
Back to School Night - Meet the Teachers
Journey School of Choice & Beyond the Bell - BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT EVENT
Wednesday, Aug 7, 2024, 05:00 PM
2540 Junction Road, Kansas City, KS, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
School procedures
Habitual absence, tardy, or non-productive students may be dropped from attending Journey School of Choice to allow other students to attend.
Students that are non-compliant with attendance procedures will be assigned to ISS and/or Wise Time on Friday. See explanation under discipline section. Students who are in Wise Time due to attendance issues will do building and community service activities as assigned by administration.
Tardy to School
The beginning of the school bell rings at 8:00 AM. Students should be in class at this time. If an excused call is recorded prior to the student entering the building the student will complete Owls Nest expectations/assignments in a designated location. If the call is recorded after entry to the building or is deemed unexcused by an administrator, the students will complete Owls Nest expectations/assignments in a designated location. They also will meet with an administrator/counselor/teacher advocate.
Tardy to Class
A continuous tardy pattern will grant the student ISS and/or Wise Time and a student/parent meeting.
Student schedules will be completed with required core courses and electives. Math, ELA, Social Studies, Science, and Electives. Students will be assigned to the content lab but choose the course they are working on based on their individual needs/individual learning plan (i.e. in period one social studies, students may be working on American History, Government, and a Current Events elective).
Cell phones and other non-district technology will remain in backpacks unless approved by the classroom teacher to be used as a tool for learning. If the device becomes a distraction, contact will be made with parent/guardian to determine an appropriate plan of action.
Students will take scheduled restroom breaks throughout the day. Emergency breaks are available.
Students will enter the building through the rear entrance by the cafeteria in the morning until 7:55, after this time all students will enter through the office.
Bus Riders: If bus transportation needs adjusted, please contact district transportation at 913.288.3700. Bus rider will be dropped at THS and ride a bus from THS together to JSOC.
Car Rider and Drivers: Please be mindful of buses and parking areas. Drivers must provide proof of insurance and complete parking pass permit paperwork.
Communication from school to home will be through Infinite Campus Messenger, Schoology, S’More Newsletters, Facebook and Twitter.
- Mr. Robert McCullagh - Social Studies - mccullaghr@turnerusd202.org
- Ms. Cecelia Stump - English - stumpce@turnerusd202.org
- Mr. Toby Weir - Science - weirt@turnerusd202.org
- Ms. Laura Bianco - Physical Education - biancol@turnerusd202.org
- Mr. Holden Kraus– Math - kraush@turnerusd202.org
- Ms. Anita Vanderpool – Electives Coordinator - vanderpoola@turnerusd202.org
- Mrs. Gretchen Gibson - Turner/ Step Teacher - gibsong@turnerusd202.org
- Mrs. Robin Ramsey – Turner/Step - ramseyr@turnerusd202.org
- Ms. Suzie Hendrickson - Social Worker - henricksons@turnerusd202.org
- Dr. Frankie Lizar - Principal - lizarf@turnerusd202.org
- Ms. Michelle Cano - Secretary - canomi@turnerusd202.org
Some learning courses will be in Edgenuity. The core courses will be added to your
schedule based upon your transcript and sequential order.
Username: Students will use their district student number (long number)
Password: Student specific - If they have questions, have them check in with their teacher.
Some learning courses will be in Schoology. The core courses will be added to your
schedule based upon your transcript and sequential order.
Username: Students will use their district student number (long number)
Password: Students will use their district password
JSOC Calendar
Journey School of Choice
Email: canomi@turnerusd202.org
Website: https://www.turnerusd202.org/our-schools/journey-school-of-choice
Location: 2540 Junction Road, Kansas City, KS, USA
Phone: (913) 288-3690
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JourneySchoolofChoice/
Twitter: @JourneySoc