Principal e-Note
Concord Elementary School - Sept 15, 2024 (Week 5)
A Note From the Principal
Concord Families,
As we enter the fifth week of school, it’s incredible to see how our Flyers have hit their stride! Students are fully immersed in grade-level content and actively engaging in lessons each day. Our teachers are using data to tailor instruction and help each student maximize their learning, ensuring that everyone is growing in key academic areas. Whether tackling new math challenges, exploring exciting science topics, or diving into reading, our students are showing great focus and enthusiasm. It’s wonderful to witness their growth and determination as they embrace learning. We’re so proud of their efforts and can’t wait to see what they’ll accomplish in the weeks ahead!
Yours in Education,
Brian and Liz
Family Handback Highlights
Dropping Off after 8:45? - Here's what you do!
Students arriving after 8:45 must be signed in at the office by a parent or guardian. Please, do not drop off children unattended outside of school. An adult needs to walk the student (s) to the office. We are aware that it is easier to drop off your student without walking them in, however, this expectation ties directly to student safety! (Page 4). Thank you for understanding.
Important Dates
September 2024
September 02 - No School Labor Day
September 11 - Picture Day
September 20 - Party in the Park at Watson Trail Park 5:30-7:00 pm
September 27- No School
October 2024
Sept.30-Oct. 4 Spirit Week for LHS Homecoming
October 3 - Local Farmer’s Tasting during lunch for students
October 9 - 75th Anniversary Open House 5:45-6:45 pm
October 9 - PTG meeting and Dr. Lake Listening and Learning 7:00 pm
Oct. 14-18 - Unity Week
October 17 - Fall parties 2:00-3:00
October 18 - PL Day No School
October 20- PTG Trunk or Treat 5:00-6:00
October 31 - End of Trimester 1
2024-25 School Year Calendar
For a full list of dates, please click on the 2024-25 District Calendar, which is linked below.
Counselor Corner
Hello Concord Grownups,
We had a fantastic week delivering counseling lessons to our 2nd and 3rd graders. This week, we’re excited to be working with our 4th and 5th grade classes. We’ll be discussing the role of school counselors and revisiting our expectations for recess. Additionally, our 5th graders will receive a mini lesson on social media etiquette and strategies for maintaining a positive digital footprint.
~Rachel and Gina
What's for Lunch
Breakfast- peach parfait or cereal
Lunch- Choice One: vegetarian pasta Choice Two: turkey & cheese sub
Tuesday, Sept. 17
Breakfast- cinnamon rolls or cereal
Lunch- Choice One: meatball sub Choice Two: grilled cheese & tomato soup
Wednesday, Sept.18
Breakfast- turkey sausage, egg & cheese bagel
Lunch- Choice One: popcorn chicken rice bowl Choice Two: blueberry parfait
Thursday, Sept. 19
Breakfast- cinnamon apple oats or cereal
Lunch- Choice One: bosco sticks Choice Two: garden salad
Friday, Sept. 20
Breakfast- breakfast pizza or cereal
Lunch- Choice One: pepperoni pizza Choice Two: cheese pizza
PTG News
District News and Notes
Lindbergh 75th Anniversary Events: Sperreng Color Run!
10 a.m.-12 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 12
Sperreng Middle School is hosting a family-friendly fun run for the entire community, in celebration of the Lindbergh Schools 75th Anniversary! All Lindbergh students are invited to participate in a one-mile color run with treats and music! Registration is required. Register by Sept. 20 to guarantee a T-shirt! For more information and to register, click here.
Throughout October, schools across our district will host events to celebrate 75 years of Lindbergh. Watch future e-notes for more information, or visit go.lindberghschools.ws/75Years.
SSD Family Academy
Special School District of St. Louis County is sponsoring a Family Academy fair for school districts in the south St. Louis region, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 28, at Southview School, 11660 Eddie and Park Road. This event will include fun learning, community vendors, and interactive classes on a variety of topics. Learn more at www.ssdmo.org/FamilyAcademy.
Sunday Night Lights - Celebrating 15 Years!
Sunday Night Lights is celebrating 15 years in the Lindbergh Community, and the entire Lindbergh community is invited to help fill the stands and cheer on children who have braved the journey of a serious childhood disease on Sunday, Oct. 13.
Do you know a hero who would like to experience a night under the lights? To register a child or learn how you can support this event, please visit https://www.snlheroes.org/.
Love to Read? Stories to Service Needs Volunteers for Book Selection Committee!
Love to Read? Stories to Service Needs Volunteers for Book Selection Committee!
“From Stories to Service” is returning in fall 2024, and we are looking for volunteers to read and select books for consideration. Volunteers will be responsible for reading and completing a short evaluation of 15-20 picture books, and attending a committee meeting in late September.
“From Stories to Service” is an opportunity for community members to read with students and support service learning, with a culminating event to bring our community together. This year’s theme is “Intergenerational Relationships.”
Contact Information
Brian Moeckel, Principal
Liz Keutzer, Asst. Principal
Faith Rose, SSD Area Coordinator
Mrs. Herrman: Counselor
Mrs. Neibur
Mrs. Sanders, Nurse
Concord Elementary School
Email: concord@lindberghschools.ws
Website: go.lindberghschools.ws/concord
Location: 10305 Concord School Rd, Sappington, MO, USA
Phone: 314-729-2436
Facebook: facebook.com/ConcordFlyers