

The Buzz

Message from the Head of School
This week we have introduced our play leaders who wear a special tabard and support playtimes here at HISN. They met with Miss De Silva on Monday to discuss their responsibilities which include helping those who don’t have anyone to play with, monitoring the use of our playground equipment, initiating games for others to play and helping to tidy the equipment at the end of each play to ensure we are looking after it properly and things don’t get broken.
We look forward to our Harvest assembly next week when we have visitors from The Real Junk Food Project coming to speak to us. This is a great opportunity for us to talk to our children about helping others who might be in need. I will be sharing pictures of what a month's worth of food looks like in America, England, Sudan, Ecuador and Turkey and inviting children to reflect on children from different countries and their lived experiences.
I have had the pleasure of spending time in every year group over the last four weeks and I am so pleased with the standard of teaching and learning here at HISN. Our children have coped really well with the transition into a new year group and the raised expectations set for them. I want to thank all of our staff for the exceptional effort they put into nurturing and teaching our children every day.
Have a lovely weekend.
- Tomorrow from 9am to10.30am HPPA are having a uniform sale and coffee morning in the HISN Hall (HJS & HISN uniform available)
Claire Cook
Head of School
At HISN we really value parent feedback. Please take a moment to complete the feedback form in the link below (this form is for parents of Reception children only)
Harvest Donations
We are welcoming The Real Junk Food Project to our Harvest assembly on Wednesday 16th October - https://www.trjfptwickenham.com/
If you are able to, please bring in donations of canned / dry food and toiletries. Key items requested are: canned tomatoes, canned pulses, canned coconut milk, canned fruit, UHT milk, sugar and packets of rice, lentils and couscous.
Donations should be dropped off at the office foyer from Monday 14th - Wednesday 16th October 2024. On Wednesday 16th there will also be a table in the playground, at drop off only.
Makaton Sign of the Week
w/c 30th September 2024
PM Nursery and 1C had 100% attendance last week
AM Nursery, RK, 1B, 2B had no late students last week
Certificate of Excellence
Certificates have been handed for following the HPP principle of:-
Nursery Matlida and Isaac
RC Niam
RK Arveena
RP Theo
RY Sebastian
1B Natty
1C Oscar
1D Eren
1Y Jade
2B Dessa
2D Elvin
2M Marnie
2P Evie
Spotlight on DT
DT is much loved at HISN, where children develop their creativity by designing and making products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. Children also evaluate past and present designs and technology to enable them to become informed consumers as well as potential innovators. Through the study of both design and food technology, pupils learn how to take risks, become resourceful, innovative, enterprising, healthy and capable citizens with the confidence to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world.
DT in the Early Years:
In Early Years (Nursery and Reception) the children create their own open-ended products that support their imaginative play such as making castles and cars out of large blocks and crates outside. They also have the opportunity to design and make junk models using recyclable materials, where they practise cutting activities using paper and card to develop scissor skills. In these moments of creativity, the children learn to enhance problem-solving skills as they build, practicing evaluating and improving their models and crafts.
DT in KS1:
DT in Key Stage 1, takes place through topics, where the children have the opportunity to work individually, in pairs and in group situations. The KS1 units of DT are covered through: food technology, textiles, structures and mechanics. Like in EYFS, the children design products with a purpose in mind, ready for a ‘client’ or intended to make use of. All teaching of DT follows the design, make and evaluate cycle. The design process is rooted in real life and relevant contexts to give meaning to learning. While making, children are given choice and a range of tools to choose freely from. To evaluate, children will consider existing products as well as evaluating their own products against a design criterion. In each of these steps, children are exposed to not only practical experiences, but also a language rich environment, learning technical knowledge and vocabulary along the way too.
Within our DT lessons, the children access a wide range of materials and resources. Teachers teach the safe use of these tools and equipment and insist on good practice prior to starting the making part of a task. For example, in food technology, the children can develop their food preparation skills using equipment like peelers and graters, and in Textiles and Mechanics, children learn to manipulate sharp objects such as needles, saws and knives.
Some of the projects the pupils can look forward to are:
- Yr 1 – designing and making a windmill house for a door mouse to live in.
- Yr 2 – designing and making a new adventure playground for the Junior school as move into Yr 3.
We look forward to seeing what the pupils design and create this year in Design and Food Technology!"
🟨 Nursery
Splash! Splash! Splash went the Nursery wellies! With the rain arriving and pools of puddles created, the Nursery children had lots of fun in the water this week. We had lots of conversations about the grey clouds and the thunder rolling, along with what essentials we needed for this very Autumnal weather. The children also got creative with the paint and loved mixing autumn themed colours to decorate an autumn tree. The children loved commenting that they can now see these colours on the trees in our Nursery garden.
We would love to say a big thank you for all your lovely Autumn donations. With these, the children have loved making Autumn potions, using conkers, leaves and pine cones. It has been fantastic listening to all the magic spells the children have been creating - they have loved turning the Nursery grown ups into frogs.
In maths this week, we have been digging deeper into our number knowledge. The children were brilliant at recapping and recognising the numeral for each number, and extended their thinking by representing them using their fingers. The children loved showing each other the different ways we could show each number, for example, 1 plus 2 shows three. Well done Nursery.
Let's see where our learning takes us next week...
Time to talk Nursery
We all know how important talking at home is for exposing children to a wide range of vocabulary and ideas. This all helps them with their reading and to become future writers. Each week we will share an idea with you for 'talk homework' with your child.
This week, Nursery were introduced to 'Kevin the Kind Koala'. He is our special cuddly friend who likes to spot moments of kindness in Nursery classroom. The children have been fantastic friends and Kevin has been celebrating with 'kindness stickers'. Kevin has seen super sharing, wonderful helpful hands and amazing manners. Take this week as a brilliant opportunity to talk to your little one about kind actions they could do at home. Could they help load the dishwasher? Could they help tidy up? Can they think of any others?
🟥 Reception
Reception have had a lovely autumnal week. The windy, wet weather has given us lots to talk about and the children have enjoyed splashing around in the playground. We have been working hard to learn our harvest songs and the children are excited to perform them in the following weeks! They will be recorded and posted on Tapestry for you to enjoy at home.
In Phonics we have introduced 3 new sounds, 'n', 'o' and 'p' and the children have practised reading and writing these words during our lessons.
In Topic we've continued reading The Big Bad Mood and using this to discuss our emotions and behaviour. The children then shared some ideas of how they could get themselves back to the Green Zone after being in a 'mood', giving the class a range of strategies to choose from when needed.
In Maths, we've been consolidating number to five using physical manipulatives to practise adding and using lots of choral speaking to support. The children have been building simple sentences in Colourful Semantics based around our focus text.
Time to talk Reception
We all know how important talking at home is for exposing children to a wide range of vocabulary and ideas. This all helps them with their reading and to become future writers. Each week we will share an idea with you for 'talk homework' with your child.
This week, you could talk to your child about their favourite harvest song. Which song do they like best, and why? Could they have a go at performing it to you with the actions?
🟦 Year 1
This week, we have begun to look at the concept of addition in maths. We have been identifying parts and wholes, and using part-whole models to partition numbers to help us to add two numbers together.
In English, we have been looking at how to structure a sentence. We have been using our knowledge of punctuation to help us sequence words, building a word physically before writing it down. We have been looking at how we use capital letters and full stops to demarcate sentences, use adjectives to describe nouns, and read our work once we’ve completed to check it makes sense. We have also been writing sentences about ourselves, using the persona pronoun ‘I’.
We have begun our D&T topic by thinking about what we would like to put in our own smoothies. We thought about what exactly a smoothie was, and what a smoothie would usually be made up of. We then looked at various fruits and vegetables and discussed what would taste nice and what might not.
In history, we have been thinking about the toys we have at home and telling our friends all about them, and we discussed how these might be different from the toys our parents and grandparents played with. Next week, we can bring a toy from home into school so that we can share this with our friends. This can be a small toy of our own, or one that our parents or grandparents may have played with, if they still have it and would be happy for us to share it.
Our focus this week in science has been on our sense of hearing. We carried out a sound walk and tried to distinguish between all the different sounds we could hear around school. We discussed that there are parts of our ear we can see – the outer ear – but there are also parts that we cannot see – the middle and inner ear.
In PE this week, we have been exploring combination jumping and skipping with an individual rope. We focused on the importance of keeping our body upright, lifting the rope over our heads to our feet, and turning the rope from our wrists.
In computing, we have continued to look at the different features of a computer including the mouse and keyboard. We have continued to practise using a mouse and the keyboard to help us create images using the paint software programme.
🟩 Year 2
This week in English, we began exploring our new focus book, The Three Billy Goats Gruff. To fully immerse ourselves in the story, we engaged in a hot-seating activity, where we took turns stepping into the roles of different characters. We asked each other thought-provoking questions like, "How did you feel when the big Billy Goat Gruff pushed you off the bridge?" The children embraced their roles enthusiastically and really enjoyed getting into character.
In Maths, we have been exploring fact families within 20 and 100. Using a range of resources such as ten frames, part-whole models, and bar models, we have been practising how to create related addition and subtraction sentences for each model. For example, 10+6=16, 6+10=16, 16-10=6, 16-6=10.
In computing, we looked at how information technology can be used safely and how it can help/improve our health. Through testing 5 different activities, we were able to see how we can use information technology to help us every day. For example, we can use exercise videos to help us keep fit and healthy.
In science, we have been learning about which materials can be recycled and how we can recycle at home and at school. We looked at a range of rubbish and talked about whether the items could be recycled or not and why. We then sorted the items into the appropriate categories, placing them into the correct bins for plastic, paper and cardboard, cans, and glass.
In art, we have been focusing on observational drawing and exploring how different sketching pencils can help us create a range of shades. We experimented with various pencils to discover which ones are best for lighter and darker tones. Using these techniques, we then created an observational drawing of a fruit bowl, applying our shading skills to bring out the textures and depth in the different fruits.
NHS Flu Vaccinations
Reminder that the NHS team will be offering flu vaccinations on Tuesday 22nd October to Year 1 and Year 2 students. Please complete the below form to inform the team if you do or do not wish your child to be vaccinated on this day. This form must be completed by Thursday 17th October.
HISN Lunchtime Supervisor Vacancy
We are looking to appoint a lunchtime supervisor (SMSA) who is a committed and caring person to join our highly professional team as a Lunchtime Supervisor. You will work as part of a team to oversee the school’s lunchtime arrangements. The successful candidate will:
- have experience of working with children in an educational setting, either in a paid or voluntary capacity
- be a very motivated and organised individual
- be able to work on own initiative
- enjoy working as part of a team
- have excellent interpersonal skills
The well being and safety of our children is everyone's responsibility. If you have concerns about a child please contact SPA on 547 5008 or out of hours on 0208 744 2442.
Useful Links
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815