BHS Daily Announcements
December 20, 2024
BHS Daily Announcements are updated daily at the start of a school day to inform you of important dates, school updates, reminders, and upcoming events.
School Information
Student Arrival: 8:15-8:30 AM
Late/Tardy: 8:30-8:35 AM
Dismissal: 2:50 PM
Early Release: 12:25 PM
Save The Date
2: Welcome Back From Break!!
8: Early Release - 12:25 Dismissal
15-17: Midterms/Finals Exams
17: End of 2nd Quarter
20: No School - MLK Day
25: Honors Festival Chorus Concert @Noble High School
Midterm/Finals Schedule
BHS Clubs & Activities
8th Grade Clubs & Activities
8th Grade Weekly Sports Schedule
8th Grade Girls Practice 3:30-4:30 BIS Gym
8th Grade Boys Practice 4:30-5:30 BMS Gym
Fall Sports Pictures
To access BMS sports photos, please go to the Biddeford Athletics Page, Athletics | Biddeford Schools, and click on Team Photos
You may also text the code BMS245 to 90738
Tiger Pride Friday
Every Friday is Tiger Pride Friday!
Students and Staff are encourage
to wear Black and Orange