William Tyson Elementary
October 2024

A Note from the Principal
Having students at school daily is so important! We love seeing smiling faces at school every day. If your child is absent, please make sure to let us know. If there's a specific need that you have in helping getting your child to school, we have a ton of resources that might be helpful.
Winter is officially here! Please make sure that your child has a hat, gloves, jacket, boots and snow pants every day. Students go out to recess until it's -10 degrees.
Remote Learning - November 5
Tuesday, November 5th is a remote learning day. Students will bring home a packet to complete at home. There are no zoom sessions for November 5th.
Please also follow Tyson on Facebook and stay tuned for email and text updates from us and reach out to us at any time!
Wishing you well,
Tyson Admin Team
Shauna Booton, Principal
Lindsey Huberty, Assistant Principal
Tyson Phone Number: 907-742-8000
Front Office Email: tysonoffice@asdk12.org
Upcoming Events
Tyson Home/School Compact
Attendance at Tyson: Be Here, Every Day, Ready, On Time
The goal for all students it to 90% or better attendance, which means less than 8 absences per year.
Tyson PBIS
PBIS Updates: SAEBRS Screener
This year, our school will use a universal social-emotional-behavior screener during our assessment Fall (September), Winter (December), and Spring (April). It's called the Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBRS). This screener helps teachers find needed classroom structures and identify students who might benefit from extra support. Our PBIS team will use this information to help us ensure that we are supporting all our students and meeting their social, emotional, and behavioral needs. Classroom teachers will rate students outside of learning time so no instructional time is lost. Please contact your principal with any questions.
School Spirit Fridays
New School Start Times Happening NOW!
Community News
William Tyson Elementary School
Website: https://www.asdk12.org/tyson
Location: 2801 Richmond Avenue, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: (907)742-8000
Facebook: facebook.com/TysonElementarySchool