The Eagle's Nest
February 3-7, 2025
Vision Statement: To safely and respectfully work together doing our very best each day.
Black History Month
Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and aims to recognize their central role in United States history. Beginning in 1976, every United States president has designated the month of February as Black History Month.
National School Counseling Week
EVE is very proud and fortunate to have Mrs. Kurth-Ford as our school counselor. We thank her for her dedication to the students and staff of Ebb Valley.
CCPS Incident Reporting System
Our school is committed to establishing and promoting a safe, non-threatening environment for all students to learn. The Bullying Reporting System or the Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form should be used to report alleged incidents of bullying, harassment, or intimidation that occurred during the current school year. Please see links below access the reporting system and for additional information.
Incident Reporting - Carroll County Public School District
PBIS Update
Ebb Valley is a PBIS school. PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Our mission is to improve academic and behavioral success. We have a set of established school-wide behavioral expectations that are taught, modeled, and recognized. PBIS celebrates individual and school-wide behavioral and academic achievements. The PBIS team includes representatives from each grade level, special education, special areas, and administration. The PBIS team meets monthly to evaluate and plan PBIS activities.
In January, we celebrated our students and staff in another fun-filled PBIS assembly. During the assembly we recognized 75 students and three staff members for modeling Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn behaviors. Every marking period, homeroom teachers choose three students that model the 3 Rs (one student for each quality). Student have their pictures displayed on the PBIS Bulletin board, and receive a certificate, magnet, and they are announced at the assembly. Staff members are nominated by their colleagues. From all of the nominations, the PBIS committee chooses three deserving staff each marking period. The staff members receive a certificate and a small gift of appreciation. For quarter two they were Heather Kunder, Ryan Morano, and Ciera Crumbacker.
Penny Wars
Super Mario Coin Wars is this week!! Gather up all that loose change and let's see which grade level can grab the prize this year!!! Remember pennies ($.01) in your bucket give your grade level points but that silver change ($.05, $.10 and $.25) in rival buckets deducts from their totals!!! Students can bring change into the cafeteria stage before the 9:15 bell or during their assigned lunchtime!
Messages from the School Counselor, Mrs. Kurth-Ford
This month I will be visiting grades K-5 with counseling lessons.
Kindergarten students will be continuing with their Unit on the 3 Rs. This month we will focus on Respect. I will be sharing the book, Do Unto Otters: A Book About Manners, by Laurie Keller. Students will discuss how they would like to be treated in different situations.
1st Grade
First graders will be continuing the unit on character traits. We will focus on self-control and being gracious. We will read the book Simon’s Hook, by Karen Gedig Burnett to help students learn appropriate ways to respond to unkind words used by peers.
2nd Grade
Second grade is completing their unit on Integrity. This month we will reflect on the lessons from this unit. Students will think about what kind of person they want to be as they grow older and steps they can take to help them meet their goals.
3rd Grade
Third graders will continue the teamwork unit. This month’s lesson will focus on qualities that make a good team member. Students will also create teams they will be working with during the last few counseling lessons of the year.
4th Grade
Fourth grade will be completing the peer relationships unit with a lesson on conflict resolution. The classes will learn how to effectively resolve conflicts with peers and practice the skills.
5th Grade
Last month, 5th graders identified their career interests. This month students will begin learning about a variety of jobs that align with each of those interest areas.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about counseling lessons or needs you or your child may have. I can be contacted by calling the front office or emailing me at stacykurthford@carrollk12.org.
CCPS Resource and Transition Fair
Please see the attached flyer for more information on the Resource and Transition Fair.
Menu for the week of February 3-7 is attached here:
February is Black History Month
February 3rd-7th ~ National School Counseling Week
February 3rd-7th ~ PTO Coin Wars
February 7th ~ Book Bingo 6pm
February 15th ~ National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
February 14th-20th~ Random Acts of Kindness Week
February 17th ~ Schools and Offices are closed for President's Day
February 26th ~ Instructional Assistant's Day
February 28th ~ 3rd Quarter Interims made available