Jag Update
January 2025
A Note from the Principal
Happy New Year…What an exciting time to start fresh in 2025! I hope that all Jags found the time to relax and unwind from the fall semester while celebrating the holiday season with their family and friends. We are already back in the swing of things and looking forward to events coming up this Spring.
In the beginning of January our APs will hold grade level Code of Conduct meetings to reset the expectations for our students and remind them that “Your Now Determine Your Next." Please remember this includes academics and behavior. Our main goal is for all Jags is to complete one year successfully and have the needed skills to advance to the next year. Starting strong and staying focused truly is the key to finishing successfully.
Parents, please speak with your student daily about all the great things happening in all classrooms at Rowe. Our teachers are working hard to provide quality first time instruction each and every day, and our students are we are lucky to have such an amazing staff teaching our Jags. We are blessed to be the best school in CFISD! Rowe, Let’s Row!
Please use the buttons below to access information about what's happening in your student's classes. These links will automatically update so check back often!
Parents can monitor their student's grade and progress through Home Access Center. HAC is found in the Parent Portal of my.cfisd.net. If you need help accessing Home Access Center, please call the Customer Care Center at 281-897-4357.
Progress Reports: Progress report dates are a great time to check in with your student and have conversations about attending tutorials and working to complete missing assignments.
Progress Report Dates:
Tuesday, January 28
Wednesday, February 19
Monday, April 7
Tuesday, April 29
Campus News
If students forget their badge, they will be required to purchase a temporary badge for $1 as they enter campus or the Commons.
• Car riders at front entry
• Bus riders in Commons or inside bus ramp entry
If students lose their badge, they will be required to purchase a new set by letting the person at the badge station know they need a new one.
• Badge $3
• Lanyard $1
• Plastic sleeve $1
All purchases go on Fines & Fees. Parents can pay at SchoolCashOnline.com
*This is a non-negotiable safety measure. Repeated violations will result in discipline action,