Sachse Mustang Band UPDATES
First Performance, First Parade, CHECK!
We have successfully completed our first football game, half-time performance, and parade and now have a very busy HOCO week ahead of us with part 3 of the show to add in. We also have a new drill team piece and part 4 music to add also so come ready to dig in everyday!
Tuesday, 9/3
B Day
Stadium Rehearsal @ Williams Stadium
6:30 PM- 9:30 PM
Make sure to be on campus by 6 PM
Wednesday, 9/4 (make sure you are off LOP by this day!)
A Day
7 AM Rehearse with Drill team
3:15 PM- 5:15 PM Rehearsal on our Practice Field
we will walk to city hall after rehearsal for the HOCO parade
Dinner will be provided when we arrive at City Hall
6:30 PM Parade
7:30 PM Community Pep Rally
Thursday, 9/5
B Day
Marching Rehearsal
3:30 PM- 6 PM
Friday, 9/6
A Day
Pep Rally during school
Game Day Schedule
Due to a change in MS Football, we will be adjusting Stadium rehearsal next week to Monday instead of Tuesday. Monday and Tuesday have been updated on the band calendar.
Monday, 9/9
Stadium Rehearsal @ Williams Stadium
6 PM- 9 PM
Tuesday, 9/10
Marching Rehearsal
3:30 PM- 6 PM
Band Seating at HOME Football Games
Our section for HBJ games will be adjusted this year.
There will be a picture posted to the band app later this week so everyone is aware. Band parents will have a space to sit at the top of our section if you choose, however, this will only be available for band families.
CHARMS is OUT, Cuttime is IN
As many of you know CHARMS was purchased by another company and recently switched over. The new system seems to be very easy to navigate and hopefully makes logging in to your student's account much easier. If you have not yet received a welcome text message you should in the next week. We will be getting missing parent information into Cuttime in classes this week. Please let your student know if you have specific preferences on what phone number and e-mail address is put into that system. This will be used primarily the same way we did with CHARMS so mostly to manage band fees that go through the Booster Club along with volunteer calendar. If your cell number is in, you will receive a link to click that takes you directly to your child's account.
This year the Sachse Band Boosters are in the rotation to put together the Band Fest Program. Although it seems Way Out there at the moment, it is just around the corner. If you are interested in helping get this put together, please e-mail so we can get that committee moving forward asap. Thanks in advance on your help with this.
GRADES and Football Games (repeat)
Currently the only grades we have are for Stadium Rehearsals and Drill Days. Keep in mind that attendance is required at all events, please be sure to make arrangements so we can keep things moving in the right direction. Also keep in mind that in just two weeks Football Games will begin.
On weeks we have a football game, ANY Student with an unexcused absence during the week will not attend the game with us, instead they will have an alternate assignment. Obviously, we want everyone at the game, however, all students must also make rehearsals a priority.
Looking ahead...
POST Labor Day Rehearsal Schedule
AFTER HOCO week we will begin our "regular" marching rehearsal schedule
Monday/ Thursday 3:30- 6 PM
Tuesday Stadium Rehearsals 6:30- 9:30 PM
We do have one Thursday game in September, which means that we will have rehearsal on Friday 9/20
BAND FEST is the end of this month, make sure you plan to bring family and friends to see the show on 9/30/24 @ HBJ; students will receive tickets to sell as we get closer.
Keep an eye on the band calendar to make sure you are ready for upcoming events.
Cuttime Fees
At this time, all fees should be made through Cuttime. Please make sure that you have paid your first $400 toward your CHARMS account by the end of August! If for some reason, you are behind with this balance, please get caught up by the end of July. If you are unable to do so, please contact Mrs. Taylor and the treasurer to set up a payment plan.SKYWARD Fees will need to be paid AFTER all charms fees are paid in full. For returning members, this will likely be September, New Members/ and all guard and percussion this should be September/ October.
Sectionals will be on Wednesdays throughout the summer from June 12 through July 17
JULY 3 will be NO SECTIONALS and the bandhall will be closed.
These will be scheduled by section leaders between 9 AM and 2 PM and are typically one- two hours.
If you are out of town and cannot attend a sectional, please communicate that to the section leader and copy Mrs. Taylor via e-mail.
Any student wanting to take summer lessons, be aware that Wednesdays will also be the lesson day for teachers using our campus for their lessons.
The end of 6 weeks will be the first grade check that causes students to lose eligibility. Please make sure that students are keeping up with all classes and have no missing work. We need all students passing and eligible to have the best possible contest season!
SHOW Music Available
For any questions related to band, marching, auditions, guard, etc., please contact me via e-mail.
Phone: 817-456-1205