HSoC Weekly Update
September 16th - 20th, 2024
Quote for the Week
"In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”
- Sun Tzu
Recent Graduates
September 10, 2024
September 10, 2024
September 11, 2024
September 11, 2024
September 12, 2024
Reserved Next Graduate
Who Will Be Next?
TSIA - The TSIA (Texas Success Initiative Assessment)
The TSI Assessment (TSIA) is the result of the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) mandated by the Texas State Legislature. The assessment is designed to guide Texas public institutions of higher education in helping them determine whether students are ready for entry-level college coursework in the areas of English Language Arts Reading (ELAR) and mathematics. Students are exempt from this assessment if they meet college readiness benchmarks on the SAT, ACT, STAAR English III or Algebra II EOCs, or successfully complete the high school College Preparatory Course. Click here for a complete list of TSI exemptions. TSIA scores and exemptions are valid five years from the date an assessment was taken documenting benchmarks were met.
Students who do not meet a TSI exemption must take the TSI assessment before college enrollment. Students who do not meet one or more of the established TSI benchmarks are admitted, however, they are required to receive developmental education academic support as determined by the institution.
Questions: Please address questions to Alternative Learning Counselor. Mrs. Cathleen Wilkerson email: cwilkerson@wisd.org
Going Merry
Going Merry is a platform that helps students, counselors, and scholarship providers all improve access to college education.
We help students understand college costs and then pay for them, via scholarships and financial aid.
We help parents navigate the process of funding their children’s higher education and teach them how to maximize their families’ financial aid.
We help high school counselors support their students through the college process, as well as host local scholarship programs online (for free!)
We help scholarship providers manage and accept applications online and find the most worthy recipients.
To find and apply for scholarships, sign up for Going Merry -- it’s free! Going Merry has thousands of national, regional, and local scholarships. There are also opportunities for every grade level, from freshmen to seniors.
To sign up, click here: Sign up for Going Merry!
You can also download the Going Merry mobile app (and sign up that way) on iOS or Android.
Here are some reasons why I recommend Going Merry above other scholarship sites:
Scholarship bundles: You can apply to multiple scholarships using one application and the same essay prompt.
Vetted scholarships: The Going Merry team periodically reviews every scholarship listing, to ensure the scholarship program is still active and the information is correct.
Personal matching: Once signed up, you’ll answer a few questions to fill out a basic profile, and then get matched to scholarships that fit your background, academics, interests, etc.
Clear organization: You can shortlist favorites and get deadline reminders about them. All drafts and applications are saved, and you’ll get updates on the scholarships you’ve applied to.
Direct, auto-filled applications: You can apply to many scholarships directly on the site (with forms helpfully pre-filled).
Schools One Application - Apply Texas
Many Schools One Application - Apply Texas
Thinking About College? | Apply Texas
Apply Texas
Any student applying for admission to any Texas public university, as well as to participating community and private colleges, will need to click on the link below and apply. Some Texas colleges/universities charge an application fee. Navarro Junior College does not charge an application fee, and students can apply for admission to Navarro at ApplyTexas.org.
ApplyTexas has changed its application process to GoApplyTexas for Summer 2022 and beyond. Please go to https://goapplytexas.org/ to apply for Summer/Fall 2022 admission.
For additional information please contact:
Cathleen Wilkerson
Email: cwilkerson@wisd.org
High School of Choice
972-923-4695 Ext. 32402