Art with Mrs. B!
Oakland - Winter 2025
Jakey by Brian
DK students continue to explore a variety of materials. Most recently we have been using blocks, melted crayons, and snow!
Sole Pendant by Calisi
Kindergarten continues to explore a variety of materials and techniques for both 2D and 3D art.
Baby Yoda by Oliver
2nd Grade has just completed their Global Art and Sustainability to unit and will begin to learn about represent human forms through gesture drawing and sculpture.
Pinch Pot Creatures in Progress
No Internet by Isadora, Declan, and Henry
Me with Bananas by Wren
"I like kids' work more than work by real artists any day." - Jean-Michel Basquiat
Art Report Cards
1 - Area of Concern
2 - Developing/Room for Growth
3 - Meets Expectations
4 - Exceeds Expectations
For Personal/Social Growth, I look at whether a student moves in my classroom with the respect, safety, and kindness I expect from the grade level they are in. For the Art Portfolio grade, I look at the artwork a student has created during the semester and see if they demonstrated the learned concepts and that they put time and care into each piece. Demonstrating a learned concept correctly, does not always result in a "beautiful" artwork. I do not grade on picture-perfection or talent. I believe every child is an artist and every child creates in a unique fashion and I grade accordingly. If you ever have any specific questions about my grading process, or a breakdown of what each number represents at each grade level, please reach out, I am happy to answer!
2ND GRADE PARENTS: Please note that 2nd grade is the first year that students are in charge of their own portfolios. They take on the responsibility of photographing and documenting their work using classroom iPads and the Artsonia app. Despite reminders, some students might fail to document their work as they are learning to make this a habit. If your child received a 2 in their portfolio review, and is in 2nd grade, this could be the case. Thank you for your patience as they grow their responsibility in my classroom.
---------- Local Art Events and Opportunities ----------
Save the Date! Royal Oak Schools Annual Art Show
Saturday, Mar 22, 2025, 02:00 PM
Royal Oak Public Library, East 11 Mile Road, Royal Oak, MI, USA
More information to come in early March. Looking forward to this amazing DK-12 show!
Student Art and Writing Contest: Why Compost?
Royal Oak Schools invites all students to participate in the "Why Compost?" contest, exploring the benefits of composting through essays or visual art.
- Who: Open to all Royal Oak Schools students.
- What: Submit an essay (up to 500 words) or a poster (12x18) showcasing why composting matters.
- When: Contest runs February 3 – March 7, 2025.
- How: Submit essays and digital images of posters via email to communications@royaloakschools.org or deliver physical posters to the district office at 800 DeVillen, Royal Oak.
- Grand Prize: A composting bucket and a tree planted in the winner’s honor on Earth Day, April 22, 2025.
- Recognition: The winning entry will be featured in the district newsletter, on social media, and displayed at school, plus coverage from the City of Royal Oak.
Key Dates:
- February 3: Contest opens.
- March 7: Submissions due.
- March 24: Winners announced.
- April 22: Tree planting ceremony.
Encourage your kiddos to participate in this exciting opportunity to showcase their creativity and support sustainability!
State Art Contest: Think Michigan
Governor Gretchen Whitmer has announced an exciting opportunity for Michigan’s K-12 students: the chance to design the cover of the 2025 State of the State program! This year’s theme is “Think Michigan,” encouraging students to showcase their creativity and highlight what makes Michigan special.
Students can use a variety of materials—crayons, markers, paints, or anything else they can imagine. The winning design will be featured during the 2025 State of the State address on Wednesday, February 26, where Governor Whitmer will outline her vision for Michigan’s future.
To participate, visit michigan.gov/artcontest for detailed instructions. Submissions must be submitted through the online system by 11:59 PM on Friday, February 14, 2025.
Encourage your students to show off their creativity and take part in this statewide celebration of Michigan!
Contact Info
Northwood on Mondays, Tuesdays, and FridaysOakland on Wednesdays and Thursdays
Email: alesha.beistline@royaloakschools.org
Phone: 248-541-0229-5513