Mighty Mustangs
Back to School - August 2024
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First Day of School - August 21, 2024
The First Day of School is Wednesday, August 21st at 8am.
This is a minimum day for all students.
TK-Kinder dismissal is at 12:00pm
1st-3rd dismissal is at 12:07pm
4th-5th dismissal is at 12:31pm
Principal's Message
Dear Parkview Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I hope everyone had a fun summer with great experiences. For our returning families, I look forward to seeing you all and continuing to serve you, your children and the Parkview Community. For our families new to Parkview Elementary, I am excited to meet you and your child and know that we are all here to support your child in transitioning to our amazing school.
There have been a few changes over the last few weeks, and one of those changes includes the change in leadership. Our wonderful Assistant Principal, Mr. Branden Grange will now be the Principal at Hueneme Elementary School. Please join me in congratulating him as he embarks on this new journey. Our new Assistant Principal is Mrs. Erin Hirsch. She has over 24 years of teaching and educational leadership experience, and is excited to join our wonderful community. Please join me in welcoming Mrs. Hirsch to Parkview Elementary.
At Parkview, we are proud to offer our Two-Way Dual Language Immersion Program that is available from Transitional Kindergarten (TK) to 5th grade. We are extremely excited to continue our journey towards bilingualism, biculturalism, and biliteracy learning. We are also proud to be a California Green Ribbon School because we incorporate environmental education and practices into our school such as resource efficiency, health and wellness, and environmental sustainability.
Parkview staff are committed to ensure that all children are given every possible opportunity to thrive and succeed. We are proud of our systems of support that provide specific interventions for student academic, behavior, and social-emotional learning. Our overall goal is to continue to assist students in their development as critical thinkers while creating a supportive, engaging, caring and safe environment that meets the learning needs of all children.
A strong partnership between home and school is essential and will make a great difference in your child’s educational experience. In an effort to keep an open line of communication, we will be using ParentSquare for Classroom, School, and District communication. We encourage you to sign up for the application. If you have not received an invitation to register please contact the office. Additionally, this letter includes helpful information and important dates for the 2024-2025 school year. Please also refer to our Newsletters and Website for important information and dates throughout the school year.
Thank you for your continued support as we work together as a school community to support and inspire our children. We have missed you all and look forward to the start of the school year on Wednesday, August 21st at 8:00am for TK-5th grade students.
Sarahí Jiménez
Principal, Parkview Elementary School
Welcome Mrs. Hirsch, Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal's Message
Hello Parkview Family!
My name is Erin Hirsch and I am thrilled to be your new Assistant Principal. I am so excited to join the community and I cannot wait to get to know you all. I join the Parkview team with over 24 years experience in teaching and education leadership. I earned my bachelor's degree at the University of Toledo in Ohio in 1998 and served as a teacher in Ohio, Michigan, and California. I earned her masters degree in 2004 and recently completed my administrative credentialing program at San Diego State University. Previously I worked in the Pleasant Valley Elementary School District serving as a teacher and an assistant principal. I have a strong passion for STEM, differentiation, and inclusive education as well as community building. I am a mother of four children ranging in age from 14-23. I love hiking with my Golden Retriever, Sparty and spending days at the beach and reading.
I truly cannot wait to meet and get to know all of you and I am looking forward to the school year ahead.
Erin Hirsch
Assistant Principal, Parkview Elementary School
First Week of School and Procedures
- Parents/Guardians will be permitted to walk their children to the classroom for the first three days of school (Wednesday, August 21st, Thursday, August 22nd, and Friday, August 23rd).
- Students in Kinder through 3rd grade must be picked up every day by an adult or walked home by an older sibling. Only children in 4th or 5th grade may walk home alone or with younger siblings.
- Breakfast and lunch are provided free for all students every day. If you bring a lunch to the school office after the start of the school day, you must let your child know before school that they need to come to the office to look for their lunch. We will not call children to the office to pick up lunch that has been dropped off.
- Click here for the Parkview dress code https://parkview.hueneme.org/o/parkview-elementary/page/dress-code
Breakfast and Lunch
Back to School Night
Parkview's Back to School Night will be on Thursday, September 12th. There will be a Principal's meeting/message from 5:15pm to 5:45pm in the cafeteria and classroom presentations will take place from 5:45pm to 6:45pm. We hope you can join us!
Technology Distribution
Consistent attendance is important for the academic success of students. If your child will be absent, please be sure to contact the school office at (805) 986-8730 or pkv_office@hueneme.org
Contact Us
7:30am to 4:00pm Monday- Friday (excluding holidays)
Email: pkv_office@hueneme.org
Website: http://parkview.hueneme.org/
Location: 1416 North 6th Place, Port Hueneme, CA, USA
Phone: 805-986-8730
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Parkviewhueneme/
Twitter: @ParkviewMustang