Thomas Jefferson School Newsletter
Spring 2024
Happy Spring!
We missed seeing all your smiling faces as you spent the week off with your family. Students are all back on campus at 7:30am on Tuesday, April 2nd.
This week is the final week of Starstruck practice before the big night on April 9th! Get those tickets this week in the office or by sending the form from the Friday folder back with your child.
As the weather changes, we are seeing an influx of leftover jackets on our playground. Please remind your students to grab them before they leave for the day. Plus, with the wet conditions, we are often having to close the grass. We do our best to open it when it is safe, but keeping the kids dry and in the same clothes that they arrived in is our goal.
I bet you noticed the time change messed with your family's routine and that your student(s) was super tired for about a week. Yes, we saw it too! Behaviors increased. Check out our parenting tidbits to help establish consistency and effective ways to support your child that works in tandem with what TJ offers.
As we head into CAASPP State testing for 3-5th graders, getting to bed on time and eating healthy meals are a priority. In addition, getting out and exercising daily is a great way to create healthy habits and to burn off excess energy.
How can you help your Thomas Jefferson student? Reinforce RISE expectations at home.
R--respect; I--integrity; S--safety; E--engagement.
Can't wait to welcome you to all our special events this spring. See you on campus.
Jennifer Deslaurier, Principal
March 25-April 1 - Spring Break
April 2 - School Resumes
April 3 - Typical Minimum Day Wednesday
April 4 - Additional Minimum Day for Open House
April 4 - Open House 5:15pm-6:30pm (start with Art Show in MPR at 5:15pm, classrooms open at 5:30pm)
April 8 - Solar Eclipse Viewing (Approved safety glasses will be provided to students on campus)
April 9 - Starstruck 5pm and 6pm
April 14 - TOP Golf Fundraiser through PTC
April 15 - Skate Night through PTC
April 15-19 - Volunteer Appreciation Week
April 15-May 10 - CAASPP Testing Window
April 25 - Parent Survey Closes
May 8 - Walk and Roll to School Day (The city needs a parent contact, email Mrs. D to help)
Forming classes for 2024-2025
Thank you to all families who have re-registered to save a spot for their child for the 2024-2025 school year. TK and Kinder registration is also open, so let your neighbors know to sign up!
Our Office Staff is the BEST!
Top Golf Fundraiser
As Seen on Campus...
Visit our lending library out front!
Staff competition to find the most ducks!
Students supporting students makes us smile!
Help us replenish!
- Tissue in rectangular boxes
- Slider zip top snack and sandwich size bags
- Hand sanitizer pump bottles with a pleasant/non-alcohol scent
Next Month's Rising Star Character Trait...
Three Tips for Parents for State Testing (Grades 3-5)
Please make sure your child eats breakfast, at school (be here at 7:20am) or at home. Overly sugary things are not recommended. Protein, carbohydrates and fruit combinations work well. This will help them to have energy and to stay focused during the test.
Please encourage your student to do their best! Some students may be feeling a little anxious or nervous about the tests. Please reassure your child that they have been practicing and preparing for the entire school year, and that they are READY for this assessment.
We are all very proud of all that our students have accomplished this year. We love working with them and watching them learn and grow. We hope that with support from school and from you at home, your student will feel confident and encouraged to do their best!
Open House, Time to Shine
Open House is also a Minimum Day!
To start the year off in the fall, we will have Back to School Night Wednesday, August 7th at 5:30pm. Save the date to come meet your child's teacher and hear all about their classroom.
Positive Parenting Tips from the CDC
You May Still Be Cleared!
Did you know that your TB test is good for 4 years and that your fingerprints are good as long as you have a child in RCSD? The PTC and classroom teachers are often looking for help, call the office to check your status!
Yearbook Deadline April 10th
Around Town
Need Help Finding Something?
RCSD School Calendar 2023-2024
Breakfast and lunch menus are here.
Short-Term Independent Study Request Form (English)
Short-Term Independent Study Request Form (Spanish)
Instagram @tjptc @rcsdjefferson
Facebook Thomas Jefferson PTC
STOPit Access Code: RCSDistrict
Actualizacion de Seguridad Escolar.pdf
Protocolos de Emergencia de RCSD.pdf
Transportation guidelines and procedures
What school does my child attend? https://www.myschoollocation.com/rosevillecitysd/