Friday, December 6, 2024
December 18 - Kona Ice Truck ($5 cash only)
December 23-January 6 - Winter Break
School Hours and Important Times
Office Hours: 8:15 - 4:15
Instructional Hours: 8:55-4:05
Breakfast: 8:25 - 8:55 AM
Students should be in class by 8:50 AM.
Dismissal is at 4:05 PM.
Walkers/Car riders are dismissed first, followed by bus riders.
Bus students are dismissed in the order that buses arrive.
Car line: Students must enter/exit a vehicle at the sidewalk area. Please pull forward as far as possible to keep the car line moving. All students must be picked up by 4:25 PM.
Be a Holiday Hero!
Holcomb Bridge PTA is collecting money for HBMS families in need this holiday season. You can help by making an online donation of any amount. Thank you for your contribution and continued support.
The funds collected will be used to purchase food and/or supplies that are still in need for the families. Thank you so much for your contribution and continued support.
Reminder: Check the Lost and Found Before 12/13
Has your student misplaced a jacket, lunchbox, or water bottle? The Holcomb Bridge Middle School lost and found is overflowing! All unclaimed items will be donated on Friday, December 13th. Please encourage your student to check the lost and found or stop by the school yourself before the deadline.
iReady Mid-Year Assessment
On Wednesday, December 5, students took the iReady Reading mid-year assessment. All students who grew by at least 1 point from the beginning of the year score were given a treat. Next week, on Wednesday, December 11, student will take the mid-year math assessment. Students who grow will also be celebrated with a treat. Please help us have a meaningful testing session by ensuring that students bring their fully charged laptop and are on time and present for school.
We use iReady scores to identify areas of strength and areas for growth in math and ELA/Reading. Historically, iReady results have been accurate in helping us to predict success on Milestones. By using the outcomes of iReady to provide support now, we know we can help students be better prepared for Milestones in May. Ask your student to share his/her mid-year scores and growth!
iReady lessons on "My Path" are specific to each student's areas for growth. iReady Teacher assigned lessons are selected by teachers to support current learning in math and ELA. Teacher-assigned lessons count as a grade and students are to complete one from each subject each week. Time is provided during our 4th period, but students may work on this outside of school. Ask your student to show you their progress in the iReady app on the "Teacher Assigned" tab!
Winter weather and outdoor activiites
Now that it is December, winter temperatures are moving in. As we move into the winter months, be advised that students should come to school prepared for recess and outdoor PE activities. If the temperature is above 40 degrees (feels like temperature), we will proceed with outdoor recess and PE.
It is also important to be dressed for the weather while at the bus stop in both the morning and the afternoon!
Laptop Fines
Students who have a lost/damaged laptop or accessory will not be able to get replacement item until the applicable fine is paid. We have been sending notices to parents of students who currently have an unpaid fine.
Students are responsible for the care of their school-issued laptop and accessories. Use of the protective case is required. If the device is damaged, lost or stolen, the fines listed below will be applied to the student’s account.
- Lost/stolen, $250
- Damaged, $100
- Accessories – Lost or damaged, $30 for each accessory (charger, case)
Order school pictures today!
The yearbook this year has a cool way for students, staff, and parents to add photos and tag them as a category!
Click the link below:
Who can I contact for help?
Kim Kapella, Assistant Principal, 6th Grade administrator
Hannah Milligan, 6th grade counselor
7th Grade:
Kenneth Greene, Assistant Principal, 7th grade administrator
Hannah Milligan, 7th grade counselor - GIRLS
Glenn Johnson, 7th grade counselor - BOYS
8th Grade:
Jennifer Cassidy, Principal, 8th grade administrator
Glenn Johnson, 8th grade counselor
Student Records/Enrollments/Withdrawals/Immunizations:
Ansel Comer (bilingual - Spanish)
Bilingual Parent Liaison (Spanish):
Maria Baron
Front Office - Attendance/Absence Excuses:
Sarah James
Clinic (Bilingual/Spanish)
Lina Nava
Special Education Services
Leslie Mason
Holcomb Bridge Middle School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/holcombbridgems
Location: 2700 Holcomb Bridge Road, Alpharetta, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-5280
Twitter: @HolcombBridgeMS