The Weekly Update 12/6/2024
The Weekly Update 12/6/2024
Stay Warm This Winter – Label Your Cold Weather Gear!
As the chilly winter months approach, it's time to bundle up in our warmest clothes – hats, gloves, jackets, and scarves. But with so many students wearing similar winter gear, it's easy for things to get mixed up or lost. To avoid the "missing glove" mystery, here’s a simple solution: label your clothing items with your name!
Putting your name on hats, gloves, jackets, and other winter gear helps ensure that everything finds its way back to you if it gets misplaced. You can use a permanent marker, sew a name tag into your coat, or even support the Tawanka PTO and buy labels from Mables Labels! ( search for Tawanka!) Be sure to check your gear before school to make sure everything is labeled and ready for the cold weather.
Let’s work together to keep everyone warm, organized, and looking forward to the winter fun ahead!
Stay cozy and safe this winter, and don’t forget to bundle up!
Mrs. Kane
Mrs. Kane and Ms. Schautz's classes had a great time getting together before Thanksgiving break! The 3rd graders showed the Kindergarteners their Balloons Over Broadway projects and helped them make their own paper plate 'balloon'!
Ms. Leinheiser
Kindergarten is keeping up with healthy mind and body with some yoga in the pod!
First Grade
Ms. Moskat
The students in Ms. Moskat's class worked hard on their animal diorama projects to conclude module 3 of HMH into reading.
Ms. Wells
Ms. Wells' class met up with their 4th grade buddy class (Mrs. Phillip's class) to have some fun before Thanksgiving! We did Thanksgiving activities and watched the Thanksgiving Day Parade!
Second Grade
Ms. Fisher
Second grade went to The Academy of Natural Sciences on Friday, Nov. 15th. Students got to explore all the different types of wildlife. We even got to see some prehistoric dinosaurs!
Third Grade
Ms. Rukstele
Class B208 loved creating their own Thanksgiving Day balloon floats after reading Balloons Over Broadway.
Mrs. Schautz
3rd graders in Miss Schautz's class were able to share their balloon float from their Balloons over Broadway project and then help their kindergarten buddies in Mrs. Kane's class make their own!
Mrs. Tryon
The students in Mrs. Tryon’s class wrapped up their first science unit on force and motion with an engineering project. Students designed and built a car that needed to be able to roll down a ramp. Then they tested their cars to see how far the cars could roll down the ramp using different starting positions.
Fourth Grade
Field Trip!
"The Fourth Grade Team went on their field trip to the Constitution Center! We had a great time visiting Signers Hall, attending the show on Freedom Rising, seeing the Liberty Bell, and of course visiting the gift shop! Thank you to all the chaperones for making our trip so successful!"
Mrs. Blaydon & Mrs. Fedele
Mrs. Fedele (1st) and Mrs. Blaydon (4th) buddies met today to disguise their turkeys to make sure the Turkey would not get eaten for Thanksgiving!!
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Healthy Me Club
There is still time for 4th grade students to join The Tawanka Healthy Me Club!
The club will help empower 4th grade elementary students with the knowledge, skills, and the mindset to make healthy choices; physically, socially, and emotionally.
The Healthy Me Club will meet the 1st & 3rd Friday of each month, beginning 12/20, in the Library; 8:00am - 8:50am. Transportation will be the responsibility of the parent.
If you are interested in your child being a part of the club, please sign and return the permission slip below and have your child return it to Mrs. Piccinetti or Mrs. Banks. If your child participates in before school Kid's Club; the staff will be aware to send your child to the Library at the start time.
If you have any questions, contact Andrea Piccinetti at
PTO Activities/Events
Tawanka Recognized by PA Department of Education
Congratulations TEAM TAWANKA for being recognized by the Pennsylvania Department of Education for sustaining fidelity in PBIS Tier 1 and Tier 2 for the 2023 - 2024 school year is a positive accomplishment. It signifies our school's commitment to providing a consistently positive and supportive learning environment for all students by effectively implementing evidence-based practices across the entire school community, ensuring that students are receiving the necessary support to succeed, and demonstrating a deep understanding of the PBIS framework through consistent application of its core components.
From the School Nurse
We have a few cases of head lice in the building. Early intervention and communication between the parents and the nurse are essential in keeping the spread of lice to a minimum. If you suspect your child may have head lice, please notify the nurse immediately.
Indications of head lice infestation are live lice in the hair, itchy scalp and small grayish-white oval eggs (nits) that are attached to the hair shaft close to the scalp. The nits cannot be easily brushed away from the scalp like dry skin or dandruff because they are attached with a “glue-like” substance. The nits will mature in seven to ten days and become a louse. Lice are seen less often than the eggs (nits) because they are so small. Infestation is usually diagnosed from visualization of nits on the warmest part of the scalp, behind the ears and along the nape of the neck.
If you find any evidence of head lice:
Verify the infestation with your health care provider or school nurse.
Report the infestation to your school nurse.
Seek advice from your health care provider concerning treatment, especially regarding the use of pesticides on your child.
Treat hair as directed, use a metal or plastic comb designed for nit removal to facilitate removal of all lice and nits from your child’s hair.
To help prevent the spread of head lice, we recommend keeping hair pulled back in a braid or bun with hair gel and/ or hairspray. Remind your child not to share jackets, sweaters, hats, hair accessories, brush and combs. Head lice are spread through direct head-to-head contact. Indirectly it is possible to be spread by combs, hats, bed sheets, upholstered furniture/ car seats etc.
If you have any questions regarding head lice or the policy at our school, please call the school nurse at 215-809-6316 or at or
It is the policy of Neshaminy School District that any child identified as having head lice must be checked by the school nurse before returning to class after treatment and will be checked periodically thereafter.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation,
Carol Alexis, Debby DiSandro, and Kelsey McClellan
School Nurses
Community Resources & Support
Holiday Help Resources 2024
The United Way has prepared this list of holiday help resources for those in need and those wishing to help and support.
Community resources available for those in need!
If your family is in need of financial assistance, we have a few resources to offer that may be able to help.
Feasterville Rotary donates new coats to children who may need them. Please contact a staff member listed below as soon as possible to order your coat.
Free lunch applications, list of Food Pantries, heating assistance, and other community resources are available as well.
We will be contacting clubs and organizations in the area on your behalf to make a truly “Happy Holiday” for your family. Since we do not know how many organizations will respond to our appeal, we cannot guarantee the type or the amount of gifts your children will receive. These donations may be in the form of food, gifts or gift certificates.
Please contact the nurse’s office or our guidance counselors for further information.
Nurse 215-809-6316
Guidance counselors
Any information shared will remain confidential.
Title 1
The December issue of Parent & Family Engagement News contains some important information about upcoming events - click here to read.
Mrs. Smith's Lending Library
Mrs. Smith, one of Tawanka's Reading Specialists, set up a lending library for our 3rd and 4th grade students this year. In November, ALL students were able to choose a free book to take home. Every two weeks, students will have the chance to exchange the book they chose (or another book from home that they no longer want) for a new book from her cart. Keep Reading Tawanka Eagles!
Summer Reading Celebration - Part 2!
Tawanka's 120 summer readers enjoyed a road trip to the Township Library of Lower Southampton on November 20th. While at the library, our readers enjoyed a scavenger hunt through the children and youth sections, as well as some activities (like bookmark making!). Some students even brought their personal library card and were able to check out a book to take with them. We encourage all Tawanka Eagles to check out the public library!