September 2024
Friday, September 20, 2024
9/27- Popcorn Friday
9/27- SECO Movie Night (see below)
9/27- Spirit Day- Sato Spirit
10/3- Picture Day (new date!)
10/9- International Walk and Roll to School Day (see below)
10/10- Raccoon Run
10/11- Staff Development Day- No School
10/16- The Great Shakeout- Statewide Earthquake Drill
10/18-Popcorn Friday, Spirit Day
10/25- Grading Day- No School
Need Spiritwear? Click the link below!
Picture day- October 3rd (Please note the date change)
Play.Fit.Fun at Recess
During the fall on Tuesday and Thursdays out at lunch recess, students will have the opportunity to engage in fun new games each week with Coach Spencer from Play.Fit.Fun. The games will be fun activities that any student can have a blast with, whether it be during just part of recess or for the entire recess. We wanted to add this opportunity to make sure that recess is even more fun for all our wonderful students.
About Play.Fit.Fun:
- Play.Fit.Fun runs 30 after school programs in the Portland Metro Area. 14 after school programs in BSD.
- PFF has been getting kids active and having a blast for over 12 years.
- The Sato Staff got to play with PFF during preservice week during a fun team building event for our staff.
We are very excited to welcome Coach Spencer and his coaches to work with our kids at recess.
This week, students had the opportunity to engage in 2 fun activites: the Horizontal Rock Wall Challenge and Cone Hole! The kids loved it! Students practiced patience, turn taking, balance, and providing challenges for themselves and their friends. Coach Spencer reports that our students are fun, happy, have great attitudes and is genuinely impressed with our students willingness to try something new. We are looking forward to continuing this partnership at our recesses and providing additional opportunities for our students to try new things.
Horizontal Rock Wall Challenge
Horizontal Rock Wall Challenge
Cone Hole
Doors open at 7:30
We have noticed many students being dropped off at the front doors prior to 7:30am. Please note that we do not have any supervision for students prior to 7:30.
Sato Talented and Gifted (TAG) Testing
Please see the updated information concerning this year's CogAT testing.
There will be no parent nomination form for K-2nd grade this year. All nominations will be coming from teachers after a 6-week observation period.
In January, all 3rd grade students in Beaverton will be administered the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Screener. This 30-minutes of testing measures students’ learned reasoning abilities through verbal/picture analogies, number analogies and figure matrices. Families whose student scores in the 90th percentile or above on the CogAT screener will be notified and invited to give permission for their students to take the remainder of the test. There will be post-screener testing and full CogAT testing happening in elementary schools starting after January. If you would like to read more about the CogAT for students older than 2nd grade, click here.
If your student is on vacation or ill during the 3rd grade screener, we will not be able to accommodate a testing session in advance. Please note that there is no guarantee that they will be tested this year if they are gone.
If your 4th or 5th grade student did not attend a Beaverton school in 3rd grade, or missed the screener for whatever reason, you can sign up to be tested this year. 4th and 5th grade families can request that their student take the CogAT Screener by completing this google form link. Students cannot be tested with the CogAT in consecutive years. For example, a 4th grader cannot take the CogAT if they took the screener in 3rd grade. Parents of 5th grade students, whose students did not take the CogAT as 4th graders, who would like to request their children take the CogAT again can fill out this google form.
Guardians need to sign up by Friday, November 22nd. We will not be accepting late sign ups.
Now Hiring: 2 Nutrition Service Assistant positions at Sato
Upcoming Safety Drills: Earthquake drill and Secure Drill
During the month of October, we will be conducting two safety drills.
The first drill is in conjunction with the Great Shakeout-- a statewide Earthquake drill. For this drill, students will shelter in place and then evacuate the building when prompted to do so.
The second drill is called a Secure Drill. A Secure can happen for many different reasons but it means that the threat is outside of the building. During a secure drill, students are instructed to come inside if they are outside, and business occurs as usual inside of the building.
We are required to practice these drills multiple times per year in order to be prepared in the event of an actual emergency. Teachers will pre-teach expectations of these drills in order to minimize the fear around these drills. Below are links to social stories that you can use with your children prior to the drill if you so choose.
October 9- Walk and Roll to School Day
SECO will be hosting 3 walking school buses for this event. Students who participate in walking or rolling to school on October 9th will be entered into a raffle for a scooter and helmet or a drawstring bag with goodies in it. SECO is still looking for volunteers to help with this event. Visit: https://www.satocommunity.org/current-volunteer-opportunities for more information.
Asian Health & Service Center- Parenting Inside Out
Raccoon Run! Register today to win prizes!
Register your child to win prizes!
All students will participate in the Raccoon Run on October 10th during school hours. To help us prepare for the run, we ask that all families register their students on our platform PledgeStar.
Parents will need to create an account for their families on our fundraising platform PledgeStar. You will need to create a new account, even if you have registered on this platform in previous years.
PLEASE ONLY REGISTER YOUR STUDENT(S). It is not necessary for parents to register themselves in order to use the platform.
If you register multiple Sato students under the same family account, all payments received will be split evenly between the registered students. If you wish to create a separate account for each student (instead of a shared family account) you can do so by using a different email address for each student.
Students in split households can have more than one account (using different email addresses). Combined totals will not be reflected on the student’s fundraising page but will be combined offline for prizes.
To be counted towards classroom prizes, students need to be registered by Monday, September 30th. Families can still register after this date, but it will not count towards their student’s classroom total for earning prizes.
See the PRIZES section below for more information on classroom and student prize opportunities.
To be considered “registered” a parent must:
Create a family account
Add their students as joggers
Send out one donation request (self requests allowed). Students do not need to receive a donation to be registered.
Students can track their classroom’s registration progress on the bulletin board in the cafeteria which will be updated weekly.
Doors open at 5:30 pm | Movie starts at 6:00 pm
Join us in the gym for a movie night! Bring your own seating and blankets for this event. Tickets for entry and food must be purchased.
Volunteering at Sato
Parentsquare tips for parents- Volunteer sign-ups
We’re now using ParentSquare for volunteer sign-ups. How do you view signup opportunities available to you?
Log into ParentSquare.
Option 1: Scroll through the ParentSquare feed to view sign-ups or use the search option in your feed.
Option 2: On the right side of the screen, there’s a list of Sign-Ups & RSVPs.
Option 3: Under Participate on the left side, there’s a Sign-Ups & RSVPs option.
Mobile App
Make sure you’re logged into the app.
From your home screen, click More with the three dots on the bottom right. Click Sign-Ups & RSVPs. You’ll see two tabs: All Sign-Ups, which shows all opportunities available to you, and My Sign-Ups, which shows you what you’ve signed up for.
Please label all items you bring to school
Meet the Administration at Sato!
If you'd like to know a little more about the Administration at Sato please check out the Meet the Principal Page on our website, linked below!