The Eagle’s Landing
February 12, 2023
Important Dates
February Important Dates
Monday, February 13th - 5th Grade Band Concert - 7PM - Thomas Middle School
Tuesday, February 14th - Valentine's Parties - schedule below
Thursday & Friday - February 16th & 17th - Parent/Teacher Conferences - no school for students
Monday, February 20th - Holiday - Schools are closed
Hello Ivy Families,
The students are very excited for Valentine's Day which will take place at Ivy Hill on Tuesday! Each class celebrates differently so please check your emails from your teacher for all the details. Just remember that food cannot be exchanged on Valentine's Day!
Our Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for February 16th and 17th. These are non attendance days for our students. Please go directly to your teacher's classroom for the conference, no need to check in at the office.
Our Kids Heart Challenge continues so get your kids signed up- keep reading to see how easy it is!
As always - Stay safe, stay kind and stay courageous!
Parent 5 Essential Survey
As of today, we only have 4% participation.
Please take a few minutes to complete the 5Essentials Survey. Your participation in the parent portion of the survey will help us understand the conditions at our school and guide improvement. A report will be generated only if we have at least 20% parent participation.
Survey Link:
*Your identity and survey responses will be kept completely confidential and will never be connected to you or your child.*
As we are seeing an increase in illnesses, we wanted to send a reminder that students should stay home if they are not feeling well. This includes waiting until the student has been fever-free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medication such as Tylenol, ibuprofen) before they return to school. If a student experiences vomiting or diarrhea they should stay home until 24 hours have passed since their last episode and they are feeling better. While coughs can linger, if the student’s cough is persistent/frequent they should also stay home. If you have any questions about your student returning to school please call the school nurse.
If a student becomes ill at school and must go home, they should be picked up in a timely manner. If you are unable to pick up your child from the health office, we appreciate you contacting another adult that is able to pick your student up.
The school day ends and students are dismissed at 3:35 p.m. If you are unable to pick up your child, no matter the reason, it is strongly recommended that you have a backup plan for any unforeseen circumstances. We do realize situations come up and we appreciate you keeping in contact with us and making alternative arrangements if needed. Our office closes promptly at 4:00 p.m.
Thank you for closely monitoring your students' health and helping us keep Ivy Hill as healthy as possible!
We're so excited to celebrate Valentine's Day with our students! Each class celebrates in different ways and at different times so please follow the instructions from your teachers for all the details. Outside food is never allowed at the parties.
The schedule is as follows:
Kindergarten: AM- 10:30-11:30am, PM- 12:50-1:50pm, Full Day- 2:00-3:00pm
First Grade: 2:15-3:15pm
Second Grade: 1:15-2:15pm
Third Grade: 2:15-3:15pm
Fourth Grade: 2:30-3:30pm
Fifth Grade: 2:15-3:15pm
Please remember that you must be signed up through our PTA to be in the classroom for the parties and you must have your Driver's License scanned before entering the school.
Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences - February 16 & 17
We have our Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences coming up soon! Please go directly to your teacher's classroom for the conference; no need to check in with the office staff. The conferences are 20 minutes long.
American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge
Our students are joining the American Heart Association on a magical trip called "Be The Torch". They will learn to "light the way to learn heart-healthy habits and begin caring for their whole hearts."
You should have received a handout with instructions to join in your child's backpack or you can go to this link. There is also a Kids Heart Challenge app!! Lots of ways to get your child involved..and there are some great prizes!
1. ABSENCE HOT LINE: Available 24 hours a day, 7 days each week!
Dial the main office number 847-398-4275 and Press 1 for attendance
2. ONLINE ABSENCE FORM: Available 24 hours a day, 7 days each week!
Click here for the link
Pre Registration for Kindergarten 2023-2024 is Open
Dear Parents,
Winter is the time of year when we notice sporadic cases of lice in the school community. Please read this information about lice.
What are head lice?
Head lice are small wingless insects (about the size of a sesame seed) that live on the human scalp and in the hair. There is evidence that lice have been present since the beginning of mankind!
Lice move by crawling; they can't fly, hop or jump. They can fall off the head and will then die within 48 hours. An adult female may lay up to 8 nits (eggs) per day which are glued so strongly to hair shafts that only fingernails or a specially designed 'nit' comb will remove them (normal brushing or washing won't remove nits). Once laid, it takes 6-9 days for a nit to hatch, and another 7-10 days for the female to mature and begin laying her own eggs.
Who is at risk for getting head lice?
Anyone who comes in close contact (especially head-to-head) with someone who already has head lice can be at risk. Head lice may be acquired from contact with an infested person’s clothing (such as hats, scarves, coats) or other personal items (such as brushes, towels, fabric, sports, helmets). This contact occurs most often at sleepovers, camps, sports, or other activities. Current research indicates that schools are often not the environment where the transmission is most likely to occur. Head lice can also be transferred from person to person via coats, furry stuffed animals, fabric covered seats, pillows, carpets, and bedding which has been used by an infested person. Personal hygiene or cleanliness in the home or school has nothing to do with getting head lice.
What should parents look for?
Head lice are clear in color when hatched and can appear gray, tan or reddish brown in color after feeding. They have six legs. They are hard to see, move quickly, and avoid light.
Nits are head lice eggs. They are very small, about the size of a knot in thread. They are firmly attached to the hair shaft. Although they may look like dandruff, they cannot be removed by flicking them with the finger. Nits are oval and usually yellow to white but can look brown as the louse matures inside the egg. Eggs are usually located within ¼ inch of the scalp. The casings without live lice remain on the hair shaft. Care should be taken to examine the scalp at the nape of the neck and behind the ears.
What are the symptoms of head lice infestation?
Some symptoms of lice infestation include: a tickling feeling in the hair, itching caused by a reaction to the bites; irritability, sores on the head due to scratching (which can sometimes become infected), or a rash behind the ears and on the neck below the hairline. However, it should be noted that head lice infestation could occur without any symptoms.
How are head lice discovered?
An infestation is discovered by looking closely through the hair and scalp for nits and/or lice. The discovery of lice may be made by a parent, school nurse, or other medical provider.
How are head lice treated?
Head lice can be treated via a variety of methods, including: medicated shampoo, oral prescription medication, and comb-outs. If using a medicated shampoo, product directions must be followed exactly. Most lice shampoos recommend a second treatment in 7-10 days. Do not use lice shampoo more often than recommended by the manufacturer unless directed to do so by your doctor. If you have questions about which treatment method is most appropriate for your child, please consult with your physician. Personal items, such as towels, clothing, and bedding need to be cleaned using high heat (130 degrees), dry cleaning, or storage in an airtight bag for at least two weeks. To rid hair brushes, combs, barrettes, and other hair ornaments of lice, soak them in hot water [at least 130°F (54°C)] for 5 to 10 minutes, soak them in isopropyl alcohol, or wash them with a shampoo that is used to treat head lice. Furniture and carpets should be vacuumed. Lice sprays and regular shampoos are not recommended.
What can parents do to prevent their families from getting head lice?
Check your children routinely for head lice as it aids in early detection. Use a bright light and look closely. Use a special lice comb to detect nits. Avoid sharing hair care items, clothing, hats, towels and bedding. Avoid throwing jackets and hats in a pile at group activities. Using medicated shampoos without the presence of lice or nits will not prevent a person from becoming infested.
Can my pets get head lice?
No, head lice are a human condition.
What do the schools do when there is a reported infestation in the schools?
Although it is unpleasant, the occurrence of head lice is not uncommon throughout the country. If there is a reported case of head lice, the schools follow the approved administrative procedures based on the most current, research-based information. It is important that instructional time be protected. If an infestation is verified, the infested student may not return to school until treatment has been completed. Parents are given information about the steps to follow. The school nurse follows-up with that student and the treatment plan.
It is not best practice for the school nurse to examine the infected student’s classroom or school, or notify parents regarding cases of head lice. Student and family privacy is protected. We encourage parents whose children who have a case of lice to inform the parents of children their child has had close contact or is in their circle of friends.
For further information, the following are helpful websites:
Please call your school nurse if you suspect that your child has lice or if you would like further information. All exchanges will be kept confidential.
Scott Kaese, Ivy Hill School Principal
Patty Hein, Ivy Hill School Nurse
Drop Off and Pick Up Reminders
Rules for Morning Arrival/Drop-Off
Pull into the parking lot entrance: right lane- for student drop-off only; left lane- for parking lot only. Students should gather backpacks at this time
Keep the street/parking lot intersections clear. Keep the sidewalk and crosswalks clear.
Students may only exit cars once they enter the “Drop-off” Zone designated by orange cones in our parking lot.
Once you enter the “Drop-off” Zone, you MUST stay in line. Proceed forward after all students in the drop-off area have exited their cars.
Please drive as far as you can in the circle drive to maximize the number of cars
Do not pass other cars in line. If you need to help your child, you must park in a designated space in the parking lot.
Students must exit from the passenger side only. Adults must remain in vehicles.
Right turn only out of the parking lot from 8:30 AM-9:30 AM.
Students riding the bus will be dropped off in the rear of the school and enter the school.
Students in Kindergarten and 2nd grade are required to turn in a dental exam form by May 15, 2023. The dental exam form can be found on the district website. You can scan/email the form to, hand the form in directly to Ivy Hill, or have the dentist fax the form to 847-394-6556.
The snow has started and the kids love to play in it! No matter how old your child is or what type of snow pants they have, they will be completely wet after 30 minutes in the snow!
Please send a change of clothes along with underwear and socks in a plastic bag in your child's backpack.
We do not have the amount of space needed to keep all sizes of clothes in our nurse's office.
If your child does not have a change of clothes and they get wet during recess, we will have to call home for dry clothes!
Please mark all personal items with your child's name. Lunch boxes, water bottles, backpacks, coats, etc. THIS IS FOR ALL GRADES!!
Dear Parents/Guardians & Staff:
As we enter the winter months, Arlington Heights School District 25 (AHSD25) would like to update you on some of the factors that contribute to closing school in the event of inclement weather and when you can expect to be notified.
Over the course of the past several years, we have been engaged in collaborative discussions with District 214 as well as our neighboring districts. Together, we are committed to a process that ensures decisions are made wisely and in a timely fashion regarding the safety and well being of our entire school community.
In the event that school needs to “close” due to inclement weather, District 25 would notify you whether we will:
- Make up the day on a later date, OR
- Utilize an eLearning Day where students would use their District device to learn from home. For details on eLearning Days, read the section further down in this letter titled eLEARNING DAY.
AHSD25 will follow these general guidelines when closing schools for winter-related closings:
- Schools will be closed if there is a forecasted sustained wind chill of -30 degrees Fahrenheit or colder, or when the actual temperature is a sustained -15 degrees Fahrenheit or colder between the travel times of 5:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. and/or 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. The District will use forecasts provided by the National Weather Service.
- For snow, ice, or other weather-related closings, AHSD25 will monitor the current conditions, the forecasted conditions between the travel times listed above, the ability of our staff to plow parking lots and sidewalks, as well as the ability of local municipalities to plow and make streets passable. AHSD25 will also be in contact with our transportation companies to assess their ability to safely run buses. In these situations, the District will also be in contact with our neighboring districts, our local and State officials, and meteorologists in order to make the most appropriate decision with the facts known at that respective time.
- If school will be closed, AHSD25 will make the notification by 5:30 a.m. the day of the closing knowing that you may need to arrange for childcare or other schedule changes. If we are able to make the determination the night before to close school – meaning the forecast undoubtedly warrants closure – we will attempt to notify you prior to 9:30 p.m.
- Typically, we do not send out a telephone SchoolMessenger notice after 9:30 p.m., as the system can sometimes take up to an hour or so to complete all calls. The District will update its website, social media accounts (detailed below), and the Emergency Closing Center website (www.emergency closing as soon as a decision has been made. However, in the event the decision to close school is made after 9:30 p.m., the District will wait and send out the telephone SchoolMessenger notice by 5:30 a.m. the following morning.
- When school is closed due to inclement weather, all extracurricular programs and school meetings (except for Board of Education meetings) are canceled.
- It is important to remind you that Illinois School Code, and District policy, allows parents to call their student(s) out, as excused, in the event that the district keeps schools open, because, as a family, you have concerns about your child safely traveling to or from school.
For the most timely and official information regarding school closures, please follow us on Twitter (@ahsd25), like us on Facebook (, follow us on Instagram (@ahsd25social) and log on to our web site ( Those avenues will be updated in real time as a decision is made. Also, if you haven’t already, please sign up for the District’s emergency text notification system. Simply text “Y” or “Yes” to 67587 to subscribe. If you’re not sure if you’ve previously opted in, you can still follow these instructions without causing any issues. For more on the emergency text notification system, click here.
In the event of a school closure, the District may choose between implementing an eLearning day or making up the day according to the school calendar. In the instance where an eLearning Day is being implemented, your child(ren) would not come to school but rather they would learn from home connecting with their teachers virtually. Please read through this letter (linked here) for details on eLearning Days.
As always, the safety and security of our students and staff remains a top priority of AHSD25, our high school district, and our community.
Lori D. Bein, Ed.D.
Ivy Hill Spirit Days
Mark your calendars and don't miss out on the FUN!!
Friday, February 24 - MisMatch Day
Friday, March 24 - March Madness (College Gear) Day
Friday, April 28 - Inside Out Day
Friday, June 2 - Tie Dye Day
Please print this calendar and put it on your fridge!! District 25 and District 214 (the high schools) have different holidays so please be sure to send your child on the appropriate days!
The 2023-2024 School Calendar is available!
Ivy Hill is lucky to have Mrs. Khan and Mrs. Moncada back this year to serve breakfast and lunch to all of our students!
Breakfast will be served at 8:45 each morning - the cost is $1.75. If your child rides the bus, have them come directly to the commons when they arrive at school.
Lunch schedules change each week - beginning on Monday, 8/29, we will be on Schedule B. Click here for the menu. The cost for lunch is $3.25.
The easiest way to pay for breakfast and lunch to set up an account at Call the office for your child's student ID number. You can also send cash. Please put the cash in an envelope with your child's name on it.
Download the Choosi app to help manage your child's account.
Ivy Hill PTA News
PTA HAPPENINGS – QUICK VIEW – February 10th, 2023- February 16th, 2023
EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATING COMMITTEE MEMBERS NEEDED!: We are still in need of 4 members for our Executive Board Nominating Committee! Members of the Nominating Committee help nominate our future PTA Executive Board Members for the 2023-2024 school year. Most of the work can be done via email or remotely, and will be completed by the end of March. Please consider volunteering your time if you are available. Sign up here to join the Executive Board Nominating Committee. Feel free to contact Katie Taranda ( if you have any questions about the Nominating Committee.
VALENTINE'S DAY PARTIES: Our Valentine's Day Classroom Parties will take place on Tuesday, February 14th. Emails have been sent to Room Representative Volunteers with additional information regarding party guidelines. As a reminder to all, no food items of any kind are to be brought to school to share/pass out for Valentine's Day. Please see a listing below of the times for the classroom parties for each grade.
Kindergarten: AM- 10:30-11:30am, PM- 12:50-1:50pm, Full Day- 2:00-3:00pm
First Grade: 2:15-3:15pm
Second Grade: 1:15-2:15pm
Third Grade: 2:15-3:15pm
Fourth Grade: 2:30-3:30pm
Fifth Grade: 2:15-3:15pm
OPEN EXECUTIVE BOARD POSITIONS FOR 2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR: Are you interested in getting more involved with the PTA? We have several open Executive Board positions for the 2023-2024 school year and we need wonderful volunteers like YOU to fill them! Open positions include: President, President-Elect, 1st VP, 2nd VP, and 3rd VPs (2 positions). If you're interested in learning more about the roles, please reach out to Katie Taranda,
SAVE THE DATE: Book Fair will return this year from April 19th-21st! April 19th and 20th will be teacher and student preview days, with the fair opening to families on April 21st. More information will be provided as we get closer to the date.
AHC PTA SCHOLARSHIPS: The Arlington Heights Council of PTAs is accepting applications for their 2023 high school senior scholarship program. Nine graduating seniors will be awarded $1,000 each. Six achievement scholarships will be awarded as well as three Power of Courage. Applications are due on February 26, 2023 and the scholarship breakfast will be held on April 27, 2023. If you have any questions, contact
League of Women Voters & AHML School Board Zoom Candidate Forums: League of Women Voters Arlington Heights-Mt. Prospect-Buffalo Grove and the AHML will present two candidate forums on Thursday, March 2, 2023, starting at 7pm. SD25 Candidates will be at 7pm then D214 Candidates at 8:15pm. Both are free, Zoom events and open to the public, but registration is required. Register at or at or thru events calendar. Only 1 registration is required for access to both forums. After registering, participants will receive an email with Zoom info. You may send in your questions to be answered by all candidates. Good, quality questions that pertain to the office sought make the difference. Questions from the public may be submitted in advance and during the forum to or by text 847-701-4701. Election Day is April 4.
I-FIVES: Congratulations to our 4th grade Eagle, Aaradhy, who won the t-shirt design contest for the ABC25 GetBurbed Challenged! His design was picked out of over 60 designs submitted throughout the district, and now he gets to pick the color of the t-shirt for the big race! The Annual ABC25 GetBurbed 5k Race will be held on April 15, 2023!
FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook- Ivy Hill Elementary PTA, Twitter- @ivyhillpta
NEXT SCHOOL BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, February 28th @ 7:00 p.m. in the Dunton Administration Building
NEXT PTA MEETING: Wednesday, March 1st @ 7:00 p.m. in the Ivy Hill LMCWe’d love to hear from you!
Location: 2211 North Burke Drive, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: (847) 398-4275
Twitter: @PrincipalKaese