Weekly Parent Post

Students with Free and Reduced Lunches need to re-apply!
Students who received Free/Reduced lunch need to re-apply! This includes all students from previous schools who were getting lunches for all their students. (i.e. Sherrod). Students will be charged for breakfasts and lunches.
News from PJMS Nurses 😊
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. Palmer Junior Middle school has 2 nurses, Kathy Voran RN and Robin Waldvogle-Kemp RN.
Kathy Voran: Kathy.voran@matsuk12.us
Robin Waldvogle: robin.waldvogle-kemp@matsuk12.us
Nurse Office phone: 907-761-4309 Fax 907-761-4372
We look forward to keeping your children safe and healthy this school year!
What you need to know:
Health Forms: You can find most Health Forms at www.matsuk12.us - Parent Quick Links - Parent Forms – Health (Student Support Services).
Immunizations: In order for your Student/s to attend school, immunizations must be up to date by the first day of school on August 15th. This is a state law that Alaska Schools must follow. If immunization/s are not up to date your student will be sent home until proof of needed immunization is given to the school Nurse. If you have checked permission for us to view VacTrAK during the online school registration process, we can print this record out for your student if needed. If we do not have permission, you will need to either bring updated immunization records to the school or fax or email a printable copy. You can also view your student’s immunization status on Parent View. Sign in and choose your student to view his/her immunizations. Non-compliant immunizations will be flagged.
Religious Exemptions: The school must have the State Religious Exemption form notarized and signed on the first day of school. This form must be filled out every year as it expires yearly on June 30th. You can obtain this form from our office or at the above link. Students will be sent home if the school does not have the form or an updated immunization form.
Medications: If your student will need to take prescription or over the counter (OTC) medication daily during the school day a “Medication Authorization” form must be filled out and signed by your Provider and Parent/Guardian. An adult must bring the medication to the Nurse Office with a current pharmacy label on the container or an OTC in the original box/container, no baggies, etc. Students are not allowed to bring/carry medications to school including over the counter medications. The following stock medications can be given at school on an as needed basis if the Parent has given permission during the online registration process: Advil, Benadryl, Cough Drops, Lactaid, Tums, Tylenol, Zyrtec.
Asthma: If your student has asthma an “Asthma Action Plan” needs to be filled out and signed by your Provider. All inhalers will be kept in the Nurse Office unless the Provider has signed the student may carry and self-administer.
Allergies/Anaphylaxis: Students who need EpiPens or other medications for allergic reactions will need the “Allergy/Anaphylaxis Plan” form filled out and signed by a provider and Parent/Guardian. These medications will be kept in the Nurse Office unless the Provider has indicated the student may self-administer.
“It is highly recommended that back up inhalers and/or EpiPens be stored in the nurse’s office for those times when the student has forgotten to carry it in their backpack as anaphylaxis and asthma can be a life threatening emergency situation.”
Health Screening: During the school year we will be conducting health screening on all 7th graders, new to district students and students who have not had a health screening in the past 4 years. This screening includes height, weight, blood pressure, pulse, vision, hearing. Please let us know if you do not want your student screened.
Thank you for letting us keep your student/s safe and healthy!
Migrant Ed
The Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District Migrant Education Program (MEP) provides services and resources for students and their families through the support of a federal grant. The MEP's goal is to ensure that all migrant students reach challenging academic standards and graduate with a high school diploma (or complete a GED) that prepares them for responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment.
IS THIS YOU?Your family depends on subsistence activities to feed your family, and...
Your child(ren) has, in the past 3 years, participated in seasonal subsistence fishing, commercial fishing and/or berry picking and brought the food home (dates must fall within a one year period);
AND the activities were at least 20 miles away from your primary residence for 7 overnights or more (does not need to be consecutive);
OR your child(ren) traveled with you while you were logging and/or farming outside of the Mat-Su Borough School District (MSBSD) for 7 overnights or more (does not need to be consecutive).
If the answer is yes, your child(ren) may qualify for Migrant Education Services. All activities must meet economic necessity for program qualification. Please complete the Parent Request Form below.
Alaska Fentanyl Awareness Campaign
The drug landscape is dramatically different from even just a few years ago. Fentanyl is a deadly synthetic opioid that is 50 times more potent than heroin. According to CDC, preliminary data indicates that Alaska experienced the largest percent increase in drug overdose deaths of any state between 2022 and 2023, and that fentanyl-related overdose deaths among Alaskans increased by nearly 75 percent.
Palmer Jr MIddle School
1159 S Chugach St.
Palmer, AK 99645
Phone: (907) 761-4300
Email: PJM@matsuk12.us