Teacher Business Boot Camp 2025
Huron County - 2025
About this experience...
This summer, teachers, career coaches, and school counselors from districts in Huron County will have the opportunity to participate in the Fourth Annual “Teacher Business Boot Camp” being organized by Huron County’s Business Advisory Council, North Point Educational Service Center, Norwalk City Economic Development Corp., and Firelands Forward.
This program will show teachers what really goes on behind the scenes in the manufacturing, healthcare, professional services, and construction sectors of the county. Participants will gain first-hand experience about the rewarding careers available in these industry sectors of Huron County and the skills students need to obtain and retain these positions.
The schedule for the five-day Boot Camp experience includes:
Day 1 (August 4, 2025) – Orientation: 8:00 AM – Noon
Day 2 (August 5, 2025) – Interactive tours of two different companies and a conversational lunch with industry leaders: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Day 3 (August 6, 2025) – Interactive tours of two different companies and a conversational lunch with industry leaders: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Day 4 (August 7, 2025) – Interactive tours of two different companies and a conversational lunch with industry leaders: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Day 5 (August 11, 2025) – Wrap Up/Presentations: 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Educators who are selected for participation in the Boot Camp will receive the following benefits:
· Three graduate level credits from Ashland University. (This is a $540 savings being funded through a generous workforce development grant by the State of Ohio and local sponsorships.)
· Materials to use in the classroom based upon information learned throughout the week. All educators will be required to create a project/unit to use with students during the 2025-26 school year.
· Instruction and guidance from top-level professionals at participating businesses, North Point Educational Service Center, and Huron County.
The cost for each participant is only $50 for this dynamic five day experience.
Deadline to apply is April 11, 2025. Notification of acceptance into the program will occur by mid April.
What did participating educators from past Huron County Boot Camps have to say about their experience?
“An amazing experience to meet the needs of our students and local businesses through a two-way partnership to find the hidden gems in Huron County to increase our workforce through student opportunities. A must do for local teachers. ” -- Sarah Lucha, South Central Local Schools
"As educators, sometimes our schools feel detatched from the broad range of opportunities in our own neighborhood. There are companies with endless chances for lucrative and challenging careers. I can use my first-person experience to highlight that "world" for my students exploring what they want to be in the future." -- Caroline Schnetzer, Monroeville Local Schools
“The Teacher Bootcamp experience was far and away the best professional development experience I've had in my teaching career. Everyone involved brought their passion and expertise to give us an amazingly educational and totally fun experience. I'm very excited to share what I learned with my students and get them excited about the possibilities available to them right here in Huron county. I cannot begin to thank everyone at Fisher-Titus, Norwalk Concrete, Borgers, Nissha, Campbell's Pepperidge Farms, Stanley - Black and Decker, North Point ESC, Ashland University, Lt. Governor Husted's office, the Huron BAC, and the Norwalk EDC. So many people worked incredibly hard to make this a unique and remarkable learning opportunity. There is something relevant for every teacher in the county regardless of subject area or grade level. I highly recommend this experience.” -Derek Williams, New London Local Schools
“Wow! Huron County has a tremendous impact worldwide and many people are not even aware. This Boot Camp provided the chance to see how businesses run as well as learn about the job and career opportunites just waiting for those willing. I look forward to working with these businesses and integrating curriculum with students so both parties benefit as will the local economy.” - Ann Todd, Western Reserve Local Schools
“This experience has made a difference! We know there are organizations trying to coordinate a more streamlined economic/employment experience, and now we get to help too!.” -- Derek Pigman, Norwalk City Schools
“This Boot Camp was a great experience for me. I had no idea the available jobs within each of these companies and the opportunities for advancement within each. Knowing what skills businesses are looking for in the people they hire can help me start building these skills with my middle school students. I will be looking forward to helping my students learn and practice these soft skills that were mentioned at each business we visited. I would definitely recommend this Boot Camp to my colleagues. Thank you for this opportunity.” -- Michelle Turner, South Central Local Schools
North Point Educational Service Center
Email: csanchez@npesc.org
Website: www.npesc.org
Location: 4918 Milan Road, Sandusky, OH, USA
Phone: 419-627-3900
Twitter: @NorthPointESC