Grand Valley High School
WELCOME BACK: 2024-2025

Congratulations! We would like to officially welcome you to the NEW school year! It is an exciting time to live, learn and grow at Grand Valley High School. This year brings some changes for our students, parents and community as we continue working towards creating an environment where EVERY student is successful. TOGETHER, we will make this school year another great one, no matter what!
Our first parent/senior meeting is Thursday, August 8th at 5:30pm.
Seniors, we congratulate you on your accomplishments, and the success you have achieved to this point. Take time to thank those who have been instrumental in helping you reach this milestone. You now stand at the starting line of life and what a great moment it is!
SENIORS, Come and claim your parking spot and make it your own, you've earned it!
SENIOR Parking Spot Painting: Thursday, August 8th 7:00a.m - 4:00p.m.
Requirements to paint your parking spot:
- Valid Driver’s License
- Cost: Students must purchase their own paint and supplies and be able to paint their spot on the assigned day.
- Painting Day will be Thursday, August 8th: 7:00am-4:00pm.
- Painting cannot take place at any other time.
- The following form must be turned in on August 8th (sketches must be in color)
- The parking lot spot is yours (not to be shared with friends) Tuesday - Friday 7AM to 4:00PM
- Parking spots will be selected “first-come, first-serve” beginning at 7:00 am. (Showed up at the same time….“Rock, Paper, Scissor” showdown!) You will choose from designated spots in the Senior Parking lot and you must use that spot.
Click the link below for additional information.
- Materials Needed
- Design Criteria and Guidelines
- Painting Tips
- Design Approval Form (Must be completed prior to painting)
FRESHMAN ORIENTATION: Thursday, August 8th (Students Only)
New Student Registration
New Students to the District Only: 9th-12th Register at the District Office (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
GVHS Student Handbook 24-25
Student Schedules
Jr./Sr. Wednesday, August 7th 9:00-12:00, 1:30-3:30
Fr./Soph. Friday, August 9th 9:00-12:00, 1:30-3:30
GVHS Grading System
Back to the basics! We hope to increase effective school-to-home communication while decreasing confusion. The following grading system will be used at Grand Valley High School.
Grade Weight:
60% - Summative: tests, projects/papers, quizzes, presentations, labs
30% - Formative: attendance, homework, participation, daily activities, preparation
10% - Semester Final (Finals are mandatory for ALL students.)
Make-up Work: (Garfield 16 School Board Policy JH: Student Absences and Excuses)
Make-up work will be provided for any class in which a student has an excused absence unless otherwise determined by the building administrator or unless the absence is due to the student’s expulsion from school. It is the responsibility of the student to pick up any makeup assignments permitted on the day returning to class. There will be 2 days allowed for make-up work for each day of absence. Make-up work will be allowed following an unexcused absence or following a student’s suspension from school with the goal of providing the student an opportunity to keep up with the class and an incentive to attend school. This work may receive full or partial credit to the extent possible as determined by the building administrator.
Late Work:
Late work will be accepted for up to 2 weeks from the due date or at the end of the quarter, whichever comes first. Exceptions may be made in order to comply with Garfield 16 School Board Policy JH: Student Absences and Excuses.
Assignments labeled as “Missing” can still be turned in and will be calculated in the cumulative grade as a zero. Once the assignment is turned in or completed the grade will be updated when applicable. (Please note that current lessons and assignments will take priority.)
All late work will be docked 10% and labeled as “Late.”
Assignments scored as a “zero” will remain as part of the students cumulative grade as the make-up and late work policies have expired.
Finals are mandatory for ALL students.
Early Finals: Early finals will only be allowed in emergency situations and a physician’s note may be required. If a student needs to take a final early, administrative approval is required with an “in-person” parent/guardian meeting.
This includes athletics, activities, and dances.
A student is deemed eligible for participation if:
- In the judgment of the principal of the student's school he/she is representative of the school's ideals in matters of citizenship, conduct and sportsmanship.
A student must be enrolled in at least 5 courses per semester. Here is the breakdown of eligibility for number of courses taken:
5 courses: Must pass all classes to remain eligible (Can fail 0 courses)
6 courses: Must pass 5 out of 6 classes to remain eligible (Can fail 1 course)
7 courses: Must pass 6 out of 7 classes to remain eligible (Can Fail 1 course)
***Weekly checks will be done on THURSDAY of each week and will apply to the next Monday through Saturday. Student-Athletes MAY NOT REGAIN during this week once deemed ineligible.
***If a student does not meet eligibility requirements at the end of a semester, he/she is not eligible to participate the entire next semester. Please see Athletic Director for "regain" options.
School Supplies
Bus Routes
Student Drop-off and After School Pick-up
GVHS Athletics
AT-HOME ImPact testing (Required for Athletics)
The ImPact test is required before you practice on Monday Aug 12th.
Please have this test COMPLETED by the end of the day on FRIDAY the 9th. This will ensure that you are able to practice on the first day.
Check your school email for an email from AtHomeTest@Impacttest
If you did not receive the email by 8/9 then email Mrs. Mendoza and she will send it to you again.
Click on the step-by-step instructions below.
In-person - testing is available at GVHS:
Thurs, Aug 8th from 9-11:30am and 1:30-3:30,
Friday, Aug 9th from 9-11:30 and 1:30-3:30,
Student Use of the Internet:
Student Image Publishing:
Student Image Publishing (District Policy: JRA/JRC-E-3-) Classroom activities and school events are sometimes photographed or videotaped by the school or media groups (newspaper, television, university, district public relations, etc.) In addition, the district or school may want to post articles, video, or photography on district or school websites.
If you DO NOT want your child’s photograph, video, and/or electronic image to be published for news media or school publicity purposes, please complete this form, and return it to your child’s school by September 13th.
(Public events such as sporting events, theatre productions, etc. are open to the public and are not covered by this form.)
Frequently Asked Questions
A: Tuesday, August 13th, 2024
Q: What are school start and end times
A: The first bell rings at 8:05 and the first class starts at 8:15. The last bell rings at 4:05.
Q: Where can I get my schedule?
A: Student schedules will be available on or before the end of the day on Tuesday the 6th. Log into Infinite Campus. If you forgot your password or log-in information please call the GVHS office. 970-285-5705
Q: What school supplies will my child need to provide?
A: The supply list is posted on our website. Go to "Quick Links," then select "Parent Center." These are basic high school supplies. Additional supplies maybe required depending on the class.
Q: Can my child ride a bus to school.
A: Yes! We have bus routes for GVHS which can be found on our district website located under "Transportation" Please contact our director of transportation, Steve Gardner, for any questions or for more information at (970) 285-5700 ext 5130.
Q: What kind of technology will my child have access to?
A: All students at GVHS will have their own Chromebook. They will be able to take their Chromebooks home with them. We highly encourage you to purchase Chromebook insurance to protect you in case of accidental damage. Technology insurance forms will be sent home with students on the 1st day of school.
Q: Will there be a back-to-school event this year?
A: Yes! Open House for GVHS students and parents will be Thursday, August 8th from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Freshmen Orientation will happen on the 8th as well from 12:30 am to 3:30pm. There will also be time for questions and a tour so students can get used to the building.
Q: I didn't see my question here, who do I ask?
A: You are always welcome to call our office at (970) 285-5705. You are also always welcome to reach out to our school principal Mr. McCormick via email (kmccormick@garfield16.org) and he will get back to you as soon as possible.
Grand Valley High School
Website: http://gvhs.garfield16.org/
Location: 800 Cardinal Way PARACHUTE, CO 81635
Phone: 970-285-5705
Important Upcoming Dates:
Thursday, August 8th:
7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Senior Parking Lot Painting
12:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. - Freshmen Orientation (Students Only)
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - Open House
5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. - Senior Parent Meeting (Reminders, important dates, things to expect)
6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. - Athletic Parent/Athlete meeting (All those participating in a Fall Sport or Activity)
Monday, August 12th:
Fall Activities/Athletics Begin
Tuesday, August 13th:
First Day of School! First Bell Rings at 8:05
Friday, September 6th:
School Pictures (packets will be sent home on the first day of school)
Grand Valley High School is the home of the Fighting Cardinals. The new Grand Valley High School was finished in September 2002. It is located approximately 200 miles west of Denver and 45 miles east of Grand Junction off Interstate 70 in Parachute, Colorado. Our Mission: Together we will continue to build purposeful relationships that will enhance the lives of students. Our Vision: We are dedicated to defining and creating optimal learning environments which will provide our students with an individualized, well-rounded education.