August Newsletter
K-Beach Elementary School
A Message from Mrs. Van Slyke
I hope that you and your family have enjoyed the summer. I am excited to start a new school year here at K-Beach!
We will have our Meet the Teacher Night on Monday, August 19th. This is a great time to bring in your class supplies, meet the teacher, and tour the building.
I look forward to welcoming our students back to the building and starting our new school year on Wednesday, August 21st. Our school staff is here to support students and work with families. We care about our Caribou!
Our school staff looks forward to working with you to support and celebrate your child's success.
I am excited for another successful school year, and I am honored to partner with you in your child’s education! Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
New Student and Kindergarten Registration
Register your child online here:
In order to register in the KPBSD, new students are required to have the following when they register
- Physical Examination (These forms are in most of the local doctor’s offices.)
- Original birth certificate. A birth certificate is required for verification.
- Meet immunization requirements.
Can't make it in during those hours? Contact the office at 907-260-1300.
School Supply Lists
End of Day Plans
Parents we are sending out this form to better serve the end of the day process for the school year. We are required to have a note for all 400 plus students at K-Beach on the first day of school. Please take the time to fill it out as it is important that we have accurate information. Note that any changes to the end of the day plans must be made by calling the office before 1:30, this is important for making sure all of our students get home safely! This is a one time document for the first day of school. Any further transportation updates you will need to call the office before 1:30 p.m.
Class Placement
Kindergarteners will be attending full day starting on the first day of school.
Student Drop Off/Pick Up
Our academic school day starts at 7:55AM. School doors open at 7:30AM, which is when the first group of students will be permitted in the building. There will be recess outside in the morning until 7:50AM. Parents who plan to drop off child(ren) at school, please use the drop off lanes in the front of the school and our staff will direct students into the building.
K-Beach has a staggered schedule for dismissal of busses, walkers, and pick-ups. Parents, please remain in you car during pick up time.
• Parent Pick Up A-G 2:25
• Parent Pick Up H-P 2:30
• Parent Pick Up Q-Z 2:35
Welcome New Staff
- Krikkit Biswas - 5th Grade Teacher
- Kim Daniels - Assistant Principal
- Grace Devries - Paraprofessional
- Kay Downs - IN Teacher
- Kara Hughes - Nurse
- Shelby Jones - 4th Grade Teacher
- Laurie Maples - Resource Teacher
- Deborah Roemhildt - School Psychologist
- Elizabeth Ross - Music Teacher
- Erika Van Zandt - Paraprofessional
- Mindi Woodward - Paraprofessional
We Love Our Volunteers!
You must have an approved volunteer form to visit you child's classroom or to have lunch with your child.
School Lunches
Student lunches cost $3.50. Student Nutrition encourages parents to prepay for meals and put money on their child’s account at
Money will be accepted at the school office or kitchen, preferably in the morning, to allow funds to be applied to the student’s account before the meal period
Please take a few minutes to complete your online meal application so students who qualify will have access to meal benefits on the first day of the school year:
New applications must be filled out each year. If you qualified last year, please submit a new application online or stop by the school office for a paper application.