Edison Middle School
Mission: To Prepare students to succeed academically, responsibly, and socially in an ever-changing world.
Office: 605-367-7643
Email: SFSDEdisonOffice@k12.sd.us
Counseling Center: 605-367-8331
Fax: 605-367-8457
Newsletter Date:
April 1, 2020
Volume 1, Issue 9
Tips From The Office...
...UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: The office doors are open from 8am to 1pm. Please call ahead at 367-7643 so that items you request are ready for pick up. This ensures your safety as well as staff safety. Office staff will continue to answer the phones from 1pm to 4pm.
...Remote Learning: If a Chrome Book needs repaired, you must call the office in advance at 367-7643. You will drop off your student’s Chrome Book and a loaner will be ready for pick up.
...Paper packets are ONLY for those students that do not have Internet. You must call ahead to request a paper packet at 367-7643.
Principal's Corner
We hope this message finds you and your family healthy and safe during this very difficult time. In last month’s message, I talked about shifting the focus away from grades and moving the focus to learning through our daily language we use with our students. Little did we know that less than one month later we would be engulfed in uncharted territory with schools being closed, Remote Learning being implemented, everyone learning new platforms such as Schoology, Google Classroom, Zoom, Edpuzzle, etc., and parents taking on all of these challenges while continuing to hold their families together. Now, more than ever, continue to hold fast to the principle of learning and student engagement versus a grade. Do your students hear you pulling for them through your questions about their learning, or do they hear that their primary purpose is grades/task completion?
A sincere thank you to our families for providing the support, encouragement, and guidance to our students during this very difficult time for everyone. We are so thankful for the consistency you are providing your students and recognizing the importance of their learning. We want you to know that we are so appreciative of all the support you have given our staff. It has been a learning curve for everyone, including staff. Thank you for being patient and extending them grace as we work through this “new normal.” We are all in this together, and we will all come through this because of one another.
We would like to welcome the incoming 6th grade students and their families into the Edison family. We know that the transition to middle school can be an exciting yet stressful time, even for parents/guardians; however, we want to reassure you that we have activities in place to help you and your student make a successful transition. We truly believe that the support and activities offered at Edison will enhance your student’s success. We encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities available in an effort to prepare both you and your student.
The first opportunity will be Running Start this summer to help incoming 6th grade students become familiar with Edison and middle school. Running Start is a great program that helps many of our students make a successful transition from elementary to middle school. Running Start helps students become familiar with our programs, their lockers, the lunchroom, a 6th grade schedule, and our building. The sessions will fill up fast, so please look for an upcoming email with the registration details and link. You can also tentatively plan on the dates mentioned in the newsletter. Currently, the dates are tentative based on when we will return to school and what that return looks like should we return.
Before school starts next fall, we will hold our WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) Orientation Day for our 6th graders. The 6th graders will work with our 8th grade WEB leaders to ensure that their transition to middle school is a successful one. The 6th grade WEB Orientation Day is a great time for students to meet other 6th graders, meet some of the 6th grade teachers, work on team-building activities, and get to know the WEB leader your student will be working with during PRO-Time activities throughout the school year. We hope all 6th graders can attend the WEB Orientation Day on August 14th from 8:30 am – 11:30 am at Edison in the gym.
We are committed to working with our families and students to ensure that their transition from elementary to middle school is a smooth and successful transition. If you have any questions regarding any of the aforementioned events, please feel free to call the office. We welcome you to the Edison family and look forward to having you and your student at Edison in the fall.
From the Edison Family and my family to yours, we want to extend our sincere gratitude for sharing your wonderful students with us. Take care and please let us know if there is anything that we can do to help your student to be as successful as possible.
News from the Counseling Office
8th Grade
High School Summer School
Registration is now open for High School Summer School.
-CONNECTIONS (located at student’s high school) is designed to assist students in making a smooth transition to high school by providing connections with math, reading, and writing skills. The class incorporates a variety of activities, which provide students with an opportunity to improve their academic skills, as well as to familiarize them with their new high school, expectations, procedures, opportunities available, and organizations/clubs/activities. This is an excellent opportunity for students to get a head start as they enter high school.
Students who successfully complete the class will earn .50 elective credit toward their total high school credits.
The course will include math and language arts units, which will help prepare students for high school.
Online Summer School will run at CTE! Please check the link for more information and registration. All summer school classes can be found here.
Questions? Please contact 8th grade school counselors, Phil Biteler or Sonja Smith
6th & 7th Grade
REGISTRATION for 2020/2021 School Year
We have completed registering students for next year! All Edison students have registered for 7th, 8th or 9th grade! Students were given a form they were to bring home and have parents sign. If you haven’t seen this form, check your child’s binder! If your child has the form at home. please hang on to it until we know if school will be back in session this year. You may contact your child’s counselor if you have questions!
7th grade
The 7th grade teachers and WEB advisors will be in the process of selecting 7th grade students who would make great WEB Leaders next year. WEB Leaders are positive role models who help make 6th graders more comfortable in middle school. They participate in various leadership activities throughout the year and must attend mandatory training next August 13th & 14th.
Application process:
*Google form will be sent to ALL 7th graders on Tuesday, April 14th via Schoology
*Applications must be submitted by Friday, April 17th
*7th graders will be notified Friday, May 1st if they were selected
Welcome Edison 5th grade parents!!
A few things…you will be receiving an email soon from Mr. Hieronimus (Edison Principal) with information regarding middle school. Due to being homebound, our transition process for 5th graders are changed immensely.
Registration – you and your child will receive a registration google form to complete and submit – instructions are included on the form.
Surviving Middle School – Parent Night – we will be hosting a parent night but are unsure about the date. We will provide you with that information as soon as a decision is made (depends on if school will be in session in May or not). Thank you for your patience!
Join us this summer and get a
Running Start
June 8-11
June 15-18
June 29 - July 2
July 13-16
Morning sessions are from 9am to noon and afternoon sessions run 1pm to 4pm.
We need to stress that the sessions are tentative based off guidance from the SFSD and the State.
ATTENTION - All Incoming 6th Graders
PLEASE join us… ON AUGUST 14th from 8:30 am – 11:30 at Edison
for 6th grade WEB Celebration and Orientation Day
All incoming 6th graders are strongly encouraged to attend this event! You will meet your WEB leaders and Pro-Time (1st period) classmates!!
Wear casual clothes and be prepared to HAVE FUN! Games will be played, and tours given (and much more!!)
PARENTS please drop your child off at the North door parking lot off 28th street and pick them up at the same location!
* A snack will be provided
* Please no hats, bags, or anything valuable
WEB is a program in which 8th grade WEB leaders help incoming 6th graders make a smooth transition into middle school.
Edison's PTO
WELCOME all incoming 6th graders and families. The Edison PTO would like to invite you to be involved in our organization. As an incoming 6th grade family, you will automatically become a member of the PTO, but we would love to have you visit us hopefully at our next meeting on May 20th. We meet every 3rd Wednesday of the Month from 12-1pm at Edison. Come and find out why Edison is such a great place to be! We have an amazing staff at Edison Middle School.
April 22nd is Administrative Professionals Day and May 4-8th is Teacher Appreciation Week. Please take a moment to acknowledge an important Edison Team member to your family either over the phone or email for their contribution to making Edison a great place for your child. It is hard to not be able to see our teachers at this time to say in person how much we appreciate them, but we as the PTO will be delivering Gift Cards to each teacher and administrative staff to say thank you for everything they do, we truly appreciate you!
Principal Shane Hieronimus, the PTO and every staff member who works at Edison have the difficult decision to cancel the 8th grade party. If any families donated to the 8th grade party and would like to talk about how to receive their reimbursement, please send me an email Shannonvanb21@gmail.com
The PTO is now managing the Book Fair during conferences. If any 6th grade parents are interested in being a part of helping run the book fair for the next school year, please send the PTO and email edisonsiouxfalls@gmail.com.
Don't forget about AmazonSmile when shopping! Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your purchase to the charitable organization of your choice. Just start your shopping at Amazon Smile and choose Edison Middle School of Sioux Falls.
Thanks from the PTO for all your support! :)
Go Cats!
Allison Pay Crawford and Shannon Van Buskirk
2019-20 PTO Co-Presidents
PTO Officers:
Co-President: Allison Pay Crawford
Co-President: Shannon Van Buskirk
Treasurer: Emilie Ng
Secretary: Karen Walters
Contact us
Edison Middle School on Facebook
For the latest info, past minutes of meetings and
budget information, visit our website at edisonsf.org.
Student of the Month
6th Grade
Mylee Kallemeyn
Team 6-1
Hayden Kok
Team 6-2
Franciny Martinez
Team 6-3
Hunter Brost
Team 6-1
Scout Rohwedder
Team 6-2
Andrew Garcia-Enriquez
Team 6-3
7th Grade
Callie Stadheim
Team 7-1
Sadie Grau
Team 7-2
Jamie Nguyen
Team 7-3
Rashawn Wilkins
Team 7-1
Gabriel Turner
Team 7-2
Lucas Simonsen
Team 7-3
8th Grade
Trinity Endsley
Team 8-1
Sage Gravning
Team 8-2
Ellen Merkley
Team 8-3
Christian Nefler
Team 8-1
Micah Hennings
Team 8-2
Jett Vleck
Team 8-3
National History Day Contest
The following students competed in the Regional 1 National History Day contest and were chosen to advance to the state National History Day contest at the SDSU campus that was scheduled for Wednesday, April 8, 2020:
Anderson, Joslyn Dean, Mason Elrod, Kate Else, Elijah Friesen, Elsa Hendrickson, Payley Jespersen, Naomi Mollison, Jacklyn Newitt, Sam Olson, Leni Ralston-Perreault, Lily Schneider, Nadia Tao, Arthur Tao, Christopher VanRoekel, Landon West, Avery Weeks, Callaway
High Five to the Top “Pi’s”
In 7th grade regular and accelerated math classes, we celebrated Pi Day by singing pi songs, sharing pi jokes & riddles, having a pi memorization contest, defining our knowledge of circles, and consuming pie!
Congratulations to the following champions in our math classrooms for memorizing digits of pi:
Mrs. Kortan’s winners:
Period 2: Hayden Larson (41)
Period 3: Quintin Hernes (46)
Period 4: Seth Borchers (155)
Period 9: Annabelle Lemieux (38)
Mr. Siebenahler’s winners:
Period 2: Jacob Husser (124)
Period 3: Megan Smith (87)
Period 4: Sarina Walpole (35)
Period 7: Lily Mosley (80)
Period 9: Finley Troxclair (52)
Mr. Groen’s winners:
Period 2: Rawlin Johnson (100)
Period 3: Charlotte Crawford (112)
Period 4: Skylar Johnson (164)
Period 7: Christopher Tao (150)
Sioux Falls Washington 2020-21 All Activities Night:
The SF Washington All Activities Night that was scheduled for Thursday April 2nd, 2020 at WHS has been postponed. When a new date/time is set, we will get that announced.
High School Connections
High school Connections
Washington Connections
Lincoln High School Connections
Roosevelt High School Connections
Washington High School Connections
Box Tops!
Contact us
Email: SFSDEdisonOffice@k12.sd.us
Website: https://www.sf.k12.sd.us/edison/home
Location: 2101 South West Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
Phone: 605-367-7643
Facebook: facebook.com/WeAreTheCats