LB Williams Newsletter
October 2024
It's hard to believe we are falling into October already! Our staff and students are even more comfortable with their schedules and routine for the year. We continue to value instructional time and the efforts our students show us every day at LBW. Let's keep working together to have a successful year! Thank you!
LB Williams Conferences will be held on Thursday, October 24 from 3:30 to 8:45pm. This is a great time to understand how your son or daughter have been doing in the classroom. It is always positive to communicate with your child's teacher throughout the entire year, but especially important to be involved with conferences twice a year too. Each student will be assigned a 15-minute time slot for you as the parent to visit with the classroom teacher. The detailed information about conferences will be coming home on Friday, October 11th from your classroom teacher.
As a friendly reminder, we don't have school on Monday, October 14th for a pre-planned Professional Development Day for staff. There is no school on this day for students.
Attendance is something that we need to continue to work on each and every day. Getting into the habit of daily attendance matters more than ever. Going to school is an opportunity for your student to build routines that help reduce stress, connect with their friends and teachers and more importantly to engage in learning. When students attend regularly, they are much more likely to read proficiently by third grade, do well in middle school and graduate from high school. This is a top priority for LBW and the entire Mitchel School District. Since the beginning of the year our percentage has been 96%. Let's keep up the great work. Thank you for getting your child to school each day on-time so that we can get each child the skills they need for their future. Let’s continue to work together on this!
Again, we appreciate your positive support as we work together to help our students continue to grow and learn. I continue to be so amazed with our "Leaders Blooming Within."
Happy Fall!
Mrs. Roth
Parent-Teacher Conferences @ LBW Thursday, October 24th
Thank you to LBW, GBR, and Longfellow's PTO for their generous donation of pizza for our District Literacy Night at Hitchcock Park! A special thank you also goes to Coborn's Grocery for providing bottled water for the event. We were thrilled to welcome some fantastic guest readers from our community, whose enthusiasm and storytelling brought the night to life. Our district Literacy Coaches introduced the guest readers and shared valuable strategies to support your children’s reading journey at home, including the 95% Family Support Letters, finger stretching techniques, and tips for establishing a reading routine. It was a wonderful outdoor family literacy night, made even better by the perfect weather-Thank you families!
It is hard to believe that it is already October. Thank you to everyone that came to our District Family Literacy Night in the middle of September. It was so much fun seeing everyone. Our raffle ticket sales will be starting October 7 for the LBW Carnival. We use this money to provide field trips, technology and upgrades to our playground for our students along with other ideas from our LBW Student Council. We hope to reach $12,000. Our Carnival theme this year will be the Olympics. The Carnival will be held Nov 2 from 11 am to 1 pm. Your classroom teacher will be seeking volunteers soon. Our next PTO meeting will October 7 at 5:30 at Blarney's. Come join the fun.
Dana Deinert - LBW PTO President
- Absenteeism in the first month of school can predict poor attendance throughout the school year.
- If a child is absent 2+ days a month, that actually equals 10+ days a year!
- While missing a day of instruction doesn't seem like much, each day is FULL of important learning which builds on itself. Those pockets of missed instruction can be very hard to makeup.
- Being in school each day, on time, helps children learn accountability, the importance of hard work, and develops regular routines in their schedule.
- Absences are only a problem if they are unexcused. (Not true! While illness, appointments, funerals, and other events happen, ANY absence has an effect.)
- Sporadic versus consecutive absences aren't a problem. (As stated above, each day of school has important instruction.)
- Attendance really only matters in the older grades. (There is SO much to learn in early grades. It's pretty difficult to learn multiplication if you don't know addition. Learning how to spell is a challenge if you missed blending sounds in kindergarten.)
However, students can reverse their academic performance if they improve their attendance TODAY!
Upcoming Events
** October is Fire Prevention Month **
October 11th - Picture Retake Day
October 14th - No School
October 15th - School Board Meeting - High School @ 5:30 PM
October 15th - Free Flu Vaccine Clinic 3:00 PM-6:30 PM @ Corn Palace
October 18th - End of 1st Quarter
October 24th - LBW Conferences - 3:30 PM - 8:45 PM