ENews: Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tuesday, May 28: HMS End of Year Awards & 8th Grade Recognition
Wednesday, May 29: HIS End of Year Awards
Thursday, May 30: HIS Field Day & HPS End of Year Celebration
Friday, May 31: Last Day of School, 12:30 p.m. Dismissal
You can view the district calendar online here or subscribe to the calendar here.
You can subscribe to the District and Athletics & Activities events and calendar here.
The Hallsville School District is excited to offer their second year of full-day preschool and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) preschool for children who qualify.
The full-day preschool program is designed to serve children who will be at least 4 by July 31 and will be entering kindergarten within the following year. Children must qualify for the program based on a screening and evaluation process and meeting Free and Reduced Lunch Guidelines.
The Early Childhood Special Education Program is a federal program designed to serve children ages 3-5 with significant developmental delays in at least one of the following areas: health, motor (fine and/or gross), social/emotional/behavioral, communication (speech and/or language), cognitive, and adaptive. Children must qualify for the program based on a screening and evaluation process.
Please complete the Hallsville Early Childhood Interest Form to apply for the full-day or early childhood special education program.
The last day of school is Friday, May 31! School will dismiss at 12:30 p.m. For students attending summer school, class assignments and information will be released soon.
Congratulations to the Hallsville High School Class of 2024!
Last week, Hallsville High School held its annual awards ceremony, recognizing the Class of 2024
hard work and determination. We are so thankful to our community members, local businesses, and alumni for supporting our students with over 30 local scholarships. In addition to the local scholarships, our students took advantage of many Boone County, Missouri, and even National Scholarship opportunities! Collectively, between local scholarships, state/national scholarships, and institutional scholarships, the Class of 2024 is receiving a total of $2,018,825.00. You can view the photo album of the awards ceremony here.
On Friday evening, seniors Sierra Nickerson and Shana Rounsavall spoke to their classmates about the memories, achievements, and challenges their class has overcome over the past twelve years. Thank you to our families, staff, and community members for supporting our students! We wish the graduating Class of 2024 all the best!
Graduating does not mean this is the endpoint; it is the beginning of a new path in our lives that is filled with endless possibilities."
- Sierra Nickerson, HHS Class of 2024
Hallsville High School recently held its National Honor Society (NHS) induction for new members. Congratulations to our 30 new members and officers!
NHS Officers 2024-2025:
Bella Abell - Induction
Ava Gill - Community Service
Keatyn Hough - School Events
Malina Kilpack - Concessions
Kylie Stewart - Public Relations
SMWilson provided their monthly update at the May Board of Education Meeting. The substantial completion date of the middle school addition has been moved from Tuesday, July 16, 2024, to Monday, July 22, 2024. This timeframe will continue to allow the district time to set up classrooms and prepare for the opening of the new wing before the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year.
Middle School: The roofing system installation and pre-finished metal gutters and downspouts are complete. Drywall installation is complete, and painting is next. Mechanical units have been set. The MEP/FP trades are on site to continue overhead and in-wall trim. The ceiling grid will be installed next.
HMS Current Activities:
Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing (MEP) Overhead Rough: 95% complete
MEP Equipment Set: 50% complete
Interior MEP In-wall Rough: Complete
Drywall Finishing: 50% complete
Painting: 10% complete
Ceilings: up next
Athletic Complex: The remaining item at the track is the installation of the barrier fence, which has been delayed due to a section of sidewalk that had a deficiency report issued by the materials testing contractor.
Summer camp registration is now open for Hallsville students! When registering, please register for the grade level that your student will be entering next year. You can view all camp registration forms and information here.
Below are highlights of items discussed during the open session on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, Board of Education Meeting. The full agenda with document links is available on the district website. The next regular session meeting is Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Hallsville Primary School cafeteria.
Leigh Pemberton, Linsey Johnson, Katie Stockamp, Emily Porter, Jennifer Anderson, Kendall Koopmann, Courtney Aitkens, Rhiannon Cook, Kelsea Miller, and Holly East were recognized for completing the two-year professional development course in Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS®). This course of study gives teachers the skills needed to teach language and literacy to every student by providing in-depth training in the Science of Reading
Erin Snelling, event organizer, Bryan Bolton, Peyton Early, Betsy Berry, Kayla Eads, Cori Martin, Rhiannon Cook, Jared Ravott, Scott Allen, & HS Biology Club were recognized for assisting with the Solar Eclipse & STEM Science Day event on campus in April.
HMS teachers Alyssa Wheeler and Tricia Williams, were recognized for always assuming positive intentions. Students nominated both teachers through the Teacher Caught Being Good form.
The Hallsville Board of Education recognized retiring administrators, John Downs, Superintendent of Schools, and Brad Blakemore, Activities Director, and presented each with a plaque.
The board approved the FACE Memorandum of Understanding. FACE will continue to provide services to help address the needs of our students and their families by providing the district FACE community-based personnel, regional coordinators, and a Family Interventionist Specialist.
The board approved the Missouri State University Memorandum of Understanding. Qualified students can earn both high school and college credit simultaneously by successfully completing these courses. Our agriculture education dual credit courses are offered in coordination with Missouri State.
The board approved the renewal of the MOU with rootEd Alliance and Ozarks Technical Community College to continue grant funding of the post-secondary advisor position, as presented.
At the April meeting, the Board directed Superintendent Downs to contact Lorenzo Boyd at Stifel for an analysis of potential bonding capacity should the Board elect to run a no-tax-increase bond issue next April. Stifel completed their analysis and determined that the district should be able to bond up to $6.5 million at that time. Stifel’s analysis is attached at the end of the superintendent’s district report.
The district is finalizing coordination for installing the camera system expansion approved at last month’s meeting. Expansion of the system is the last improvement under our approved grant application. Many steps can still be taken to improve campus safety, including installing a second set of security doors at main entrances where they are absent, improved fencing in select campus locations, and improvements to some HVAC systems with a focus on air quality. All of these could be considered for a potential bond construction project.
Over the last several months, the administrative team has engaged in multiple conversations to consider how the district can impact students' reaching their potential and becoming productive members of society. We have reviewed layers of achievement, demographic, program, and perception data to identify priority areas and formulate actionable steps for our new comprehensive school improvement plan. Feedback is currently being collected from staff to refine the action steps, and the administrative team will subsequently review and update the plan based on the responses received.
A Board member has requested continued discussion on the plans for a replacement home locker room.
The Board approved the agreement with the City of Hallsville to install two marked crosswalks on North Street/Ricketts Road. The crosswalks will facilitate safe pedestrian travel to campus from the Echo Ridge and Douglas Pointe subdivisions.
The Board approved the district plan for participation in the state Career Ladder program for the 2024-25 school year. The district's plan represents a phased approach to implementation of the program. In FY24, all qualified faculty who were eligible to implement Career Ladder were placed on Stage I if they chose to participate. Teachers who complete and log an additional 50 hours of work within the categories defined in the plan will receive a $1,500 stipend.
#BeInvolved: Community & Youth Events
Boone County Community Services Department Art Contest
The Boone County Community Services Department is seeking artwork from Boone County children and youth to include in their upcoming Annual Report. Submissions will help showcase the vibrant creativity of our community’s young artists. This department plays a crucial role in funding various programs in our schools and community through the Boone County Children’s Services Fund. Please take a moment to review the attached flyer and share it with fellow students and families. For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to communityservices@boonecountymo.org.
Hallsville Farmers & Artisans Market
The Hallsville Farmers & Artisans Market will open soon at Tribble Park on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Shop from local vendors selling fresh fruit, vegetables, baked goods, bath products and more! Follow them on Facebook to stay up to date on their local offerings!
Hallsville Police Foundation Raffle
Hallsville Police Foundation is holding a raffle for four platinum season tickets to Six Flags St. Louis & Hurricane Harbor. Tickets can be purchased at City Hall or through a Police Foundation of Hallsville member.