Welcome Back Larsen Roadrunners!
We are excited to start virtual learning with you!
Summer Orientation days: August 25th, and 26th
The start of the school year is fast approaching! Your teachers and I are looking forward to seeing you all on August 25th or 26th between 12:00-3:15 PM! The Hybrid teachers will meet and greet students in person with all CDC guidance procedures in place. There will be a school employee at the gate to do an active screening and welcome you on campus. This will be a temperature check and a series of questions. Please remember to wear a face covering and practice physical distancing(minimum 6 feet apart). We are also asking that one guardian accompany the student. Please limit bringing additional family members. Remember to bring your first day packet papers for your teachers!
Orientation Process:
-Your child's teacher name will be posted near the office as you enter campus.
- First please head to the cafeteria to pick up your technology.
-Next, "HYBRID/BLENDED" program students go directly to your teacher's classroom to pick up your textbooks & supplies and drop off your First Day Packet with your teacher.
-Finally, "HUENEME AT HOME" program students, you will pick up your textbooks behind the cafeteria.
The first day of instruction is August 28, 2020. See you on Zoom very soon!
Mrs. Guillen
Larsen Hybrid/ Blended Teaching and Learning program
- Your child's teacher will be contacting you to share your specific date and time.
- Orientations will be between 12:00-3:15 PM.
- Students will have the opportunity to meet their teacher and pick up school supplies, a technology device, and curriculum.
- Please bring your First Day Packet to your teacher!
New Office Hours
- School Office Hours are from 10:00 AM-1:00 PM. If you need to make an appointment outside those hours, please call 805-986-8740 ext. 2495 or 2494 or 2493
- Staff will be wearing face coverings and we are asking that families do the same.
- Stay tuned for more information on our "Virtual" Back to School Night on September 10th!
- Do not hesitate to call the school with any questions!
"Hueneme at Home" Digital Learning Academy
- August 25 pick up from 8:00-11:00 a.m.
- August 26 pick up from 8:00-11:00 a.m.
Hueneme at Home Program:
8:00-9:00 am = last names A - I
9:00-10:00 am = last names J - Q
10:00-11:00 am = last names R - Z- If you are unable to come at those times, please contact the school office.
- If you have any additional questions about the Hueneme at Home Digital Learning Academy, please email principal cdelgado@hueneme.org
Have a great school year Roadrunners!
Marisol Guillen, Larsen School Principal
Email: mguillen@hueneme.org
Website: http://larsen.hueneme.org/
Location: 550 East Thomas Avenue Oxnard, CA 93033
Phone: (805)986-8740
Facebook: facebook.com/LarsenElementarySchool
Twitter: @LarsenSchool