ThunderRidge Weekly Update

Patterson's Perspective
Grizzly Families,
Our annual Trick or Treat Street at the school Tuesday night was a huge success. All of the decorations were amazing, as always. Thank you to all the families that were able to come out to participate in this event.
For those of you who may be wondering, these decorations received the top votes:
Wizard of Oz - Tech Theatre
3rd: Minions - Ranch View Stu Gov / 2nd: Bluey - FCCLA / 1st: Magic School Bus - Peace Jam
(Thanks to Ranch View StuGov for coming over! We hope you join us again next year.)
3rd: Mario Kart - DECA / 2nd: Star Wars - DECA / 1st: Ratatouille - FNHS
3rd: Christmas - Grizzly Connect / 2nd: Disney Princess - TR Poms / 1st: Inside Out 2 - DECA
Thank you to all the students, staff, and parents that helped decorate our halls, hand out candy, and put smiles on the kids' faces. And thank you to our DECA teacher, Gen Bennett, for keeping this TRHS tradition alive.
Fall finals are approaching. Just a reminder to be diligent about checking your students' grades and encouraging them to use the academic supports that are available to them. The finals shedule has been posted and can be found here.
Lastly, this weekend is the end of Daylight Savings time. Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour. Enjoy that extra hour of sleep!
Always a great day to be a Grizzly,
Sean Patterson
ThunderRidge High School
Important Dates
November 7 - Academic Showcase - 5:30pm - 7:30pm
November 12 - Academic Lettering Ceremony - 9:30am - TRHS Auditorium (by invitation)
November 15-16 - Theatre Class Play - Closed for the Holidays - 7:00pm - Auditorium
November 25-29 - Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
December 10 - Choir Concert - 7:00pm - Auditorium
December 11 - Christmas Music Collage - 7:00pm - Auditorium
December 12 - Band Concert - 7:00pm - Auditorium
December 16-19 - Fall Final Exams
December 19 - End of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester
December 20 - Teacher Workday - NO SCHOOL
December 23-January 3 - ❄️ Winter Break - NO SCHOOL ❄️
Bell Schedule for November 4 - 8
Monday - Blue Day
Tuesday - Green Day
Wednesday - Blue Day
Thursday - Green Day
Friday -ALL Day with PLC
Classes begin at 8:25am on PLC days. If your student needs to arrive at school prior to 8:25am, they may go to the Library or Commons until class starts. Breakfast will be available in the cafeteria.
Grizzly Staff Highlight
Student Support Services Staff
Thank you to our wonderful Student Support Services Staff and their commitment to our kids! TR is a better place because you're here.
AN Team
Counseling Team
Intervention and ESL
Food Delivery/Uber Eats/Door Dash During School Hours
Students are not allowed to leave class to receive food or drinks that they have ordered through delivery services. If food is delivered to the school, students may pick their orders up at the front security kiosk during passing periods or lunch time only. Thank you for your support in this matter.
Election Information
Funding Needs in our School District
Did you know that the Douglas County School District has 92 schools and a $300 million backlog of capital investments that are needed in these buildings – this includes our school! Please take a couple of minutes to watch this brief video where our Superintendent explains in more detail.
Learn more at https://funding.dcsdk12.org/bond-overview.
Have You Turned in Your Ballot?
Election Day is fast approaching. Please be sure to turn in your ballot by 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 5. You can track the status of your ballot and find the locations of ballot boxes and other polling centers at www.DouglasVotes.com. Remind your friends, family and neighbors to turn in their ballots as well!
ThunderRidge Athletics
Join us for our 3rd Annual Boys Lacrosee Halloween Game
Thinking about playing Lacrosse??
Come check out the 3rd ANNUAL HALLOWEEN GAME!
When: November 3, 2024 at 2 PM - 3:30 PM
Where: TR Turf
What is it?? FUN!! We play a game in Costume, then eat together and laugh about it.
We have a FOOD TRUCK coming! Come experience the COMMUNITY around The Fastest Game on Two Feet!
TRHS Sophomore Selected By USA Swimming For Select National Camp
Congratulations to TRHS sophomore, Annabeth Town, for being selected for the 2024 National Select Camp! Click here for the full story.
Click the image above to keep up with all ThunderRidge Athletics information.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook @ThunderRidge Athletics.
Join Us for Academic Showcase
Our Academic Showcase is a great opportunity for both current and potential students to see all of the wonderful things that ThunderRidge has to offer. This includes information on the different pathways we have, as well as ways for your student to get involved in Activities or Athletics. Students and families are encouraged to attend. Spread the word to any 8th graders you know! We hope to see you there!
Open Enrollment for the 25-26 School Year Opens November 1st
Do you know someone who is interested in attending ThunderRidge High School for the 2025-2026 school year? Open enrollment for DCSD begins November 1st! Visit the DCSD website to apply. Please reach out to Tiffany Klenke, Registrar, at tklenke@dcsdk12.org with any questions.
Attention Advanced Placement (AP) Students and Parents
Registration for AP exams in May of 2025 is under way. If your student does NOT wish to take the associated AP exam for their Advanced Placement class, they must let Ms. Kovack know by November 1st, 2024. This can be done by emailing kkovack@dcsdk12.org.
Exams are $99 each, and there can be no refunds processed after November 1st.
TRHS Theatre Presents: Closed for the Holidays
After a blizzard shuts down the roads the eve of Christmas Eve, a motley crew of travelers find themselves stranded at the local community center. From the lovelorn drama teacher with a bus full of students, to the quarrelsome couple on the way to their wedding, to the overeager Sheriff ready for some real criminal action, everyone has their own troubles to untangle. Come see this spirited and heartwarming comedy with a healthy dash of Christmas magic!
Tickets are on sale now through SeatYourself.
ThunderRidge Auditorium
November 16th and 17th
Information for the Class of 2025
Senior Ads
Senior Advertisements are still available for purchase. Click here for directions.
The last day to purchase and submit an ad is December 19th.
24-25 Yearbooks Still Available for Purchase
If you want to ensure your student gets a yearbook for the 24-25 school year, please place your order in MySchoolBucks by January 15th. The cost is $80.
There will be a very limited supply for sale on a first come first serve basis at a higher price of $85 during distribution in May.
Counselors' Corner
Please check out our upcoming November Career Exploration Presentations.
Students must register to attend and only students have registration access.
November 5th, 10:20am - 10:55am; Catherine Petrie - Funeral Director
November 12th 10:20am-10:55am: Mike Whitney - Investments/Managing Director
November 19th 10:20am-10:55am: Maux Sullivan - RTD (Variety of positions)
Mindful Minute
Attendance Matters
Did you know if students miss as little as 10% of the school year, it puts them at risk for academic failure? School attendance in high school is crucial for academic success, fostering responsibility and engagement. Regular attendance enhances understanding, builds strong relationships with peers and teachers, and promotes mental well-being. Ultimately, consistent attendance lays the foundation for future educational opportunities and better career prospects, significantly impacting long-term personal and financial outcomes. This week in advisement, students were presented with the benefits of strong school attendance.
Click here to see the slides that were shared with the students.
Haga clic aquí para ver las diapositivas que se compartieron con los estudiantes.
Board Votes to Place $490 million Bond on Ballot
The DCSD Board of Education voted unanimously to place a $490 million Bond question for the November 2024 ballot. This year the Bond, as our only initiative, will appear on the ballot as “5A” (last year the Bond was “5B”).
If approved by voters, Douglas County homeowners would not see an increase in current property taxes. The Bond amount would allow the school district to restructure its debt in order to keep property taxes from increasing. The Bond would help us care for our 112 facilities to ensure our staff and students have safe and comfortable learning environments, build schools in fast-growing developments in Douglas County, upgrade safety and security in our schools, and offer additional Career and Technical Education programs.
Learn more at the links below.
- Watch the August 27 presentation to the Board of Education.
- Click here for details on what each of DCSD’s existing schools would receive should the Bond be approved by voters.
- Read more about DCSD’s funding challenges.
- Resources to help spread the word.
To learn more about how additional funding would benefit our schools and our staff, visit www.dcsdk12.org/funding.
This Week in Tuesday Grizzly Hour
Half of the freshman class registered for next year’s classes. The other half watched a TedTalk about procrastination and reflected on the tasks they need to prioritize in their lives. -Mr. Cohen
This week, students worked on completing their Success Criteria as well as starting their timeline. We discussed the importance of breaking down the project into more manageable parts to attempt achieving our goals and projects. Students were reminded that their next grade will be a conference with their Advisement teacher on November 12th. As a reminder, all resources, examples, and digital copies of assignments can be found on Canvas. -Ms. Brant
Juniors continued their pursuit in exploring their skills, and paying subsequent bills. They used the Naviance survey to highlight their skills, and the careers that align with them. -Mr. Bidinger
The Letter of Request to the Mentor, Mentor Agreement Form, and Dialectical Journal were introduced to students. Reminders were also sent to all students who have not submitted their Letters of Intent to Canvas. -Ms. Vande Vusse
Community Events and Fundraisers
STEMapalooza at NREL
Please join us for a free, fun-filled day of educational activities at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)!
Date: Saturday, November 9, 2024
Place: NREL’s Flatirons Campus, 19001 W. 119th Ave., Arvada, CO 80007
Time: 9am-4pm MT, activities on a rolling basis throughout the day (come when you can!)
High School Volunteers Needed - 2024 TBE Winter Breakfast
December 7, 2024
8:00am - 11:30am
Grizzly Hour and Seminar Grading and Attendance Information
Tuesday Grizzly Hour (Advisement)
Students receive a Pass (P) or Fail (F) grade for Advisement based on 30% completion of work AND 70% attendance.
Thursday Grizzly Hour (Access)
This class is a Pass (P) or Fail (F) class based on 70% attendance.
Seminar (Tuesday and Thursday)
This class is a Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U) grade based on 70% attendance.
About Us
Principal: Sean Patterson
Mission Statement:
Empowering Grizzlies through curiosity, compassion, courage, community and service.
Website: trhs.dcsdk12.org
Location: 1991 West Wildcat Reserve Parkway, Highlands Ranch, CO, USA
Phone: 303.387.2000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TRHSGrizzlies?mibextid+LQQJ4d
X (formerly Twitter): @TRidgeGrizzlies