Heights Elementary
Welcome to the Heights Family
* Our Children *Our World * Our Future
Mission: Heights Elementary IB World School is dedicated to developing balanced, lifelong learners through educational excellence, a global perspective, reflection and action.
Vision: To Be A World Class School.
About Us:
Heights Contact Information:
Address: 15200 Alexandria Ct. Ft. Myers, FL 33908
Telephone: 239.481.1761 Fax: 239.481.3154
Website: het.leeschools.net
Twitter: @HeightsIB
Facebook: Heights Elementary
School Hours: 7:55 am—2:10 pm
Doors open at 7:30 am
Breakfast: 7:30-7:45 am
Office Hours: 7:30-3:30
A Message From Mr. Palow
Welcome to Heights Elementary IB World School. We are so happy that your child is here with us. We have put together an outstanding team of teachers, paraprofessionals, and support staff to ensure your child has the best education possible. There is so much to learn this upcoming year, not just for student but for all of us, including parents: What is developing an internationally-minded student? What is inquiry learning? What is the best way to develop the love of learning? We encourage you to join us on this journey for knowledge and making the most of this educationally and socially enriching experience. You can do this in so many ways. First and foremost: model the value of education. This can be done by learning about your child’s day, communicating with teachers, facilitating homework time, joining PTA, joining Watch D.O.G.S., volunteering, attending school event nights, and teaming with school personnel as a united front.
We are proud to again be a high achieving school and we will continue to learn and grow in becoming the best educators we can be. In order to do this, we need your support. Thank you for joining us. It’s going to be an amazing year!
Thank you,
Doug Palow
Principal: Doug Palow
Assistant Principal: Anika Carter
Dean of Students: Mike Licata
School Counselor: Ashley Jarzyk
IB Coordinator: Michelle Edwards
Reading Coach: Jenny DeCicco (Kg-2nd)
Reading Coach: Dodie Lytle (3rd-5th)
Math Coach: Natasha Edinger
Intervention Specialist: Lindsey Thorstad
Behavior Specialist: Danielle Baxter
Mr. Palow
Mrs. Carter
Mr. Licata
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme is a curriculum framework designed for students aged 3 to 12. The PYP transdisciplinary framework focuses on the development of the whole child and an inquirer, both at school and beyond.
What Are IB PYP Profile Words?
Kindergarten Parent Questionnaire
Thank you for taking the time to share some information about your child. This questionnaire will help your child’s teacher become acquainted with students at the start of the school year.
Heights Kg Readiness A to Z
Kg School Day Might Look like this:
7:55-8:00 Morning Announcements
8:00-9:30 Reading Core Curriculum (Whole group, Phonemic Awareness, Literacy Centers)
9:30-10:20 Science or Social Studies (rotates daily)
10:20-1055 Lunch
11:00-11:35 Math
11:35-12:15 Enrichment (PE, Art, Music, STEM, or Cultural Studies)
12:15-12:50 Continue with Math
12:50-1:40 Intervention (Small group differentiation centers)
1:40-2:10 Writing
2:10 Dismissal
Positive Attitude, Act Responsibility, Work Together, & Show Respect! This year at Heights the staff focused on creating a positive learning environment for all of our students through the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports) framework. The goal of PBIS is to create a positive school climate, in which students learn and grow. School climate has bearing on attendance rates, academic achievement, and graduation rates. We want to make sure that all of students have the opportunity to be successful academically, socially, and emotionally.
Heights Elementary School PBIS Mission Statement:
We strive to be a school that models positive behaviors which develop the whole child and social skills. We have a common culture and language which supports student growth and high expectations to empower our students to become well-rounded global citizens through teaching and recognizing positive behavior.
Heights PTA
Heights Volunteers
Heights Volunteers are the BEST! Parent and community volunteers have provided numerous hours of support and assistance to the students and teachers. For the past 20 years, Heights has received the Golden School Award for its outstanding volunteer and mentoring program. Some of our senior citizen volunteers are winter visitors who have found a special place of service at Heights Elementary during their visit to Fort Myers. Please submit an application in the fall if you are interested in serving as a Heights volunteer. Mike Licata (Dean of Students) is the point of contact for Heights volunteers. The application will be available after August 5th.
WATCH D.O.G.S.® (Dad's of Great Students) is an innovative program being used by schools across America which helps them to be positively impacted by the committed involvement of fathers and father-figures in their student’s life. Our goal is to have you spend some time at Heights during the year to be a positive male role model and to provide an extra set of eyes and ears.
Dads, granddads, uncles, step-dads and adult brothers . . . this is your chance to spend meaningful time with your student in a school setting.
Kindergarten Supply List
Although the school provides the materials and supplies for basic instructional activities, the supply items on the list below will allow your child to have an enhanced educational program. We appreciate your commitment to your child’s education.
2 Pkg. of Ticonderoga pencils – no designs (pre-sharpened if possible)
1 box of Crayola Twistable crayons – 24 ct. (no neon or scented please)
16 Elmer’s glue sticks
1 Elmer’s liquid glue
1 pair of Fiskar Blunt scissors
1 box of tissues
1 package of unscented wipes
1 pkg. of Crayola markers – classic colors
1 box of Crayola colored pencils
1 Crayola washable color paints
2 boxes of Crayola 8 ct. crayons
4 boxes of Crayola 24 ct. crayons
1 pkg. of dry erase markers
2 pkg. of white copy paper
1 pair of headphones (no earbuds please)
Boys: 1 box of freezer gallon Ziploc type bags, 1 8oz bottle of hand sanitizer, 1 pkg. of cardstock paper
Girls: 1 box of 1 quart Ziploc type bags, 1 pkg. of multicolor printer paper, pkg. of brown or white paper lunch bags
Heights Before and After School Program
2020-2021 Enrollment Criteria
- Student is enrolled at Heights Elementary IB World School
- Student is able to function in groups of 15 - 20 with one adult supervisor
- Student is able to maintain appropriate behavior that will not lead to injury of themselves or others.
We provide a snack, recess time, homework time, games, and computer time.
Heights Elementary’s Before and After School Program is a fee-based program for students in grades K – 5. We provide a safe and caring environment for your child to interact in and to participate in enrichment activities. All teachers and assistants are employees of the Lee County School District.
Hours of Operation
7:00 – 7:30 am
2:15 – 6:00 pm
Annual Registration Fee:
$30 per child
$40 per family
$70 per week for 1 child
$125 per week for 2 children
$150 per week for 3 + children
Before School Only
$2 per day
Heights Elementary After School Program Director: Dodie Lytle Dorothykl@leeschools.net
Program will be unavailable on days students are not in school, such as: holidays, teacher professional duty days, and In-service Days. The program will also be unavailable on early dismissal days.
Save the Date
Aug.10th: First Day of School 7:55 am
Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come
The School District of Lee County 2020-2021 Instructional Calendar
The School Board Of Lee County
Mary Fischer, District 1 (Chair)
Debbie Jordan, District 4 (Vice Chair)
Melisa W. Giovannelli, District 2
Chris N. Patricca, District 3
Gwynetta S. Gittens, District 5
Betsy Vaughn, District 6
Cathleen O'Daniel Morgan, District 7
Gregory K. Adkins, Ed.D., Superintendent