CES News
October 2024

Teaching Outside!
We love our outdoor classroom and take advantage of it any time we can! We have a wonderful story walk that families can enjoy as well. The story change throughout the school year! If you are looking for something to do, come do a story walk!
We had our 1st assembly last month! We talked about the CES way! Respect, Responsibility and Safety! What does it look like? What does it sound like? The students gave great examples! Then to end having a successful week at school, we had an all school dance party!!
Free and Reduced Lunch
If you haven't filled out the free and reduced lunch form - please do so! We have forms available in the office if you would like us to send one home with your child. You can also access it on the Mascoma Schools webpage. Print out the form and send it in.
October Dates to Remember
Monday October 7th - PTA Meeting
Monday October 14th - No School
Wednesday October 23rd - Early Release Day
Thursday October 31st - Trunk or Treat at CES
PTA Dates to Remember
CES Gear - https://www.spiritshop.com/school/new-hampshire/canaan/canaan-elementary-school
Glow Party - Who: All CES Students and Families When: Friday October 25th
Time: 6:00 PM to 7PM
Where: CES Gym
Trunk or Treat: October 31st @ CES 5-7pm.
“In the Bag” Fall Event – October 18th @ Elliot Field (Behind CES) 6-7pm.