9/2: Labor Day - No School
9/6: Grandparents Breakfast @ 7am
9/3-9/9: Book Fair
9/10: Hearing & Vision Screening 1st, 3rd, & 5th
9/11: Wear Red, White, & Blue
9/19: PAC Meeting & Volunteer Orientation Mtg. @ 8am & 6pm
9/20: Half Day for students *Dismissal time 11:00am*
9/24: Picture Day
9/27: Student Birthday Celebrations
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to CSE! It will be in the library from September 3rd to September 9th. Click on this link to learn more and sign up for eWallet which allows you to put money into an account for your student so they don't have to carry cash. The Book Fair will also be open early at 7:00am on Friday for Grandparent's Day. Can't wait to see you
PBIS Corner
Our school is participating in an important district initiative. It is called Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS).
What is Positive Behavior Interventions and Support?
PBIS is a process for creating safer and more effective schools. It is a systems approach to educate all children by developing research-based, school-wide, and classroom behavior support systems. The process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students. PBIS is not a program or a curriculum. It is a team-based process for problem solving, planning, and evaluation that supports a safe and productive learning environment.
What is PBIS at our school?
We have adopted a unified set of classroom expectations that define behavior in our school. You will see these expectations, “The Warrior Way” posted throughout the school, and your child will be learning them during his or her first days at school.
Expectation #1: Be Responsible
Expectation #2: Be Respectful
Expectation #3: Be a Team
As part of our PBIS process, our staff members use evidence-based practices to increase student learning and decrease classroom disruptions. To keep students on the rules in a positive manner, we do the following when teaching academics and behavior:
Constantly teach and refer to our school-wide expectations.
Provide students with more praise than correction.
Talk to students with respect using a positive voice tone.
Actively engage everyone in the class during instruction.
Use pre-correcting, prompting, and redirecting as we teach.
Look for the positive first and provide positive, immediate, frequent, and explicit feedback.
Please view this video for more information.
My name is Kathy Honeycutt, and I am the Parent Engagement Coordinator. I am very
excited to be working with Cloud Springs Elementary volunteers, parents, and families.
We look forward to having a great year and welcome everyone who has free time they can spare to offer to help. Our Volunteer Workroom/Parent and Family Engagement Resource Center is open
Monday through Friday from 8:00 til 2:00. In our Resource Center, we have pamphlets like Helping Children Learn, Discipline, Motivating your Child, & Self Esteem, just to name a few. We also have testing information, parent portal information, how to connect to Parent Portal information, GA Standards, books, and other information. Please feel free to stop by any time. We are in Room 204.
We value your input, so if you have any suggestions for budget, school improvement, compacts, or any other suggestions, please see Kathy Honeycutt, PIC or Mrs. Lori Welborn, Principal
Parents/Guardians, you have the opportunity to request meetings, formulate suggestions, and participate in decisions made relating to your child’s education. If you have any questions, want to give suggestions, or request a meeting, you may contact your child’s teacher to set up a conference. We are looking for input into CSE School Policy for School Year 2024/2025. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please let us know. Youcan email Kathy Honeycutt, Parent Involvement Coordinator, at khoneycutt.cse@catoosa.k12.ga.us or Lori Welborn, Principal, at lwelborn@catoosa.k12.ga.us . TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
Our Mass Hearing/Vision screening will be on September 10th. This is for students in grades 1st, 3rd, and 5th as well as others that are as needed. If you do not want your child to participate, send a written note to Nurse Marianna by September 6th indicating your wishes. If your student wears glasses, please ensure they have them at school for the screening. Thank you!
Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting is scheduled on September 19, 2024 at 8:00 am and 6:00 pm in Room 204. Parents/Guardians, we need your help to gather input at these meetings to meet guidelines set by Title I.
If you would like to Volunteer, this year please attend the Volunteer Training meeting on September 19, 2024 at 8:30 am & 6:30 pm.
How does CSE spend Title I parent and family engagement money?
As a District and in conjunction with federal guidelines a small percentage of our Title I money is allocated to have
Family Engagement Coordinators at the District Level.
a. Provide technology resources for interventions/extensions during ELT.
b. Provide Parent and family engagement activities and services.
c. Employ a part-time Parent Involvement Coordinator.
d. Employ the services of an Academic Coach
Personnel $131,021.22
Computer Programs $5,697.00
Supplies $1,300.00
Look for more information to come home soon!
September 6, 2024 Grandparents Breakfast 7:00 am
September 19, 2024 Fall PAC Meeting/Volunteer Training 8:00 & 8:30 and 6:00 & 6:30
September 20, 2024 Lights Camera Action Showcase A-Tribe - time to be determined
News from PTO
My name is Natalie Brown and I am the PTO President, we are looking for volunteers to help this year with PTO. If you would like to volunteer, be a board member, or help with fundraisers, etc. please contact me at brownmail84@yahoo.com. We look forward to having a great year.
BOX TOP APP - Join CSE in earning cash for our school by using the Box Tops app.
It’s an easy way to make a difference. All you have to do is buy
Box Tops participating products (like Cheerios, Crescent Rolls,
Betty Crocker Cake mixes, etc.) and scan your grocery receipt. Box Tops are worth
$.10 each and they add up fast! Twice a year, our school receives a check to
help pay for whatever we need including equipment, supplies, or experiences the kids love!
Download the Box Tops for Education app here:
True Life Chiropractic (Dr. Jamie & Samantha)
SMH Construction
Mark Collins @ Metro Boiler
Fort Oglethorpe United Methodist
Ms. Rubene's Silverdale Baptist Sunday School Class
Susan Wybenga (Costco)
Cadence Bank (Ft. Oglethorpe)
Dunkin Donuts - Manager Rose Capers
Food City (Mission Ridge Rd.)
Cloud Springs Baptist Church
Office Depot
Creightons Wildflowers
Cloud Springs Elementary
Check out our school video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niF05c7fdWkWebsite: http://www.cse.catoosa.k12.ga.us/
Location: 163 Fernwood Drive Rossville, GA 30741
Phone: 706-866-6640
Facebook: facebook.com/cloudspringelementary