Elms Monthly Parent Newsletter
January 2025
Happy New Year!
I hope all of you had an opportunity to spend some quality time with your loved ones over our Holiday Break. As we begin the month of January Elms students will be finishing up their first semester. Report cards will be sent home on Monday, January 27th.
The start of a new year brings with it renewed energy and enthusiasm and I know that the Elms staff is eager to work with all of you hand in hand to ensure a successful and fulfilling educational experience for your children.
As we move into the second semester, I would like to stress the importance of your involvement in your child's learning experience at home. Setting aside time for homework, engaging in meaningful conversations about their day, and cultivating a love for reading, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and the arts are integral aspects of reinforcing the lessons learned in the classroom. Your encouragement and support play a significant role in shaping your child's attitude toward learning.
Monthly Activities
Popcorn Fridays
January 10th & 24th
PTA Meeting
The next PTA Meeting will be held on January 13th th at 7:00 pm. Please join our PTA and attend the meetings the second Monday of each month.
No School MLK Holiday
January 20th
First Day of Second Semester
January 21st
Early Dismissal
January 22nd - Students will dismiss at 2:05 pm
End of First Semester
The end of the first semester for the 2024-2025 school year is on Friday, January 17th. Report cards will be sent home with students on Monday, January 27th. The second semester will officially begin on Tuesday, January 21st.
Dr. Martin Luther King National Holiday
There is no school on Monday, January 20th in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. School will resume on Tuesday, January 16th.
Elms Recess Policy
Just a quick reminder that all students participate in outdoor recess during the school day. Elms policy states that all children will go outdoors when the temperature and/ or wind chill is 0 degrees or above. It also states that if a child is well enough to attend school, the child is well enough to participate in all school activities, including recess. Exceptions will be considered for students returning to school from an extended illness of three or more days or those students with a doctor's notice. All other students will be expected to participate in outdoor recess at all times. Please be sure your child has dressed appropriately in a warm coat, hat, mittens and gloves!
Library Book Check-Out Opportunities
Did you know that Elms Elementary students are given the privilege of checking out a library book every week? This could be a great opportunity for you to have open discussions on the book your student is reading to help them with reading comprehension and understanding. Please take care of these books and be sure to return them each week for a new check out opportunity.
Seasonal Outerwear for School
As a reminder, it is important that all students come to school with proper winter time apparel. With the extremely cold temperatures that this season typically brings, we want to ensure students are safe during recess. Please remember, if the temperature is 10 degrees or below and students do not have the proper winter time apparel (gloves, hats, mittens, snow pants, scarf etc.) they will not be allowed to participate in recess. It is my goal that all students get an opportunity to get out and enjoy this wonderful season, but safety is a top priority.
Please remind yoru child to wear gloves, wintere hats, snow pants, heavy winter coats, scarves, and boots to school each day during this time of the school year.