Davis Elementary
E-news 1/31/25

Important Updates
February 27 Half-Day of School and Parent/Teacher Conferences
On Thursday, February 27, District 303 elementary students will have a half day of school as the afternoon will be dedicated to parent-teacher conferences. These conferences are limited to a specific number of spaces, which is different than what we had during the fall conferences where we met with all parents.
Your child's teacher will send a letter soon letting you know whether or not he or she recommends a conference for your student. Parents will also have the opportunity to request a conference if they wish.
On February 27 the dismissal time will be at 12:00 noon. We will not have lunch service that day. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
ALICE Lockdown Drill
On Friday, Feb. 7th, Davis Elementary will conduct their state-required annual Lockdown Drill with law enforcement personnel present. During this time, students will review and practice the classroom procedures. Parents/guardians may opt their child out of physical participation in this drill each year by emailing Gina Shaw and Mona Carlson (gina.shaw@d303.org, mona.carlson@d303.org) at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled date. Students who are opted out will receive an alternative school safety learning experience with a certified staff member.
The D303 website has helpful information posted for families. Learn more about ALICE safety training HERE.
Updating Emergency Contacts
Keeping your child safe is our top priority. Up-to-date emergency contacts are essential when your child needs urgent medical care, during weather emergencies, or if we're unable to reach you during the school day.
To update emergency contacts in eSchool:
Log in to your eSchool Home Access Center
Click on "Registration"
Select "Contacts"
Click "New Contact"
Fill in contact information
Select "Emergency" under Relationship
Save changes
Taking a few minutes now to verify and update your contacts helps ensure we can quickly reach someone you trust when your child needs support.
Need assistance? The Davis office team is happy to help you with this process.
Vertical Voices Choir Concert
Davis 5th grade choir students joined with other choir students from across the district in a large collaborative event this week. It was a great performance that was held on Monday at Wredling Middle School. The choir kids sang their hearts out and did a beautiful, wonderful job!
Please CLICK HERE to access the recordings from the performance. These links will be available until March 1. 5th graders are featured on Why We Sing and join in singing on Belle Mamma, Together We Sing, and Viva La Musica.
🧑🏻🤝🧑🏻 👭 Fabulous Friends !! 🧑🏻🤝🧑🏻 👭
Davis Staff Award Nominee
Dear Davis Elementary Families,
We are thrilled to share some exciting news! Our amazing administrative assistant, Mrs. Mona Carlson, is being nominated for the Kane County Educational Service Personnel Award. This recognition couldn't be more deserved, as Mrs. Carlson has been an invaluable member of our Davis Elementary community.
If you would like to support Mrs. Carlson's nomination, we warmly invite you to submit a letter of recommendation. In your letter, please:
Reference the "Kane County Educational Service Personnel Award"
Share specific examples or stories of how Mrs. Carlson has supported your family or student
Include any memorable interactions that showcase her dedication to our school community
Please submit your letters of recommendation to gina.shaw@d303.org by Tuesday, February 20th.
Your thoughtful words and personal experiences will help strengthen Mrs. Carlson's nomination packet and highlight the tremendous impact she has had on our Davis Elementary family.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards, Gina Shaw
100th Day of School
In addition to dressing up, Kindergarteners enjoyed mixing up with other classrooms. They visited each classroom and participated in 100-day activities involving math, reading, writing, movement, and art!
Art Studio Update
Mrs. Jontz's first and second grade classes have been busy discovering tools in the collage center. Some examples include paper crimpers, hole punchers, pattern tape, and shape punchers. The artists have learned how to use those tools, along with various techniques such as tearing and overlapping to create the ideas that they are envisioning for their W.O.W. (wonderful original work) pieces. Overhead this week in the art studio, "This is the best day of my whole entire life!" It sounds like the collage center is a big hit!
Outdoor Recess and Snow Gear
As a reminder, we will have outdoor recess whenever the windchill is above 0 degrees. Be sure your child is coming to school with cold weather gear including hats, gloves. When there is snow on the ground, only students wearing boots will be permitted to play in the snow.
Watch DOGS Needed Friday Afternoons
- Dads/male guardians/grandpas/uncles/adult brothers etc. - this is your opportunity to interact with and provide positive male role models for Davis students.
- We need 4 volunteers every Friday from 11:15-1:25.
- Please click HERE for more information and to signup.
Valentine Parties
Winter parties at Davis will be Friday, February 14th.
Please do not send any candy or food to school with Valentines
2:00 p.m. Room parents arrive and begin party preparation
2:15 p.m. Parties commence
3:00 p.m. Parties end and clean up begins
Room Parent Guidelines:
No more than 4 room parents per classroom may attend. (Others may assist with preparations outside of school or goody bags). Sign-up for Room Parents was completed through our PTO in September.
We do not allow other children (preschoolers, etc) to attend the room parties along with parents. Parents, please arrange for child care for any other children while you attend the party at Davis.
If you have never had your ID/drivers license scanned at the school, it is very helpful to have that done prior to the party. Stop by the office at your convenience.
Lead Parent: Work with the classroom teacher & other room parents on activities/games for the party
Lead Parent: Coordinate with the teacher & other room parents on any non-edible goody bags to be sent home. No food treats will be eaten during the party or sent home.
After-School Baseball Clinic
Come learn the fundamentals of baseball with our Wasco Baseball coaches! Participants will engage in activities that promote teamwork, baseball skills, and fun. Please bring a baseball glove if you have one.
K-5 Free Baseball Clinic held after school at Davis, held by Wasco Baseball.
Grades K-2 is Monday, February 24th from 3:30-4:30PM. Please sign up HERE
Grades 3-5 is Wednesday, February 26th from 2:35-3:40PM. Please sign up HERE **Please note that school dismisses at 2:35pm - clinic is held at the early dismissal time**
If you have multiple kids wanting to sign up, please fill out the form for each student.
Mark Your Calendars
Click HERE for Davis Google Calendar
3rd, Monday - Mobile Dentist at Davis
5th-13th - Boosterthon Fundraiser, Character & Fitness Program
10th, Monday - Soccer Clinic Grades K-2
12th, Wednesday - Soccer Clinic Grades 3-5
14th, Friday - Classroom Valentine Parties
17th, Monday - President’s Day Holiday - No School
18th, Tuesday - School Improvement Day - No School for Students
19th, Wednesday - One School, One Book Begins
20th, Thursday - 7:00 PTO Meeting in Davis LRC
24th, Monday - Baseball Clinic Grades K-2
25th, Tuesday - 6:00pm BPAC in Davis Community Room
26th, Wednesday - 2:35pm Early Dismissal
26th, Wednesday - Baseball Clinic Grades 3-5
27th, Thursday - School dismisses at 12:00 Noon; NO lunch is served.
27th, Thursday - 12:00-4:00 Parent-Teacher Conferences
28th, Friday - Institute Day, No School for Students
28th, Friday - Fiddle Fest at SCNHS
5th, Wednesday - Report Cards on HAC
8th, Sunday at 2:00am - Daylight Savings Begins; Move clocks ahead one hour
13th, Thursday - 5:30-7:00 Davis Family Learning Night
18-19th, Wed-Thursday - IAR ELA Testing
20th, Thursday - 6:00pm 3rd Grade Choir Performance
20th, Thursday - 7:00pm PTO Meeting
24th, Monday - PTO Trivia Night
26th, Wednesday - 2:35pm Early Dismissal
26th, Wednesday - 6:00 BPAC Meeting
News from the Nurse
Winter is here and the cold windy days are too!
Here are some tips on protecting your kids skin this winter…
- -Chapstick or Vaseline applied before going outside is a great way to protect lips from getting chapped and bleeding. This can become very uncomfortable for the students. Please send some with your children to keep in their desk or their backpacks.
- -Areas around the nose and mouth from blowing their noses can become red and sore. Vaseline at bedtime or before going outside to soothe the area will help. Lotion should be unscented as the perfumes may cause stinging. I use Curel here in the health office and it works well for the students
- -Chapped skin on hands can be helped with liberal applications of lotion or Vaseline
- -Our skin changes with the seasons. Wintertime it becomes very dry and itchy. Liberal applications of lotion will be helpful to prevent dry cracked skin and also prevent infection
- -For those who have Eczema (extreme dry areas behind knees, in antecubital areas and on the face, Aquaphor or Vaseline is what is recommended
- -Several kids have come into the office with nose bleeds. Saline gels put in each nostril are great ways to keep the tissue soft and pliable. Vaseline in the nasal cavity is not recommended as it is not water soluble.
Please make sure that your children are dressed appropriately for the weather. Always send hats, scarfs, gloves, snow pants and boots. Children will be going outside for recess on the days that are above zero.
We hope you find this helpful. Please feel free to call with questions or concerns.
Nurse Peggy (331) 228-2204
PTO News
District News
Preschool Lottery
The D303 Community Preschool has openings for the 2025-2026 school year. The Preschool Lottery will be held from January 21, 2025 - February 7, 2025. Names will be drawn on February 10, 2025 and you will be notified by end of day February 11, 2025 if you received a spot for the 2025-2026 school year. Those who are not selected in the lottery will be placed on a waitlist and will be notified if space becomes available.
If you are interested in D303 Community Preschool for the 25-26 school year please fill out the link below for your child to be added to the lottery.
Davis Elementary School
Email: linda.jezek@d303.org
Website: https://davis.d303.org/
Location: 1125 S 7th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DavisElementaryD303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303