The Walker Talker
Walker Career Center weekly update - December 6, 2019
MSD Warren's Journey of a Graduate (JoG)
Spending the holiday season in the dog house? Intro to Construction can't help with that but they can if you have a small dog
The Intro to Construction class has been working hard at creating dog houses for small dogs (25 lbs and under). If you are interested in purchasing one for $75, please contact Mr. Gogel for more details.
Cooking with Charlie and Kennion
JAG Initiation Ceremony
JAG is a resiliency-building workforce program that helps students learn in-demand employability skills and provides a bridge to post-secondary education and career advancement opportunities. Currently there are 136 JAG programs available throughout Indiana. JAG students receive adult mentoring while in school and one year of follow-up counseling after graduation.
Indiana’s program consistently graduates approximately 95% of participants and many students choose to continue their education after high school. JAG program is funded through grants provided by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development.
If you are interested in learning more about our JAG program, please contact Kristin Keough.
Walker Career Center Marketing Materials
Walker Career Center
Website: https://wcc.warren.k12.in.us/o/walker-career-center
Phone: 317-532-6150
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MSDWarrenTownship/
Twitter: @WCHS_WCC