Skyrocket Newsletter
Launch Virtual Academy - Quarter 3 Week 1

Weekly Schedule - Don't be late to class! 🤓
We are happy to know that you are continuing your education with us at Launch Virtual Academy. It takes two online processes to complete your registration at our school:
- Online process 1- Complete Sweetwater Union High School District (SUHSD) Online Registration for 2024-25 school year. You can find guidelines HERE.
- Online process 2- Complete Launch Virtual Academy's Learning Agreement for 2024-25 school year.
We would like to encourage you to complete the registration even if you might consider going back to in-person school for next school year.
Dear Launch Academy Student & Parent/Guardians
This is Q4 Week 9! - Final Grades Week - Let's finish strong!
- Tuesday-Friday (1:00pm - 3:40pm) TEACHER OFFICE HOURS. Click HERE to make appointments with your teachers.
This week we are offering extended online tutoring hours:
- Tuesday -Friday (1:00pm - 3:00pm) Click HERE for the live link.
- Monday (5/27) NO Tutoring - School Holiday
- Tuesday (5/28)(9:00am-9:00pm) Click HERE for the live link.
- Wednesday (5/29) (9:00am-7:30pm) Click HERE for the live link.
- Thursday (5/30) (9:00am-9:00pm) Click HERE for the live link.
- Friday (5/31) (9:00am-2:00pm) Click HERE for the live link.
Next week Monday, June 3rd we will host our Promotion and Graduation ceremonies at Montgomery High School's Gymnasium. Students and parents of our promoting and graduating classes will receive specific information through email. Please check your email frequently this week.
We continue with the 2024-25 School Year Registration and Course Selection processes. Regardless of your plans for next school year, complete both processes to secure a spot in our school/district.
Reach out if you have any questions. Remember, your Academic Coach is your advocate and can help you with any questions you might have.
Be curious, be active, and engage in your education,
Dr. Ulloa - Principal
jesus.ulloa-higuera@sweetwaterschools.org [escríbeme en Español]
Launch Virtual Academy
Please feel free to contact the school by using the Wellbeing Support Request Form, if you need to talk with someone about your emotions.
News for this week:
- Tuesday-Friday - Space HUB (Hybrid)
- Online Tutoring "Extended Hours" - Check the Skyrocket Newsletter for dates and times.
Online Tutoring - Extended Hours this Week!
Online Tutoring
- Tuesday -Friday (1:00pm - 3:00pm) Click HERE for the live link.
- Monday (5/27) NO Tutoring - School Holiday
- Tuesday ( 5/28)(9:00am-9:00pm) Click HERE for the live link.
- Wednesday (5/29) (9:00am-7:30pm) Click HERE for the live link.
- Thursday (5/30) (9:00am-9:00pm) Click HERE for the live link.
- Friday (5/31) ( 9:00am-2:00pm) Click HERE for the live link.
Space Hub
- Space HUB support is offered to students every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am to 12:30pm at our school's administrative offices located at 1411 27th Street, San Diego, CA 91154.
- Snack and Lunch are provided.
- Students will attend their online classes and receive in-person support from teachers, tutors and support staff.
- Last Day of Space Hub will be Friday, May 31st.
Fourth Quarter (Q4) Information
- First Day of School for our fourth quarter (Q4) is Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024.
- Progress Report # 1 will be available to parents and students on April 19th.
- Progress Report #2 will be available to parents and students on May 10th.
- End of the Quarter Celebration on June 4th
- Quarter 4 Final Grades will be available to parents and students on June 5th.
- Questions about your Q4 class schedule? Contact your counselor.
End of Q4 Celebration In-Person
Join us on Tuesday, June 4th from 1pm to 3pm at Launch administrative offices located at 1411 27th Street, San Diego, CA 92154.
Quarter 4 & Summer School Calendar
2024 Summer School at Launch Virtual Academy
Dear Launch Academy Students and Families,
Summer School is a great opportunity to finish Incomplete classes or remediate classes previously taken at another school where the student received an F, NCP, I or NM grades. This year, summer school will run from June 10th to June 28, 2024. Students can take up to two classes during summer school.
Please Note: Launch Academy Counselors will assign Launch Summer School classes based on student academic needs and course availability. Please do not attempt to sign up for classes on your own in Infinite Campus.
Register to attend Summer School with Launch Virtual Academy by completing this form.
In addition to credit recovery for core classes, we are offering the following classes for acceleration (to get ahead in your credits):
Integrated Math 8A (for current 7th graders to accelerate to IM 1 in 8th grade)
Integrated Math 1A and 1B (for current 8th graders to accelerate to IM 2 in 9th grade)
PE 1A and 1B (for current 8th graders to earn 9th grade PE credit during the summer)
PE 2A and 2B (for current 9th graders to earn 10th grade PE credit during the summer)
CTE Photography 1A and 1B (for all high school students to earn a full year of CTE or VAPA credit during the summer)
Health (for current 11th grade students)
In order to accelerate in any of the above classes, students must not need to recover any other credits during Summer School. We will also be offering credit recovery for current 7th graders:
English 7A and 7B
Integrated Math 7A and 7B
General Science 1A and 1B
World Cultures 7A and 7B
Please reach out to your counselor for any questions regarding your credits and/or graduation status.
Ms. Araki - Student last names A - L
Ms. Saiki - Student last names M - Z
Thank you,
Launch Academy Summer School Team
2024-2025 Course Selections
Dear Launch Academy Students and Families,
The 2024-2025 Course Selection form is now closed.
If you are planning on returning to Launch Virtual Academy next year and would like to select your classes, please click on the corresponding link below:
- Class of 2025 Course Selections (current 11th graders)
- Class of 2026 Course Selections (current 10th graders)
- Class of 2027 Course Selections (current 9th graders)
- Class of 2028 Course Selections (current 8th graders)
- Class of 2029 Course Selections (current 7th graders)
Make sure to review the Launch Elective Course Descriptions so you can make an informed decision about your elective choices.
Once you have completed your Course Selection form, please email it to your counselor:
Ms. Araki (A-L)
Ms. Saiki (M-Z)
Thank you,
Launch Academy Counseling Department
Access to CANVAS for Parents as "Observers"
Creating your CANVAS Parent Account
Step 1. Get your student you generate a Pairing Code for you. Guidelines HERE.
Step 2. Using a computer's internet browser go to https://suhsdk12.instructure.com/login/canvas
Step 3. Select "Parent of a CANVAS User" and enter your information including your self-selected password and your student Paring Code.
*At this point you already will have access to your student CANVAS classes as "Observer"
Now, let's get the CANVAS Parent Phone App to work
Step 1. Download CANVAS Parent phone App on your phone.
Step 2. Select the bottom option "QR Login". And select that you already have a CANVAS accont.
Step 3. Now, after successfully logging into CANVAS on a computer, go to “Account” > “QR for Mobile Login” and Scan the QR CODE from your phone CANVAS Parent App.
Athletic Participation - Sports Information Center
Sweetwater High School District Athletic Information
Make One-On-One Appointments with Teachers and Counselors
To facilitate the scheduling of an online meeting with you, Launch Academy teachers and counselors use of Calendly.
- Teachers email contact and Calendly links HERE.
- Counseling team email contact and Calendly links HERE.
Let's meet to work together!
C/O 2024 Graduation and Promotion Information
Senior Graduation- CONFIRMED! Launch Virtual Academy graduation date has been set to take place on June 3rd at 6pm at Montgomery High School (3250 Palm Ave, San Diego, CA 92154).
8th Grade Promotion - CONFIRMED! Launch Virtual Academy graduation date has been set to take place on June 3rd at 3pm at Montgomery High School (3250 Palm Ave, San Diego, CA 92154).
Attention Seniors c/o 2024. Please contact MG Portraits and schedule an appointment for your senior and Cap and Gown portraits. Click on the link to schedule an appointment: https://www.mgportraits.com/
Click on the flyer for more information.
Tech Support
Need Help Buying Food For Your Family?
CALFRESH CAN HELP! Click HERE for more information
Launch Virtual Academy ASB News
Class of 2024 Cap and Gown Information
Please click on the link to begin buying your cap & gown and tassel. https://sdgrad.com/School/LaunchVirtualAcademy/1684676-list
Tentatively Launch Virtual Academy graduation date has been set to take place on June 3 at 6pm at Montgomery High School (3250 Palm Ave, San Diego, CA 92154).
Deadline to order Cap and Gown: March15th.
You'll receive your cap and gown package between the months of April and May. Please do not decorate or write anything on your cap and gown. We do not allow decorated cap and gowns at the graduation.
SUHSD Student Work Permit
How to get a Work Permit All SUHSD students must:
1. Have a 2.0 or higher GPA.
2. Attend school regularly.
3. Interviewing or in the
process of being hired.
If you qualify, please follow the steps below.
1. Complete the Work Permit application (SUHSD Form No. B1-1). All highlighted
sections must be completed by the appropriate persons.
2. Return the application to Monica Castro at
Your Work Permit will be issued within 1-2 business days if you meet the all the requirements. After receiving your Work Permit you will be required to take it to your employer.
Work permits will be canceled if a student no longer meets the requirements. Work
Permits must be renewed each year at the start of school, or if employment changes.