Beeson Monthly Bulletin
October 2023
From the Principal:
Dear Families,
Happy Fall! This is by far my favorite season!
This year, October is especially memorable as we will be hosting our first Beeson Family Dance. Please be on the lookout for more information on a very special event.
At this point in the school year procedures and daily activities of your child’s classroom
should be familiar and comfortable to them by this time in the school year. If your child is still experiencing anxiety or any type of concerns, please contact your child’s teacher. You are welcome to also include me on those types of communications. We will be happy to visit with you on the phone or to schedule a meeting to talk together regarding ideas to help your child or the situation. Please don’t ever hesitate to contact us – we want to help.
I would also like to mention our upcoming McDonald’s Teacher Night Thursday, October 5th from 5:00- 8:00 pm. It is a wonderful evening during which our very own Beeson Elementary Staff will be helping out at the North McDonald’s. I hope you and your family are able to stop by the North McDonald’s for some good food, chocolate chip cookies and fun times with your family.
I wish you and yours a beautiful fall season and an October
filled with; a little bit of candy, some good books, warm fires and
lots of memories to treasure.
-Mrs. Teran
Important Events/ Announcements
Beeson Family Dance
Thursday, Oct 26, 2023, 05:00 PM
1700 West Beeson Road, Dodge City, KS, USA
Custodian Appreciation Day
Tuesday, Oct 3, 2023, 07:30 AM
Beeson Elementary School, West Beeson Road, Dodge City, KS, USA
Mc Teacher Night (North Mcdonald's)
Thursday, Oct 5, 2023, 05:00 PM
McDonald's, Central Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
Lunch Menu- October 2023
From the Counselor
Red Ribbon Week
Monday, Oct 23, 2023, 07:30 AM
Beeson Elementary School, West Beeson Road, Dodge City, KS, USA
From the Nurse:
Beeson Elementary
Email: beeson@usd443mail.org
Website: usd443.org/Beeson
Location: 1700 West Beeson Road, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 620-471-2113
Facebook: facebook.com/BeesonElementary
Twitter: BeesonElementary