March 8, 2024 Newsletter
News from the Office
ENROLLMENT FOR NEXT SCHOOL YEAR IS NOW OPEN. Please go to hseschools.org to enroll your child. Incoming Kindergartners need to be 5 years old on or before 8/1/24 to enroll. You will need to provide a birth certificate, immunizations to date, and proof of residence. Only new students need to enroll. If your child currently attends DCE you do not have to enroll every year. If you are planning on a move over the summer, please let the office know.
Kindergarten and new student open house will be on April 11 from 5 to 7 p.m.
Please have your child arrive on time for school. Remember, first bell rings at 7:30 a.m. Students are tardy to class if they are not in their classrooms by 7:40 a.m.
Please use School Dismissal Manager to report how your child goes home. You can also use it to report absences or late arrivals due to appointments. You can also call the Attendance Line at 317-594-4840 to report an absence. If you need help, please call Stacy or Bonnie in office. Just a reminder to let office know reason for absences. If no reason given, student is given an unexcused.
Upcoming Event - Pennies for Pets/Spirit Week 3/25 to 3/29 (sponsored by the Student Leadership club). Start saving your spare change for the Hamilton County Humane Society.
Hello Deer Creek Families:
Our school is participating in a creative fundraiser with Art to Remember that allows you to purchase keepsake products customized with your child’s art. There are over 50 products and many are less than $15. These make great gifts and a percentage of every purchase goes right back to our school's art program.
Your child's custom order form will be coming home this week.
You can also search for your child's unique artwork by following this link and searching for your child.
The deadline to order items is 3/15/24.
Please reach out with any additional questions.
Thank you!
Mrs. Terebinski-DCE Art Teacher
To order a yearbook, go to ybpay.com and enter the Yearbook ID Code: 14537324
Hooray! We are excited to announce that the Spring Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Deer Creek from March 16 to 22nd. On Tuesday, March 19th students will have access to purchase the new Dog Man book! To learn more about the Book Fair OR to volunteer to help with the book fair, please click on this Smore link. https://www.smore.com/3d4vs
Students will bring home printed information and a paper flyer highlighting this fundraiser supporting our Deer Creek Library the week before the fair. We can't wait to see all the great books offered this Spring! Please let Mrs. Sturges (csturges@hse.k12.in.us) know if you have any questions.
DCE Blood Drive
Each year, more than 4 million people need blood transfusions. Your blood brings hope to cancer warriors, sickle cell advocates, premature babies and countless other patients. Give the gift of hope at the blood drive below.
DEER CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Click here to make an appointment!
03/18/24 (01:30 pm - 05:00 pm)
12698 E 156TH ST NOBLESVILLE, IN 46060
March Book of the Month
Book: Punky Aloha
Author: Shar Tuiasoa
Meet Punky Aloha: a girl who uses the power of saying "aloha" to experience exciting and unexpected adventures! Punky loves to do a lot of things—except meeting new friends. She doesn’t feel brave enough. So when her grandmother asks her to go out and grab butter for her famous banana bread, Punky hesitates. But with the help of her grandmother’s magical sunglasses, and with a lot of aloha in her heart, Punky sets off on a BIG adventure for the very first time. Will she be able to get the butter for grandma? Punky Aloha is a Polynesian girl who carries her culture in her heart and in everything she does. Kids will love to follow this fun character all over the island of O’ahu.
YouTube Link to book (for newsletter): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-_dcT4sEa8&t=30s
PTO Newsletter
PTO Upcoming Meetings
Friday, March 8th at 1:30PM at DCE
Tuesday, April 16th at 6:30PM at DCE Cafeteria
Friday, May 10th at 1:30PM at DCE
Movie Night: 2nd, 3rd, 4th Grade
Friday, March 15th after school until 3:45PM at Deer Creek Elementary.
Register here: https://dce-movie-2-4-copy.cheddarup.com
Staff Appreciation: April Showers
As a thanks for showering our students with love and knowledge the Deer Creek PTO is gathering donations of new umbrellas for all 74 staff members to utilize during those spring showers.
Details & Sign Up Here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0E4CAEAD2AA3FD0-47952017-ptostaff
Spring Flower Sale Fundraiser
We have partnered with Hood's Gardens for a Spring Flower Fundraiser Sale. Orders are due by Tuesday, March 26th on Cheddar Up. The flower pick up date is scheduled for Friday, May 3rd 3:30-5:00PM at Deer Creek Elementary.
Order Here: https://spring-2024-flower-sales.cheddarup.com
Deer Creek Stars Donations
We are so grateful for all our Deer Creek Star students and staff members! Our staff members work hard all year to help our students shine. The PTO works throughout the year to recognize all our staff for the amazing job they do by funding teacher grants and providing monthly staff appreciation "treats." Donations to our teacher grants and/or staff appreciation budgets are always welcome. Each and every donation helps us show our support for our amazing Deer Creek staff!
Donate Here: https://dce-stars-donations.cheddarup.com
DCE Staff Favorites
DCE White Shirts
Did you miss the spirit wear order, but still want a shirt for your child or maybe even for yourself! Deer Creek PTO has some white short sleeve and long sleeve youth and adult size shirts for sale. Shirts must be purchased online via Cheddar Up and will be sent home with your student within a week. Your students may have seen our staff sporting these shirts after their tie-dying them! *We are SOLD OUT of Short Sleeve Youth Large*
Order Here: https://deer-creek-elementary.cheddarup.com/
Follow DCE PTO on Facebook
PTO Officers
Co-Presidents: Rachel Dyckman and Holly O'Neal
Co-VP: Jill Zeller and Jessica Knudsen
Co-Treasurers: Matt Fisher and Kim George
Co-Secretary: Beth Betten and Heather Frankford
Members at Large/Chairs of Volunteers and Donations: Nicole Lewis and Wendy Sloan
On Fridays, 2/23, 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, and 3/22/24, the cafeteria will be serving breaded fish nuggets or fish sticks in observance of Lent. These will be in addition to the regular menu.
Monday - Stuffed Cheese Stick w/Marinara
Tuesday - Beef or Vegetarian Nachos
Wednesday - Chicken & Waffles
Thursday - Cheese Ravioli w/Meatballs
Friday - French Toast Sticks w/Sausage
Week 1 Bento Box - Muffin & Yogurt
Week 1 Salad - Crispy Chicken Salad
Monday - Pizza Crunchers w/Marinara
Tuesday - All Beef Hot Dogs
Wednesday - Cheeseburger/Hamburger
Thursday - Orange Chicken w/Rice
Friday - Pancakes w/Sausage
Week 2 Bento Box - Hummus, carrots, pretzels, & goldfish
Week 2 Salad - Chicken BLT Salad
Monday - Mac & Cheese w/Garlic Toast
Tuesday - Corn Dogs
Wednesday - Breaded Chicken Sandwich
Thursday - Pizza
Friday - Chicken Nuggets w/Roll
Week 3 Bento Box - Fiesta Box (tortilla chips, cheese cup, black beans & salsa)
Week 3 Salad - Chef Salad
In addition to above hot choices, daily options include PBJ, Salad, Pizza Pack, Turkey and Cheese Sandwich, Veggie Burger, or Bento Box.
Free Community Event for all Ages!
What: 2024 World Fair
When: Saturday, 3/9/24 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Where: Fishers HS, Door FH19
Work when your kids are in school and be off when they are. Food service is looking for full and part-time employees to work a school year schedule. Positions are available at various schools and includes a free lunch.
Apply @ https://www.applitrack.com/hamiltonse/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Food+Service
Hamilton Southeastern Schools - Frontline Recruitment
Frontline Recruiting and Hiring, Applicant Tracking for Educators. Online Job Employment Applications, Web Based Employment Applications for School Districts and Educational Institutions.