UES Monthly Newsletter
August: Welcome Back
Welcome Letter
Dear Families and Caregivers,
I am very excited, honored, and humbled by the opportunity to serve as your Principal. I hope you had a wonderful summer and got to spend time relaxing and connecting with friends and family. I am excited to introduce myself to you as my learning team prepares to open our doors and welcome your students back this September. Together we will have a wonderful year marked with exceptional learning, personal growth, and a strong sense of belonging here at the Upper Elementary School.
I am joining the UES after having been a teacher, a coach, an assistant principal, and a supervisor of English Language Arts. In addition to being an educator, I am a wife and mom. Recently, I graduated with a doctorate in Educational Leadership from Monmouth University. I love learning and growing and I hope to instill the love of learning in our students. Both of my parents were educators and I grew up valuing education and believing in supporting students in their learning journeys. My parents often engaged in wonderful conversations at the dinner table, collaborating on how to best support students. Their unwavering faith that all students have the potential to learn and that teaching children was the best profession in the world has deeply influenced my educational philosophy: "Every child, Everyday, Whatever it Takes."
Our administration team also saw the addition of Mr. Gavin Quinn who will serve as our Grade 6 Assistant Principal. Mr. Quinn brings over 20 years of experience in education as a science teacher and most recently serving as Moorestown’s district science curriculum supervisor for the past 9 years. You may have worked with him at the annual science fair or saw him helping support K-5 teachers in their science lessons. He is excited to connect with teachers and students and further the mission and goals of the UES: “Development of the Whole Child” via a focus on the emotional, moral, social, physical, and intellectual growth of each student.
Mr. Michael D’Ascenzo will be returning to the UES for his 34th year in education with a dedicated focus on the Moorestown Community since 1993. His career began at William Allen Middle School where he was an integral part of the Student Assistance Team, implementing tiered interventions and programs to meet the diverse needs for students and teachers. Since 2008, he has been the Assistant Principal at the UES where he has honed his skills as a visionary and instructional leader. During his time at the UES, Mr. D’Ascenzo was assigned the role as the district's Anti-Bullying Coordinator for a period of ten years supporting the district’s initiative to provide students with a safe and supportive school environment. Mr. D’Ascenzo’s is driven by a passion for creating opportunities where every student can thrive and strive for personal and academic excellence each and every day.
During the last two months, I have had the opportunity to connect with our Home and School Association, our staff, administrative colleagues, families and students. These conversations have brought me insights into the core values and beliefs of the Moorestown Township Public Schools. It is my goal to continue the excellent work of fostering excellence, equity, engagement and partnership here at the Upper Elementary School, while also exploring ways to support all our learners. I am excited to continue the tradition of having a Read it Forward book and I can’t wait to see the concerts and spring musical. I am looking forward to celebrating all the wonderful events that make UES special with all of you.
Throughout the year, we will be meeting with parents, students, and staff to identify goals in the areas of student achievement, school climate, and family partnership. Our first meet-and-greet was in August and the next event will take place in October with more information to follow soon.
Our first day of school is September 4, 2024. School will start promptly at 8:00 so please bring your child to school around 7:50am. If your child is a bus rider you can check genesis for their bus information. End of the day pick up is 3:00pm.
Our dedicated staff is diligently preparing for your students, and together, we are going to have an Undeniably Excellent School year!
The UES Adminstative Team
Important Events for September
- September 4th - First Day of School
- September 6th - Spirit Day wear your Black and Yellow
- September 11th - Patriot Day- Wear red, white and blue
- Back to School Nights
- September 10th 6th Grade 6:30 pm- 8:00pm
- September 11th 4th & 5th Grade 6:30-8:00pm
- September 13th Home and School Meeting at 9:30 am in the Cafeteria
- UES MAP Testing All Students
- September 26th
- September 27th
- Picture Day
- September 30th
- October 1st
- School Closed for Rosh Hashanah
First Day of School Success Tips
- It is strongly suggested that you print a copy of your child's schedule for them to bringon the first day of school.
- Please make sure your child knows the name of their homeroom teacher!
- When students arrive at the UES, they should report to their homeroom and line up in the hallway as directed by staff.
- The UES school day starts at 8:00 a.m.! Please make sure your child is here on time!
- Grade 5 and 6Families and Caregivers - please have your child find their UES-issued laptop bag to bring to school on September 4th!
- Please have your child check their student email before Thursday, September 4th, for any important information sent out by teachers. Your child's student email address is made of the MHS graduation year, last name, first initial, and @mtps.us. (Example -
- 27LastF@mtps.us)
- Please check Genesis transportation information for possible changes/updates on bus schedules.
- There will be plenty of adults on hand to welcome and help our Undeniably Excellent Students as they start their first day back on Wednesday!
School Counselors
Grade 4 – Mrs. Joanna Weick (JWeick@mtps.com)
Grade 5 - Mrs. Kim Potter (KPotter@mtps.com)
Grade 6 – Miss Amanda Doto (ADoto@mtps.com)
UES Bus Information
- PLEASE check Genesis for your child's bus information. It may have been updated since last week.
- Students should be at the bus stop in the morning 10 minutes prior to the assigned time.
- Buses will run late the first few days of school. Please be patient in both AM and PM untilall students and drivers are familiar with the bus runs.
- Students will be assigned seats on the bus.
- All UES students will be assigned a bus number that reads UES-#. (i.e. UES-22)
- Bus numbers will be located on a sign in the bus window and may not coordinate with the number printed on the bus. Please remind your child to look for the sign in the window.
- Bus numbers may change up until the first day of school. Please be sure to check yourchild's bus assignment in Genesis.
- If you have questions regarding your child's bus assignment, bus stop, or bus schedule, please contact the Transportation Department (856-778-6610 ext. 12271).
Student Drop-Off & Pick - Up
We recognize that some families will transport students by car.
Please note the following:
AM Drop Off:
- Morning drop-off is at the BACK of the building. Students may not be on our UES campus prior to 7:50 AM.
- School starts promptly at 8:00 AM! Students are expected to be in homeroom by 8:00 AM.
- Students who are dropped off in the BACK will enter through the cafeteria doors andreport to their respective homeroom.
- After 8:00 AM students must be dropped off at the FRONT and must sign in with our
- Attendance Secretary in the Health Office.
PM Pick Up:
- Afternoon pick-up is at the BACK of the building at 3:00 PM. For the safety of our students and staff, cars may not be on campus prior to 2:50 PM.
- All Cars at Drop Off and Pick Up must enter the BACK entrance off of Salem Crossing Road. Cars are not permitted to line up on Salem Crossing or Borton Landing Road prior to 2:50 PM.
- Cars may be directed to park in the parking lot upon arrival to accommodate large numbers of cars.
- To help us with a safe arrival and dismissal, please be courteous, cautious, and follow all directions of traffic duty personnel.
Lunch Program
Lunch for purchase is back! For more information about our school lunch program, please click on the link below:
MTPS Lunch Program Information
Students who wish to purchase lunch or snacks from the cafeteria will need to know
their 4-digit lunch pin. This pin can be found in the Genesis Parent and Student Portals.
UES Student Chromebook
- All UES students who picked up their Chromebook early should bring it to school charged and in the school-issued laptop bag.
- Students who did not do early Chromebook pick-up will receive their Chromebooks this week in Homeroom.
- All students must use the school-issued laptop bag to transport their Chromebook.
- Chromebooks must be charged and ready for school each day.
MTPS Technical Support
Students and parents may contact the MTPS tech team if experiencing a technical
problem at home with the MTPS computer or with the online systems that MTPS
supports. If you get a busy signal or voicemail, we recommend calling back later or
using the email address if possible. Emails may be sent to the email address below
anytime, and a tech team member will respond as soon as soon as possible.
UES Tech support: uessupport@mtps.com 856-793-0333 x 14250